As her birthday approached, Feng Qingyi received gifts from some friends.

Since they weren't in the same city, the gifts could only be mailed, and she made several trips to collect the deliveries.

Early on January 1st, Feng Qingyi received her usual call from Qin Yuchuan.

"Qingyi, happy birthday!"

The bedroom was still dark, and Feng Qingyi turned on the light. "Thank you!"

"It's your birthday, you should take the day off."

Feng Qingyi replied with a smile, "I was thinking the same thing. Happy New Year to you too!"

Although Qin Yuchuan's country also celebrated New Year's Day, it wasn't on the same date.

Nevertheless, he accepted Feng Qingyi's wishes, "Happy New Year."

"Can you give me a little hint about what gift you've prepared for me?"

Feng Qingyi was curious about Qin Yuchuan's gift, but whenever she asked, he remained tight-lipped.

"Come home early tonight, I'll be waiting for you."

Seeing that she couldn't get anything out of him, Feng Qingyi gave up, reasoning that she'd find out in the evening anyway.

"Alright then, I suppose it's the same whether I see it tonight or not."

"Mm, see you tonight!"

After hanging up, Feng Qingyi saw a flood of birthday wishes on her phone.

After replying to all the messages, Feng Qingyi finally got up to wash and dress.

Having made plans with her roommates earlier, she took her time, applied some makeup, and then went to the kitchen to cook herself a bowl of noodles.

She had the morning to herself, so Feng Qingyi spent it leisurely painting in her studio.

She only left unhurriedly when it was almost time for her appointment.

They had booked a Chinese restaurant, and when she arrived, Shen Hanyue, Qu Jingqiu, and Lou Xi were already waiting for her.

"Qingyi, happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday, come on in quickly."

Feng Qingyi walked in with a smile, "I'm so happy to spend my second birthday with you all."

Shen Hanyue handed Feng Qingyi an enormous box, "This is your birthday gift. It's not worth much, so don't look down on it."

"Thank you!" Feng Qingyi took the box and paused for a moment, wondering if it might be a dumbbell, given how heavy it was!

Qu Jingqiu and Lou Xi also gave their gifts to Feng Qingyi. After accepting them, she said, "Thank you all. Shall we eat?"

"Don't forget the important part—put the candles on and make a wish!" Qu Jingqiu brought out the colorful candles.

After understanding the instructions and precautions, Qin Yuchuan packed the prepared items into a wooden box.

He wondered if she had returned home yet, hoping everything would go smoothly tonight.

After shopping with her friends all afternoon, Feng Qingyi returned home around four o'clock.

She took out her phone and saw a message from Qin Yuchuan sent at three.

[Yuchuan: Are you home yet?]

[Qingyi: Just got back.]

[Yuchuan: Good.]

Feng Qingyi had expected Qin Yuchuan to initiate a video call, but after waiting for a while, there was no response.

Was he just checking in earlier?

He had said "tonight" before, and it was only afternoon now, so there was no rush.

Feng Qingyi didn't think too much about it and returned to her bedroom.

Meanwhile, Qin Yuchuan was in the kitchen, urging the cooks to prepare the meals.

It was her birthday, so the food should be ready, including some of her favorite snacks.

The cooks hurriedly prepared the dishes and packed them into food boxes. Only then did Qin Yuchuan take them and leave.

"Who do you think the General is preparing this meal for?" one cook asked.

"Who knows? These days, the General has been asking us to prepare an extra dinner every day. Could it be he's hiding a mistress?"

"We shouldn't say such things. When have you ever seen the General get close to any woman?"

"That's right. Rumor has it that the General doesn't like women!"

"...Doesn't like women? You mean...?"

"Lower your voices, all of you! Don't let anyone overhear!"


Qin Yuchuan returned to his study with the food boxes and manipulated the space-time transfer array using his phone.

In a moment, both the food boxes and Qin Yuchuan himself vanished from the study.

In her bedroom, Feng Qingyi also received a gift from Qin Yuchuan—a large wooden box.

Feng Qingyi curiously opened the box to find a pink long dress embroidered all over with begonia flowers.

She remembered mentioning only once that she loved begonias, and was surprised that he had actually remembered.

Feng Qingyi's hand gently brushed against the flower petals on the hem of the dress, which seemed to have been embroidered petal by petal.

The embroidery was exquisite, without a single flaw to be found.