CH 61.1

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
“You feel like you’re going to die?” Lu Qingjiu was a little shocked by Jiang Buhuan’s words.

“Yes, I can sense my death approaching,” Jiang Buhuan said, “My nerves are always tense, as if the moment I slip up, an accident will happen to me. Even my friends had this same feeling. After I contacted them, we agreed to come back to Shuifu village to find the reason.” After speaking to this point, he shivered. “But, but…… but there was an accident on the way here, and their car went off of the cliff……”

Lu Qingjiu said, “Why did you come to Shuifu village to find your answers?”

“Because it only started after we left this place.” Jiang Buhuan’s emotions became a little agitated. “You’re the only normal person I’ve met in this place, I wanted to ask if you know anything, with regards to this village, with regards to that old house……” 

Lu Qingjiu frowned. “I don’t know anything.”

But Jiang Buhuan didn’t believe him. “Please just tell me, I really don’t know what to do anymore, if I don’t find out the reason and can’t solve this issue as a result, I’ll really die!”

Lu Qingjiu thought of something. He said, “You said that you called them afterwards to find that your friends didn’t come with you in the first place?”

Jiang Buhuan said, “Yes, they didn’t have any memories of agreeing to come here with me.”

“Then have you ever thought of the possibility that,” Lu Qingjiu said, “the one who drew you here wasn’t your friends?”

Jiang Buhuan’s face stiffened.

Lu Qingjiu said, “Maybe the one who called you here has some motive for it…… Of course, this is just my guess.”

Tlc Wec tjv yffc ilrafclcu ab atf akb bo atfw ajix jr tf jaf ragjkyfgglfr. Fqbc tfjglcu Oe Hlcuple rjs atlr, tf rtevvfgfv jcv wegwegfv, “Qts lr la yfmbwlcu wbgf oglutafclcu atf wbgf sbe uesr ajix, tbk mbeiv atfgf yf rb wjcs utbrar lc atlr kbgiv?” 

Oe Hlcuple aegcfv jcv rtba tlw j ibbx. Lf atfc rjlv, “Xb mifjc atf kfii lc beg lccfg mbegasjgv.”

Yin Xun, “……” Damn, how could he forget there was the Miss Ghost who was providing for them all in the inner courtyard.

Jiang Buhuan didn’t understand the meaning behind their words. In despair, he grabbed onto Lu Qingjiu’s arm and pleaded, “Please save me, you’ve lived here for so long without having any issues, you must know something.”

Lu QIngjiu said, “Calm down.” 

But Jiang Buhuan wouldn’t calm down, clutching at Lu Qingjiu like he was clutching at his last life-saving straw.

Just as the mood was getting worse and worse, Bai Yuehu, sitting further away from them, unexpectedly spoke up. Even though his voice was very soft, Lu Qingjiu still heard him clearly. Bai Yuehu said, “Stay for three days.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Qingjiu was stunned. He and Yin Xun both thought that they were hearing things. Bai Yuehu, who had utterly hated Jiang Buhuan just now, suddenly wanted Jiang Buhuan to stay? Could it be that the thing whose attention Jiang Buhuan had attracted had something to do with Bai Yuehu?

Jiang Buhuan had a discerning eye. With a glance, he could tell that Bai Yuehu’s position here wasn’t low. When he heard this, he hurriedly thanked him, saying that he was willing to pay any expensive living fees, just as long as he could stay here to find a way to solve the issue he was facing. In actuality, after entering this courtyard, he’d a rare sense of being at ease. Even though Bai Yuehu staring at him had been terrifying, it was already a lot better compared to that kind of feeling of being able to die at any moment.

Lu Qingjiu didn’t actually care about whether Jiang Buhuan stayed here or not. He was just curious as to why, after just a short while of them talking, Bai Yuehu had actually told Jiang Buhuan to stay. 

“Did you bring any luggage?” Lu Qingjiu stood up. “I’ll take you to a guest room, and you can rest up for a while.” The dark circles under Jiang Buhuan’s eyes were especially distinct. Fortunately for him, he was good looking, so his eyebags just made it look like he’d put on a smoky eye.

“Thank you, thank you.” Jiang Buhuan hurriedly thanked him.

