Xuanyuan Yan was filled with confusion at this moment, as these things were beyond his previous understanding.

Guang'an showed no intention of explaining, and Xuanyuan Yan felt it wasn't appropriate to ask about these matters now.

"Master, could you please allow me to bid farewell to Miss Feng before taking me back?"

Although he had only stayed here for a day, she had taken good care of him, possibly out of consideration for Yuchuan. He wanted to say goodbye to her in person.

Guang'an looked at Xuanyuan Yan and said, "Your Highness, we don't have time. This old monk will leave a letter for you. Let's go!"

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Yan didn't say anything more. If he could see her again next time, he would thank her in person.

Xuanyuan Yan hadn't expected to return in the water, at the same spot where he had fallen in yesterday.

As he swam ashore, there was no one around Shengling Lake, and he couldn't see Guang'an either. He must have left already.

Wearing soaked clothes and with dripping wet hair, Xuanyuan Yan quickly walked towards his residence.

When he reached the gate, he saw Ming Jiu.

Ming Jiu had been waiting at the main gate for a long time. He was extremely excited when he saw Xuanyuan Yan.

"Master, you've finally returned! I thought that Master Guang'an was a fraud, but I didn't expect you to really come back."

Xuanyuan Yan didn't reply and walked straight towards his courtyard.

Ming Jiu followed behind Xuanyuan Yan, lost in thought.

The master's hair and clothes were all wet. Could it be that he had been in the water for a day?

But they had searched every corner of Shengling Lake and hadn't found anyone. Where did Master Guang'an find him?

However, if he had really stayed in the water for a day, he should have seen a corpse by now. The master before him was clearly alive and well. There must have been some miraculous encounter!

Xuanyuan Yan took a bath in his courtyard, changed into clean clothes, and called Ming Jiu in.

"Ming Jiu, you mentioned earlier that Master Guang'an had visited the residence?"

Ming Jiu nodded, "We searched for you for a day without any trace. Then Master Guang'an came to visit, saying he could find you."

"Did he say anything else?" It seemed this Master Guang'an indeed had some abilities.

Ming Jiu shook his head, "He took a strangely shaped stone that we had salvaged from the lake. He said you would return tonight, but unexpectedly, you came back by early evening."

The strangely shaped stone must be the space stone. It seemed he needed to pay a visit to Guanyuan Temple when he had the chance.

"We'll discuss this matter later. Proceed with the rest as planned."

[Qingyi: Next time if anyone else comes, I won't help you host them.]

[Yuchuan: This time was likely an accident. It probably won't happen again.]

[Qingyi: Then I'll send the food over to you. I'm starving.]

[Yuchuan: Alright, eat more. You're too thin.]

After Xuanyuan Yan left, Feng Qingyi's life returned to normal once again.

After dinner, she went back to continue her courses in the virtual classroom.


Recently, the hottest topic in Shengjing was about the Wise Prince Xuanyuan Yan, who had been blind for seven years but suddenly regained his sight after falling into the water.

The doctors from Sheng Jing Medical Hall specially examined his condition and upon returning, they only said it was a miracle.

As the news spread, it became more and more exaggerated. Some even said there was an immortal in Shengling Lake, and as long as one made a sincere wish, it could come true.

They said the Wise Prince was able to see again because he was saved by the immortal in the water.

Because of the Wise Prince's incident, Shengling Lake was now crowded with boats, and even the shore was filled with people releasing river lanterns, hoping their wishes would come true.

The price of river lanterns in Shengjing suddenly increased several times, but people still bought them like hotcakes. The lantern vendors made a fortune from this.

When this news reached the palace, Xuanyuan Sheng was somewhat skeptical.

"Qi Tan, what do you think about the Wise Prince's situation?"

Qi Tan thought for a moment, "Three people can make a tiger. Even falsehoods can become truths when repeated often enough. The talk of immortals in the lake is certainly nonsense. How could there be gods, immortals, or demons in this world?"

"I'm asking about the Wise Prince being able to see. What do you think about that?"

This usually clever man, why was he answering irrelevantly now? Did he look like a fool who would believe in lake immortals?

Qi Tan scratched his head, "This old servant thinks that if Your Majesty wants to know how the Wise Prince is now, whether he can see or not, summoning him for an audience would clarify everything."

"What have you found out about yesterday's boat capsizing incident?" He felt that yesterday's boat incident didn't seem like an accident.

Qi Tan replied, "This old servant has already sent people to investigate. It was an issue with the boat itself. The vessel was somewhat old and worn."

"His Highness the Wise Prince has rarely gone boating on the lake in recent years. It's understandable that the pleasure boat he bought years ago has fallen into disrepair after all this time. It's just unfortunate that His Majesty had to suffer an undeserved mishap because of it."

After hearing Qi Tan's words, Xuanyuan Sheng no longer harbored any doubts.

However, the thought that Xuanyuan Yan could now see again greatly displeased him.

He had been blind for so many years, how could he suddenly regain his sight?