Qin Yuchuan sat in his chair, deciding to wait a little longer.

Taking advantage of this time, he also looked at some new features on his phone.

Originally, this phone only had WeChat and a user guide, but now it had additional apps like Camera, Photo Gallery, Browser, and a Mysterious Store.

Qin Yuchuan casually browsed through them when he suddenly thought of the Mysterious Store on Feng Qingyi's phone.

Perhaps the Mysterious Store on his phone was the same as hers, so he tapped on it.

Upon opening the Mysterious Store, he found only one item inside, called the Space-Time Teleportation Array.

Qin Yuchuan clicked on the detailed description of this item and became quite excited.

With this thing, meeting her would be a piece of cake.

The Space-Time Teleportation Array could transport across time and space, with unlimited uses.

However, it also had certain limitations, such as being usable only once every three days, and the time spent in another world could not exceed three hours.

But it specifically mentioned that the functions of the Time Teleportation Array would improve as its level increased.

Although Qin Yuchuan was very eager to buy this Space-Time Teleportation Array, its price was exorbitant.

It required 20,000 points to purchase, while his current balance was 5,720.

How these 5,720 points came about and how to acquire more points, Qin Yuchuan wasn't quite sure, but he guessed it must have something to do with Feng Qingyi.

There was still a long way to go, but now he had a goal to strive for. Seeing her again was just a matter of time.

However, it seemed to have reached her usual bedtime, yet she hadn't replied to his message.

In the art studio on the third floor of the villa, Feng Qingyi was engrossed in painting.

She was working on the painting she intended to give to Qin Yuchuan. Although unsure if she'd ever have the chance to present it, she decided to finish it anyway.

She wondered what he had been up to during this time.

After painting for half a month, the work was finally complete. Feng Qingyi looked out the window; the night had deepened, with only the street lamps below emitting a faint glow.

She usually didn't stay up late, typically going to bed promptly at ten.

But lately, she'd been somewhat restless and had been sleeping later.

After tidying up the paints and easel in the studio, Feng Qingyi returned to her bedroom.

Picking up the phone from her bedside table, she saw the message from Qin Yuchuan.

Did a phone update really take this long? He wouldn't be deceiving her, would he?

[Qingyi: I'm doing fine.]

Qin Yuchuan glanced at the time on his phone. "Does painting require you to paint until eleven o'clock?"

Feng Qingyi explained, "That painting was almost finished, so I painted a bit longer."

"Then I lost track of time, and it became eleven o'clock. And you called me at this hour..."

Qin Yuchuan smiled. "So, it's my fault?"

"Of course it is, it's all your fault." Feng Qingyi seized the opportunity.

"Okay, it's my fault. But now, you should go to bed."

He wondered if she had been neglecting proper sleep all this time.

Feng Qingyi pouted. "I know, goodnight. Remember to wake me up on time tomorrow morning."

"Alright, goodnight!"

After knowing that Qin Yuchuan was fine, Feng Qingyi completely relaxed. She took a shower and then went to bed with peace of mind.

Qin Yuchuan, on the other hand, looked at his phone's balance. It was 5,720 just now, but now it had become 5,830. It seemed that his method of acquiring points was the same as hers.

However, he was still 14,170 points away from the 20,000 needed. Calculating at a rate of 160 points per day, it would take nearly three months.

This timeframe seemed too long. He wondered if there were any other ways to earn points.

He hoped to see her on her birthday.

After reconnecting with Qin Yuchuan, Feng Qingyi's life returned to how it was before.

However, Feng Qingyi recently noticed that Qin Yuchuan's attitude towards her had changed significantly.

He inquired about her well-being daily, reminding her to eat well and sleep well, to the point of being overly fussy.

If she couldn't see him and hear his voice through video calls every day, she would have thought he had been replaced.

Finally, Feng Qingyi couldn't hold back anymore and decided to ask him directly.

[Qingyi: Have you been very idle lately?]

[Yuchuan: What's the matter?]

[Qingyi: I feel like you've been acting a bit strange recently. You've become somewhat... excessively nagging.]

[Yuchuan: ...]

Nagging? Isn't that what all the books say to do? Could it be that it doesn't work on her?

[Yuchuan: Have I?]

[Qingyi: Yes! I can take care of myself just fine.]

[Qingyi: You don't need to fuss over me every day. I'm a grown woman, not a child. Don't you think I know to dress warmly when it's cold and to eat properly?]