Feng Qingyi sat quietly on the couch, showing no interest in talking to him.

Qin Yuchuan approached her, "Who upset our little Miss Feng?"

Feng Qingyi glanced up, "No one."

"Really?" Qin Yuchuan countered.

Feng Qingyi fiddled with her fingers, keeping her head down, "You haven't contacted me in a week. They all say that if you don't make contact within three days, it's considered as a breakup."

"Do you want to break up with me?" Qin Yuchuan paused for a while before asking coldly.

The hostile aura Qin Yuchuan was emitting startled Feng Qingyi. This was the first time she had ever seen him this angry. Her hands nervously gripped the corner of her dress.

"I... I... I didn’t."

Seeing her shrink back, Qin Yuchuan realized he had frightened her.

But hearing her mention breakup, he could hardly contain his emotion.

"Don't mention breaking up again," Qin Yuchuan stated in a chilly voice as he tightly held Feng Qingyi’s hand.

Feng Qingyi managed to free her hand, her voice carrying a tone of grievance.

"You're clearly the one in the wrong. You ignored me for so long, and now you’re reprimanding me..."

Feng Qingyi’s soft words dissipated the aggression in Qin Yuchuan, and his demeanor softened.

This feisty act of hers was surprisingly refreshing.

“I haven’t even started being angry, yet here you are, upset.”

"Why are you so upset?” Feng Qingyi queried.

Qin Yuchuan sat down beside her.

“You ask what I might be upset about? I rushed over to you after dealing with my military affairs only to be ignored and faced with the mention of breakup. Aren't I entitled to be upset?"

"I didn't want a breakup, I just wasn't happy. Also, I'm always the one to initiate contact with you."

"I was very busy this time and forgot to message you. You didn’t even care to reach out, it’s as if I always have to be the initiator..."

Feng Qingyi’s sense of being wronged grew as she spoke, recalling how she had always been the one to make contact.

"Alright, it's my mistake. I'll be mindful from now on," Qin Yuchuan gently smoothed her hair as he consoled her.

“I am really mad at you. Why did you ignore me for so long? Do you have dogs out there running around?” Feng Qingyi confronted him.

Qin Yuchuan was confused, "What do you mean by 'other dogs'?"

Feng Qingyi shook her head, "No, if you have time, can we go for a stroll?"

"Where would you like to go?" asked Qin Yuchuan.

Feng Qingyi contemplated for a moment, "Let's just wander around."

"Alright," Qin Yuchuan agreed.

Feng Qingyi descended from his lap and, holding his hand, walked towards the top floor. "I've bought you clothes, go change."

Qin Yuchuan followed Feng Qingyi into the guest room.

Feng Qingyi opened the wardrobe, "These are all the clothes I bought for you. How about you wear this white sweater today?"

"Sure," agreed Qin Yuchuan.

Feng Qingyi then took out a pair of pants and shoes, "Wear this set! I'll wait for you in my room."

After Qin Yuchuan had changed, he knocked on Feng Qingyi’s bedroom door.

Feng Qingyi cheerfully bounced to the door and opened it.

Qin Yuchuan, donned in a white-striped sweater, black pants, and a pair of white sneakers, emitted a stunning aura, despite being in modern attire.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

Qin Yuchuan noticed Feng Qingyi’s outfit. She had been wearing a pink sweater when she returned but had now changed into a white one, just like his.

"Qingyi, do you want to wear the same clothes as me?"

As Feng Qingyi was descending the stairs, she said, "It's meant to be a couple's outfit. Don't you like it?"

"Not bad." He might not fully understand the petite tricks of the young miss, but seeing her so happy brought joy to his heart.

With a smile, Feng Qingyi held Qin Yuchuan’s hand as they left the house. Standing on the road outside the villa, she looked up at the tree of begonias.

“The begonias here have bloomed. Aren’t they beautiful?”

Suddenly, Qin Yuchuan thought of the Begonias transplanted in the yard, which should have bloomed by now, but he couldn't take her to see them at the moment.


Walking on the petals of the Begonias, Feng Qingyi strolled down this quiet shaded avenue with Qin Yuchuan.

"Shall we go over there and have a look?"

Feng Qingyi pointed to a crowd gathering not far away. Although she didn't know what was happening there, the area seemed lively. She decided to take the man by her side to join in the excitement.

Qin Yuchuan was not fond of bustling places. However, seeing the expectant look on Feng Qingyi's face, he finally nodded and said, "Alright, let's go and take a look!"