There were still quite a few guest rooms in the house. Lu Qingjiu brought Jiang Buhuan and his luggage to one of them. After entering the room, he briefly told him how to use this home’s bathroom and toilet, as well as a few precautions, such as don’t go to the inner courtyard, don’t mess with the chickens, and such things.

Jiang Buhuan sat on the bed and obediently listened. From his appearance, he seemed to only be around twenty one or twenty two. At this age, he should still have been studying in university. It was just that having entered the entertainment circle, he’d matured a lot faster, and there was less of a childish look to his face. 

Lu Qingjiu had originally planned on leaving after setting things up for him, but as he was about to do so, Jiang Buhuan spoke up in a small voice, saying, “Ah…… sorry but……”

“Mm?” Lu Qingjiu turned back.

“I haven’t eaten in a day, could I have something to eat?” This was Jiang Buhuan’s first time having to ask someone for food, so he was a little embarrassed. He let out a dry cough, “I can pay.”

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, “I don’t need the money. Wait a moment, I’ll get something for you to eat.” There weren’t any leftovers in the house, so Lu Qingjiu had no choice but to go to the kitchen and get a few tomatoes to pad Jiang Buhuan’s stomach for now. 

Upon seeing the tomatoes, a frightened look appeared on Jiang Buhuan’s face. “This…… Can I eat this?” Bai Yuehu’s terrifying gaze which seemed like it would have cleaved him in two if it could was still vivid in his memories.

“It’s fine, eat,” Lu Qingjiu comforted him. Since Bai Yuehu had allowed him to stay, then he definitely needed to be able to eat here. Even though his family’s fox was protective of his food, he wasn’t petty, and was actually very reasonable.

“Then, thank you.” A grateful look appeared on Jiang Buhuan’s face. He took the tomatoes and began to wolf them down, seeming like he really was starving.

Lu Qingjiu turned and left the room, returning to the courtyard. 

Bai Yuehu was still sitting there eating strawberries, eating until his lips were red. When he saw Lu Qingjiu come over, the first thing he said was: “You’re not allowed to let him eat the tomatoes I’ve grown.”

Lu Qingjiu, “……” He’d just praised Bai Yuehu for being reasonable. “Then what do I give him to eat?”

Bai Yuehu said, “Isn’t Yin Xun also growing vegetables?”

Yin Xun looked up, dazed. “Ah?” 

Bai Yuehu, “Give Jiang Buhuan the vegetables he’s grown to eat.”

Yin Xun, “……Are you fucking discriminating against me? What’s wrong with the crops I’ve grown?”

Bai Yuehu’s face was cold. “Then you eat them.”

Yin Xun instantly wilted. He didn’t have a green thumb like Bai Yuehu did, all the vegetables he grew looked malnourished, with carrots the size of his pinky. He didn’t know how he’d survived all these years on those vegetables. 

Lu Qingjiu burst out into loud laughter. After his laughter died, he thought of their actual matters. “Right, why did you want Jiang Buhuan to stay?” Going by Bai Yuehu’s attitude towards Jiang Buhuan, he should have been chomping at the bit to see Jiang Buhuan gone. Why had he taken the initiative to allow Jiang Buhuan to stay?

Bai Yuehu said, “There’s a strange smell about him.”

Lu Qingjiu, “A strange smell?”

“En,” Bai Yuehu said, “It’s very special, so I want to observe for a few days.” 

Lu Qingjiu nodded, understanding Bai Yuehu’s meaning. It seemed like the thing whose attention Jiang Buhuan had attracted was very special indeed, even arousing Bai Yuehu’s interest. This was a little interesting.

With Bai Yuehu’s consent, Jiang Buhuan successfully settled in Lu Qingjiu’s home. It was just that according to Yin Xun, he’d finally replaced him to become the person with the lowest position in their home, possibly even lower than that flock of chickens in their outer courtyard.

However, even though Bai Yuehu said to not let Jiang Buhuan eat the food he made, Lu Qingjiu couldn’t find it in himself to let him just stand by the side and watch them eat. Being stared at while eating was really too awkward.

Jiang Buhuan too knew that he wasn’t welcome. He cautious sat down by the table, bending over his bowl and not daring to eat freely, only taking the food that was right in front of him, deathly afraid that if he ate too much Bai Yuehu would kick him out. If that happened, the outlook for his small life would really be bleak.