"She is the daughter of my father's deputy general, raised in Ying City. Due to her mother's passing, she was entrusted to me. She dislikes meeting strangers, so don't disturb her."

Na Muqi believed Qin Yuchuan's explanation.

He indeed knew that Qin Xu had a deputy general who died on the battlefield years ago, leaving behind a widow and an orphan.

He presumed that the girl Shangguan Yi saw today must be General Mu's daughter.

They understood her reluctance to meet unfamiliar men.

"If the General took her out shopping, he must have feelings for the young lady."

Now that he knew her identity, Na Muqi thought that if Qin Yuchuan was merely helping her, he wouldn't parade her through the streets given his personality.

Qin Yuchuan disliked crowds, preferring to stay in his study rather than visit the market.

The only explanation Na Muqi could think of was matters of the heart.

Chu Sixing and Xu Liyan were also quite interested in Qin Yuchuan's romantic affairs.

"Indeed, that is my intention."

She was from another world, so he didn't need to worry about anyone harming her out of jealousy for his affection.

This was precisely why he dared to openly declare his claim on her.

"If that's the case, start preparing early. If you need anything, just say the word."

"Let me calculate the dates and see if there are any auspicious days coming up?"

After all these years, he had finally found a girl he liked. It wasn't easy.

Qin Yuchuan quickly stopped him, "Na Muqi, even if we were to marry, it would have to wait until we return victorious from battle."

Na Muqi seemed to realize something, "That makes sense. It's indeed not suitable to hold a wedding now."

Although Xu Liyan and Chu Sixing hadn't seen the girl, they didn't intend to return home immediately.

"Shangguan has always been a bit of a playboy. Yuchuan, don't take offense at his words."

Hearing Xu Liyan's attempt at reconciliation, Qin Yuchuan said, "Who I choose to be with is none of his business. Please convey that to him."

Even as friends, there should be boundaries.

What Shangguan said today might not have bothered Qingyi, but it bothered him.

Xu Liyan agreed, "I'll tell him. We won't intrude any further today and will take our leave now."

After walking a few steps, Chu Sixing asked, "Liyan, why doesn't Yuchuan want us to meet her?"Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

"I don't believe she's unwilling to meet strangers. She went out shopping today, didn't she? Hasn't she met plenty of strangers?"

Qin Yuchuan replied, "In response to Her Majesty the Empress, she has been frail since childhood. Although she has improved somewhat, she still needs rest and recuperation."

"What a pity!" He's hiding her so tightly, he must want to protect her!

"Yuchuan, it's just bringing her out to meet people. Since the Empress wants to see her, bring her to the Winter Banquet," Xuanyuan Sheng decided. He was also curious about the appearance of the woman who had caught Qin Yuchuan's eye.

Qin Yuchuan's face turned cold at this. "If there are no other matters, this subject requests to take his leave."

If not for Shangguan Yi's incident at the entrance of Jin Zun Tower that day, none of this would have happened.

He didn't want her to be exposed to the filth hidden beneath Shengjing's splendor, nor did he wish to drag her into the storms of this city.

She didn't belong here; her world should be one of sunshine and freedom.

Shengjing was too harsh on women. If she was interested in this place, he was willing to take her sightseeing.

But he never intended for her to give up everything she had to come to this world.

If he could make excuses to avoid the Winter Banquet, he would. If not, he would ask for her opinion.

She had mentioned being interested in the palace architecture before. If she was willing, it wouldn't hurt to bring her out to see it.

Fortunately, he could control how long she stayed in this time space. If they encountered danger, he could send her back immediately.

At Jing University, classes officially ended a week before the final exams.

During the last week, apart from preparing for finals, students were free to arrange their time as they wished.

Feng Qingyi and her roommates were sitting in their dorm room, enjoying the air conditioning.

Shen Hanyue, while playing a game, said, "It's so nice to have classes over. Not having to get up early for lectures is fantastic!"

Qu Jingqiu tidied up her desk a bit. "It's nice, but if we fail the finals, we're in trouble!"

Shen Hanyue replied, "Failing is unlikely, but I'm not counting on any scholarships."

"Xi Xi, why have you been getting so many deliveries lately?"

Feng Qingyi curiously looked at the numerous delivery boxes piled up under Lou Xi's desk.

Most of them were unopened. With the holiday approaching, how come she suddenly became interested in online shopping?

Lou Xi: "I didn't buy them. Your brother sent them."

"He has money?" She remembered the last time he confessed, he said he had no money left. Could it be that they gave him money again?

Lou Xi calmly said, "I gave him my card."

"...You're really generous!"

At this point, she was almost too exhausted to make any sarcastic remarks.