He didn't even dare to lift his head and look into Lou Xi's eyes, fearing that the outcome might not be what he wanted.

"You don't dare to look at me. Do you think I'll reject you?"

Feng Qingci slowly raised his head, gazing at the girl he loved, speechless for a long moment.

When did he start liking her? It seemed to be that fleeting glance on the first day of school.

He never believed in love at first sight, but until he met her, he didn't know that anything was possible.

Later, he quietly followed all news about her, because she was Qingyi's classmate and roommate.

Through her connection, he formally got to know Lou Xi.Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at novelhall.com

In the time that followed, he had tried to confess his feelings to her but was rejected.

Friends around him said that with his conditions, he could find any girlfriend he wanted. They asked why he was still pursuing someone who had rejected him, wasn't that just being desperate?

But he always felt that since she didn't have a boyfriend now, he still had a chance.

Perhaps she just didn't want a boyfriend at the moment, which was why she rejected him, not because it was him specifically.

He continued to quietly pay attention to her, as before, and would also create some well-timed "accidental" encounters.

The day she said she was willing to give it a try and get to know him, he thought he must be dreaming.

During this time, they interacted as friends, and he began to understand more facets of her personality.

The more he learned, the more he liked her. He was eager to develop their relationship further.

Lou Xi stood up. "What will you do if I don't agree?"

Feng Qingci answered very solemnly, "I'm confessing to you just to let you know that my feelings haven't changed."

"You don't need to feel pressured. If you can accept me, of course, that would be something to be happy about."

"If you refuse, I'll accept it gracefully, but I don't want to give up."

Lou Xi had been confessed to many times, but this was the first time it stirred something in her heart.

Perhaps this short time wasn't enough for her to fully understand him.

She hadn't completely fallen for him either, but at this moment, she didn't want to refuse.

After all, they still had a long time ahead to get to know each other. This was just the beginning.

"Then, as you wish!"

After Lou Xi's words, Feng Qingci excitedly hugged her.

"Xi Xi, thank you for giving me this chance."

Lou Xi wasn't used to such intimate contact, but considering that the person in front of her was now her boyfriend, she didn't push him away.


In the villa, Feng Qingyi was playing with her phone when she suddenly received messages from Feng Qingci, and not just one.

Feng Qingyi didn't even need to open them to know that he must have succeeded; otherwise, he wouldn't be in the mood to message her.

[Feng Qingci: I'm a man with a girlfriend now!]

[Feng Qingci: You single dog wouldn't understand this feeling.]

[Feng Qingci: After Christmas comes New Year's, then Spring Festival, and Valentine's Day. You'll be spending them all alone!]

[Qingyi: Don't forget that I paid for setting up the scene today. I haven't even asked you for the money back, and you're being so arrogant!]

This guy is so annoying, she really wanted to punch him to vent her anger!

[Feng Qingci: Money, money, money. That's all you care about. You have money, but you're still a single dog.]

[Qingyi: Get lost!!!]

Feng Qingyi decisively blocked Feng Qingci and decided to vent to Qin Yuchuan about this.

[Qingyi: My brother successfully confessed to the girl he likes. He used my money and then mocked me!]

[Yuchuan: How did he mock you?]

[Qingyi: How else? He called me a single dog!]

[Yuchuan: What kind of dog is a single dog?]

[Qingyi: ...]

[Qingyi: You're calling me a dog too!!]

[Yuchuan: When did I say such a thing?]

[Qingyi: Look at what you wrote above.]

[Yuchuan: You were the one who mentioned it first. I was merely asking a question. How could it be that I insulted you?]

[Qingyi: A single dog isn't actually a dog. It just means someone who's single and doesn't have a partner. You're a single dog too.]

Qin Yuchuan didn't quite understand why people would compare themselves to dogs, but he understood Feng Qingyi's meaning.

[Qingyi: Tell me, you're already 25 years old. Why haven't you taken a wife and had children yet? Shouldn't you have started a family before establishing your career, as was customary in ancient times?]

[Qin Yuchuan: I've been raised in military camps since childhood, leaving no time for other matters.]

Of course, there was a more important reason: I hadn't met you yet.

[Qingyi: Alright then! Tonight is Christmas Eve. Here's a box of lollipops for you to share with your family.]

[Qin Yuchuan: Christmas Eve?]

[Qingyi: It's a foreign holiday. Don't worry about it.]