"Is that so? I don't think so!" he said.

He wished she could be within his reach.

Feng Qingyi didn't understand why, despite being so busy these days that his feet barely touched the ground, he still wanted to meet her.

However, it was certainly not appropriate this late at night.

"I've never seen you like this before," she remarked.

"As you said, that was before. People are greedy by nature, and I'm no exception."

"So what do you want?"

"Would you come keep me company?"

Feng Qingyi was stunned. "Now... right now?"

"Mm-hmm." After a busy day, teasing the young lady was quite amusing.

"I'm about to rest now, let's do it another day!" She felt a bit flustered.

"Then get some rest early. Good night!"

Feng Qingyi finally realized he was probably just joking.

"You're teasing me again!"

Qin Yuchuan smiled lightly. "Am I?"

"...I'm not talking to you anymore. I'm going to sleep. You should rest early too. Bye!"

Looking at the ended video call, Qin Yuchuan put away his phone.

It seemed that casually chatting with her for a while had somewhat dispersed the day's fatigue.

"Master, have you retired for the night?" A sudden knock on the door.

Qin Yuchuan walked to the door and opened it. Qin Yi stood outside.

"Have you found anything in your investigation today?"

Qin Yi bowed respectfully. "Master, the border incident happened suddenly. I believe someone is stirring up trouble behind the scenes."

"No need to investigate the border matter further. War is inevitable, it's just been brought forward. We've already made preparations."

The pre-war preparations were almost complete, just waiting for deployment after the New Year. There wasn't much left to investigate.

Qin Yi continued, "The previous group is now quiet as mice, seemingly with no plans to act. I'm not sure how to handle it at the moment."

"The Empress has been busy with her pregnancy lately, with no particular movements. I feel they might be using this time to recuperate."

Qin Yuchuan pondered for a moment. "Keep watching them. After I leave Shengjing, if they show any unusual activity, deal with them directly."

"There's no need for others to know. After this, don't concern yourself with the affairs of Shengjing anymore."

Bai Wei was curious, as she had never seen such peculiar boxes before.

Yan Yang handed one of the boxes to Bai Wei. "This is for you."

Bai Wei took the box. "For me? Why?"

"The New Year is coming soon. This is a New Year's gift from Miss Qingyi. Take a look yourself. I need to deliver this box to the Princess."

Bai Wei quickly followed. "I'll come with you."

Arriving at the main hall, Xuanyuan Xi was reading a leisurely book.

"Yan Yang, why are you here?"

Yan Yang placed the box on the table. "Princess, this is a New Year's gift from Miss Qingyi."

"A New Year's gift? Do you know what's inside?"

Xuanyuan Xi hadn't expected Qingyi to prepare a New Year's gift for her.

Yan Yang shook his head. "As for what it is, I'm not sure. You should open it and see for yourselves. I'll take my leave now."

After Yan Yang left, Xuanyuan Xi instructed Bai Wei to open the box.

Inside was a snow-white long cloak and a red scarf.

Xuanyuan Xi touched the cloak; it was very soft. The scarf was fluffy too. The girl must have been worried about her getting cold. How thoughtful.

Xuanyuan Xi put on the cloak and wrapped the scarf around her neck.

"Bai Wei, does it look good?"

Bai Wei nodded quickly. "This cloak suits you perfectly, Princess. Miss Qingyi has excellent taste!"

Xuanyuan Xi said, "You should have a gift from her too. Open it and see."

Bai Wei opened the box and looked at the contents, momentarily confused.

"Princess, do you know what this big box is?"

Xuanyuan Xi looked for a moment and shook her head. "Take it out so I can see. I've never seen such a thing before."

Bai Wei took out a small black tube and examined it for a while. "This looks like something you use, right?"

Xuanyuan Xi took it from Bai Wei's hand and noticed a circular mark. She gently pulled, "This seems to be lip rouge."

The two of them studied it for a long time before finally figuring out how to use the lip rouge.

"So it rotates! How wonderful! And the color is absolutely beautiful," Bai Wei was delighted with the gift.

Xuanyuan Xi smiled and said, "It seems Miss Feng Qingyi really understood your love for beauty, little one, and put a lot of thought into this gift for you."

"We should prepare New Year's gifts for her too. We can't always let her spend money on us."

Bai Wei strongly agreed. "Miss Feng Qingyi has given me so many lip rouges, I must prepare a gift for her as well. I just don't know what she likes."