When Feng Qingyi woke up, it was already noon. Although she felt a bit clearer, she still had a slight headache.

She remembered the midterm exam the next day and felt a bit anxious, hoping she could recover by the next morning!

The midterm exams at Jing University were as important as the final exams. The school placed great emphasis on grades, and various scholarships were tied to academic performance.

She did not want external factors to affect her performance.

"You're awake. Feeling better?"

Feng Qingyi heard the voice and picked up her phone. "Why didn't you hang up?"

"I was worried about you. How are you feeling now?" Qin Yuchuan asked.

Feng Qingyi: "I'm much better now."

"That's good. I made you some porridge. Have it while it's hot."

After saying that, Feng Qingyi received the hot porridge Qin Yuchuan sent over.

Feng Qingyi got up and sat on a chair, slowly stirring the porridge with a spoon.

"Qin Yuchuan, did you make this yourself?"


"Qin Yuchuan, thank you!"

Feng Qingyi felt it was truly fortunate to have met Qin Yuchuan.

He was so knowledgeable and patient with her, caring for her life like an old father.

If things could continue like this, it seemed quite nice.

"I also prepared some pastries for you later. Are you sure you don't need to see a doctor?" Qin Yuchuan still felt uneasy.

Feng Qingyi said solemnly: "Really, there's no need. I'm almost fully recovered now. I should be back to normal tomorrow."

Qin Yuchuan then asked: "How are your preparations for the exam tomorrow?"

"Pretty good." If she performs normally, there shouldn't be a problem.

Qin Yuchuan: "That's good then. Finish your porridge and rest a bit more. Don't worry about dinner tonight, I'll make it for you."

"Actually, I can just order takeout. No need to trouble you."

She felt that after some time, General Qin Yuchuan might become a master chef.

"You're sick and need to eat light foods."

Feng Qingyi said gratefully: "Thank you then. It seems like ever since we met, you've been helping me solve all sorts of problems."

However, because of what Qin Yuchuan said, her mind was in a mess.

Although dizzy, she couldn't fall asleep, just lying there with her eyes closed, lost in thought.

Qin Yuchuan stared at the hung up phone, feeling puzzled.

Her tone hadn't been very good earlier, as if she was angry.

But he didn't think he had said anything wrong. Maybe she was feeling unwell?

Qin Yuchuan initially wanted to call again to ask, but then decided to let her rest properly. He would contact her again during dinner time.

However, when Qin Yuchuan sent dinner over that evening, all he received from Feng Qingyi was a polite but distant "thank you."

Qin Yuchuan sensed something was off and made a video call.

"Qingyi, how are you feeling now? Any discomfort?"

Feng Qingyi looked at the man of great charisma on the screen and slowly responded.

"I slept in the afternoon and feel refreshed now. I'm fine."

"Thank you for the meal, but no need to trouble yourself again in the future."

Qin Yuchuan's expression turned cold. "Oh? Why the sudden change? Are you trying to distance yourself from me?"

"I feel that since you like someone now, you should maintain a distance from me."

Feng Qingyi felt they had gotten quite familiar over this period, so she didn't need to beat around the bush.

Hearing Feng Qingyi's words, Qin Yuchuan didn't know how to explain for a moment. The person he liked was her.

He was afraid of scaring her, and moreover, he felt this was something that should be said in person.

"Qingyi, don't overthink it. Even if I did like someone..."

"I think we can still interact like before, can't we?"

Feng Qingyi felt that at this moment, Qin Yuchuan completely overturned her perception of him. He was clearly a scumbag.

In any case, she couldn't accept her boyfriend chatting so intimately with a female friend every day even after getting together with her.

"I don't think we should. I think we should limit our unnecessary contact from now on."

"After you and she get together, let's stop contacting each other. I don't want to ruin your relationship."

"Since you like her, I think you should give her enough sense of security..."

Qin Yuchuan quietly listened to Feng Qingyi rambling on without interrupting her.

If he didn't clarify things with her today, she probably wouldn't talk to him for a while after this, testing the waters of loneliness.