In mid-January, the three-day final exams officially ended, bringing the semester to a close.

After the last exam, Feng Qingyi encountered Song Jingyuan on her way back to the dormitory.

He was wearing a dark coat, his hair neatly combed, carrying a thick stack of books.

Feng Qingyi remembered the love letter and felt she should go over and clear things up with him.

"Senior, hello!"

Song Jingyuan stopped when he heard her voice.

Feng Qingyi: "Senior, I came to tell you that I've read the letter you wrote."

"Thank you for your feelings, but I already have someone I like."

"I hope you can find your own happiness soon."

Feng Qingyi's rejection was within Song Jingyuan's expectations.

After all, to her, he was merely an acquaintance.

Writing that love letter was just a shot in the dark.

There were no other men around her at the moment, so perhaps she might consider him.

As for her saying she already liked someone, he didn't actually believe it, thinking it was probably just an excuse to reject him.

She had clearly expressed her thoughts, and he couldn't force her to accept his feelings.

The girl who shone brightly on stage in his memory ultimately didn't belong to him.

"I'm sorry for troubling you."

"It's alright. I have something to attend to, so I'll be going now."

Just as Feng Qingyi left, Song Jingyuan turned and saw a figure hiding behind a nearby tree.

"Who's there?"

A short-haired girl peeked out from behind the tree.

"Senior, I really didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation. I was just passing by..."

Song Jingyuan recognized her as Lu Wenyu, a junior from the student council.

But his recognition was limited to matching her face with her name.

Lu Wenyu was a bit flustered now. She had just finished her exam and was heading back to the dorm when she happened to witness Song Jingyuan's failed confession.

She had tried her best to hide behind the tree, but was still spotted.

As a member of the student council, she had seen Song Jingyuan during meetings, but only a few times.

"Mm-hmm," Feng Qingyi responded.

Nan Yin said with a smile, "Not long ago you were telling me you had no plans in this area, and now you've found someone. That was quite fast!"

"We've been getting to know each other for a while, and I think he's nice, so we're giving it a try."

Nan Yin asked curiously, "I heard from your brother that he's quite handsome. Do you have a photo? Send it to me so I can see."

"...Mom, are you only concerned about whether he looks good or not?"

Feng Qingyi felt a bit helpless. Shouldn't she normally ask about his family background first?

Or examine his character? How come her first concern was whether he looked good or not?

Nan Yin kept a straight face, "I'm just curious, that's all."

Feng Qingyi browsed through her photo album and finally sent Nan Yin the candid shot she had taken earlier.

"He's so handsome! And he has long hair! Is he involved in the arts?"

Feng Qingyi explained, "No, he has long hair because he likes wearing traditional Chinese clothing."

Based on just one photo, Nan Yin had a very good impression of Feng Qingyi's boyfriend, and couldn't wait to meet him soon.

As for what Feng Qingci had told her, Nan Yin had completely forgotten.

"When do you think I'll have a chance to meet him?"

"Mom, get a grip. We've only just started dating. We're still at the stage of getting to know each other."

Hearing Feng Qingyi say this, Nan Yin felt a bit disappointed. "Alright then! Regarding you finding a boyfriend, I congratulate you on behalf of the whole family."

"But I still want to remind you, you're still a student. Make sure to protect yourself. I don't want to become a grandmother at such a young age."

"Mom, I know my limits."

Feng Qingyi thought about how she had been called improper for just kissing him once before, and felt that such a thing was unlikely to happen.

Qin Yuchuan, being from ancient times, was very traditional and proper.

For him, simple hand-holding and hugging were probably the most intimate pre-marital activities he could accept.

"I still have some work to do, so I probably won't be able to come home until the 25th. You and your brother take good care of yourselves."

"Alright, I understand. Goodbye!"


Although Feng Qingyi had spent a considerable amount of time in the Capital City, she couldn't say she was fond of that bustling metropolis.

Jiang City, while not as prosperous as the Capital, gave her a sense of belonging.

Feng Qingyi and Feng Qingci took the subway home after leaving the airport.

Feng Zhixing and Nan Yin were rarely at home throughout the year, which meant the first order of business for the two returning siblings was a thorough house cleaning.