Feng Qingyi didn't find Xu Linghe's familiarity offensive.

Perhaps it was because she had helped her today, but she felt quite fond of her.

However, she felt that the two of them weren't close enough yet, so she didn't plan to tell her about these more private matters.

"You'll find out later."

Seeing that Feng Qingyi didn't want to elaborate, Xu Linghe didn't press further. "Do you have any plans for the afternoon?"

Feng Qingyi: "No, why?"

"Then let me take you to the West Market. There are many little trinkets there; I think you might like them," Xu Linghe said.

Feng Qingyi nodded, "I'm not very familiar with Shengjing. Thank you for the trouble."

Xu Linghe: "It's no trouble at all. From now on, you're my friend. If you need any help, just come to me!"

Following Xu Linghe to the West Market, Feng Qingyi found herself being pulled into a weapons shop.

Looking at the various swords, sabers, and spears inside, Feng Qingyi couldn't quite understand why Xu Linghe had brought her here.

"Qingyi, see if there are any weapons here you like. I'll buy it for you!"

"Buy it for me?" What would she do with a weapon? Cut vegetables with it at home?

Xu Linghe picked up a short sword, "I think this sword suits you well. Why don't you try it?"

Feng Qingyi reluctantly took the sword and examined it carefully. She had no idea how to use it.

The shop owner smiled and said, "You ladies have good taste. This sword is forged from meteoric iron and can cut through metal like butter."Cheêck out latest novels on n/o/ve/l/bin(.)c/o/m

"...Is it really that powerful?" Feng Qingyi could hardly believe it. Could it really slice through metal so easily?

The shop owner brought out an iron plate. "Miss, if you don't believe me, you can try it yourself. See if it cuts through metal as I said."

"Qingyi, give it a try!" Xu Linghe urged.

Feng Qingyi raised the sword in her hand and swung it down at the iron plate. The plate split instantly.

Feng Qingyi stared in disbelief. It really was that powerful!

Xu Linghe said, "Shopkeeper, I'll take this sword, and that large saber too."

Xu Linghe promptly took out her purse, paid, and walked out carrying a large saber.

"Linghe, do you know any scenic spots around here? I need to paint a picture."

Xu Linghe scratched her head, "Scenic spots? I'm not sure about that. I spend all my time practicing martial arts and fighting. I haven't paid much attention."

"It's alright. I think this bustling street is quite nice. I'll take a photo."

Feng Qingyi took out her phone from her small bag and snapped a picture of the street.

Xu Linghe stared curiously at the phone in Feng Qingyi's hand. "Qingyi, what's that?"

"You can think of it as a magical treasure. Just stand there, and I'll take a photo of you," Feng Qingyi said.

Xu Linghe obediently stood still, watching Feng Qingyi fiddle with the small black box in her hand.

"Alright, come and see!"

Xu Linghe leaned in to look, "That's amazing! In such a short time, it drew a picture that looks exactly like me!"

"That's what this treasure does. It's not a drawing," Feng Qingyi explained briefly.

Xu Linghe: "Can I have one of these treasures?"

"Sure, but you'll have to wait for a while."

Xu Linghe said, "Alright, I'll wait."

"It's getting late. I should head back now. Let's meet again another day!" Feng Qingyi said.

Xu Linghe: "Then I'll go back with you. Once I know where you live, I'll know where to find you next time."

Feng Qingyi thought for a moment, "Alright, but I'm often not at home. We probably won't be able to meet again for five days."

"Then I'll come to your place in five days. I'll take you horseback riding then," Xu Linghe said.

Feng Qingyi nodded, "See you in five days then."

After escorting Feng Qingyi back, Xu Linghe left.

Just as Feng Qingyi was about to go inside, Qian Jue appeared again.

"Little girl, you seemed to have had quite a fun day!"

Feng Qingyi looked at him, "Why are you here again?"

"You little rascal, we agreed to go to the teahouse together. I had a gift for you, but you ran off with someone else."

Feng Qingyi scratched her head, "I was chasing after a thief, and when I caught up, you had disappeared. I was completely lost, so I just went to eat with someone else."