Feng Qingci felt he was truly the best brother of the century, worrying himself sick over his sister.

Unfortunately, she didn't appreciate it. It seemed he would need to have their parents step in to persuade her.

The steaming hot pot dispelled the cold, and everyone except Feng Qingci was eating happily.

Feng Qingci had originally come for a date with Lou Xi, but now his attention was completely drawn to Qin Yuchuan.

Feng Qingci's seat was in the same row as Qin Yuchuan's, requiring him to turn his head slightly to look at him.

Qin Yuchuan seemed oblivious to the intense gaze from his left, eating his food methodically, his movements as graceful as ever.

Feng Qingyi glanced at Qin Yuchuan, then looked at Feng Qingci with some disdain, feeling it had a bit of a prince and beggar vibe.

"Feng Qingci, you keep staring at Qin Yuchuan. Are you trying to learn from him?"

Feng Qingci quickly sat up straight, "Me, learn from him? Impossible. 'Don't speak while eating, don't talk while resting.' Can't you be quiet?"

Feng Qingyi ignored him and turned to Qin Yuchuan across the table, "Do you want to try something spicy?"

"Alright," Qin Yuchuan picked up a vegetable leaf and ate it.

Feng Qingyi watched him intently, "How is it?"

"It tastes good."

After eating a piece of vegetable, Qin Yuchuan started on the spicy pot.

It was only then that Feng Qingyi realized he could handle spicy food.

After finishing the hot pot, Feng Qingyi prepared to leave with Qin Yuchuan.Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

Feng Qingci quickly put down his chopsticks and followed, pulling Lou Xi along.

Seeing this, Feng Qingyi said, "Feng Qingci, why are you following us?"

Feng Qingci replied, "Aren't you two going on a date? Xi Xi and I are too, so let's make it a group outing!"

This was the first time she had seen someone suggest a group date!

"I'm sorry, but we don't really want to go with you."

Feng Qingci completely ignored Feng Qingyi's refusal and instead turned to Qin Yuchuan.

"There's an arcade over there. Why don't we go and compete?"

Qin Yuchuan looked at where he was pointing, "An arcade?"

"Don't tell me you're scared!"

This simple provocation had no effect on Qin Yuchuan.

However, considering that the person in front of him was Qingyi's brother, he thought it might be worth checking out.

"Very well, let's go then."

"Let's go, stop watching," Lou Xi pulled Feng Qingyi to two claw machines.

Feng Qingyi looked at the little pandas inside the claw machine and immediately became interested.

She took some tokens from the small basket Lou Xi was holding and started trying to grab a little panda.

However, the items in these claw machines aren't something just anyone can grab easily.

Feng Qingyi and Lou Xi used nearly half of the tokens without catching anything.

In the end, they had to give up. The money spent would have been enough to buy a pile of stuffed toys; it was completely uneconomical.

"The gripping force of these three claws must vary. It's stronger at the moment of grabbing, but becomes weaker during the transport process."

"It's understandable that we can grab them but can't carry them to the exit."

Feng Qingyi found an excuse for their failure, then pulled Lou Xi to find the other two.

However, there was no one at the basketball machines anymore. Feng Qingyi looked around.

Thanks to Qin Yuchuan's long hair, she quickly found him.

As she walked over with Lou Xi, it seemed Qin Yuchuan and Feng Qingci were in some kind of dispute with an uncle.

"Uncle, what's happened?" Feng Qingyi asked.

Uncle: "Are you all together? These two came to play this racing simulator and twisted off the steering wheel!"

"This is a newly bought machine. You two really know how to play! I'll go get you the invoice, you'll have to pay for the damages."

Feng Qingyi looked at the two damaged machines, feeling speechless.

So many people had played without breaking anything, how did these two manage to break them?

The uncle brought the invoice, and when Feng Qingyi saw the price, she felt exhausted.

One machine cost 120,000, two machines 240,000. This was going to be the death of her!

"Give me an account number, I'll transfer the money to you." She couldn't deny responsibility.

Lou Xi also took out her phone, "I'll pay for his."

"No need, I'll handle it!"

Feng Qingyi felt that this wasn't a small amount of money, and it didn't seem appropriate for Lou Xi to pay.

Lou Xi insisted, "He's my boyfriend. I'll pay."

"..." They were even competing to pay. Her brother had truly found himself a girlfriend of the century.

If she wanted to pay, then let her pay!

Later, she'd make Feng Qingci save up to pay her back.

If she were to pay for this today, it might be forgotten afterwards. At most, he'd probably give her back two hundred as a token gesture.

However, if Lou Xi was the one he owed money to, he likely wouldn't try to avoid repaying it.