"I have no plans to get married at the moment," Feng Qingyi said.

Being with him was a all-or-nothing choice, and she hadn't even had time to consider the future or figure out how to explain it to those around her.

Moreover, she felt that what she had for him now could be called "like" at best, but liking and loving were different things.

Xuanyuan Yan couldn't understand what these two were thinking. If they were in love, shouldn't they set a date for marriage soon?

Neither of them was considering marriage; could it be that they were just playing around?

But Qin Yuchuan wasn't the type to be so careless. The way he looked at the girl before him was extremely tender.

In any case, it was their business. There was no use in him thinking too much about it.

The waiter brought out the food, and the table was filled to the brim. Each dish looked like a work of art.

"Is it just the three of us?" There was too much food for just the three of them to finish. Maybe they should call Yan Chi and Yan Yang in to join them.

Qin Yuchuan said, "Those two should be eating by now. You don't need to worry about them."

Qin Yuchuan was a bit displeased that Feng Qingyi kept thinking about Yan Chi and Yan Yang, so he decided to send them back in the afternoon.

"Miss Feng, please don't stand on ceremony."

Feng Qingyi watched as Ming Jiu helped Xuanyuan Yan with his food, and she scrutinized his eyes.

"I apologize if I've made Miss Feng uncomfortable. I have an eye condition and cannot see," Xuanyuan Yan explained, sensing the gaze upon him.

Feng Qingyi recalled seeing him on the street earlier, his eyes lifeless and gaze empty. So this was the reason.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"There's no need for Miss Feng to apologize. I'm used to it."

Xuanyuan Yan observed Feng Qingyi out of the corner of his eye. She remained calm, showing neither disgust nor shock. It was as if it wasn't a big deal to her at all.

He had indeed been blind before. Although he was cured now, someone wanted him to continue pretending to be blind, so he was temporarily obliging their wish.

All these years, it wasn't that he didn't want to leave his residence. It was just that facing the complex gazes of others made him uncomfortable.

And then there was that woman who had once sworn eternal love to him, only to reveal her true, hypocritical face in an instant, saying she couldn't marry a blind man.

In a moment, everything he once had vanished, and he could do nothing about it.

But that was all in the past. Who knows what the future might bring?

Although the woman before him was indeed attractive, she didn't curtsy to him and even hid behind Qin Yuchuan. This was hardly the demeanor befitting a general's wife.

Shangguan Yi, who frequented brothels and taverns, had seen all sorts of beautiful women. Therefore, he was not particularly impressed with the girl Qin Yuchuan had chosen.

"Yuchuan, you need to be careful with such important life decisions. I have a cousin who's of marriageable age. You two would be a good match. I'll bring her to your residence tomorrow to pay a visit."

Feng Qingyi wasn't a fool. The implication was clear: she wasn't good enough for Qin Yuchuan.

And to say such things in front of so many people showed he had no intention of giving her face.

"Shangguan Yi, take your pack of good-for-nothing friends and disappear from here before I make you," Qin Yuchuan growled.

Seeing Qin Yuchuan's anger, Shangguan Yi said, "Yuchuan, we've been friends for so many years. Are you really going to turn against me for a woman?"

"Yan Chi, Yan Yang, I leave this to you," Qin Yuchuan called out.

Feng Qingyi was led away from the scene by Qin Yuchuan.

She tugged at his wide sleeve. "You're angry."

"Qingyi, don't listen to his nonsense."

He had put so much effort into winning her over; how could he let her slip away because of a friend he hadn't been close to for years?

"Qin Yuchuan, I'm not money that everyone has to like. If he dislikes me, so be it. I don't lose anything. You don't need to fall out with him because of me."

Qin Yuchuan looked at Feng Qingyi for a long time. "He's not an important person. We were just close when we were young. It's been many years, and we're not the same people we used to be."

"Don't feel guilty about this. If we really fall out, it won't be because of you."

"I know you still want to go shopping. Let me take you."

The afternoon sunlight was warm and gentle as Feng Qingyi and Qin Yuchuan walked hand in hand along the flower-lined street.

Feng Qingyi was occasionally drawn to the small trinkets being sold by the roadside vendors.

Masks in various colors, tigers and rabbits carved from wood.

All sorts of ink paintings, and fragrant pastries - these all delighted Feng Qingyi.

At that moment, a highly skilled sugar painter was creating a sugar painting for her, and Feng Qingyi watched intently.

"Qin Yuchuan, the master is so talented. Can I ask him to make one of you too?"
