CH 79.2

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
Bai Yuehu’s voice came from behind him, carrying a trace of unhappiness. “Who brought you here?”

“My grandfather.” Lu Qingjiu said. “What’s wrong?” 

Bai Yuehu, “Did you find out about it?”

Lu Qingjiu was taken aback before he understood what Bai Yuehu’s question was and couldn’t do anything but laugh. He couldn’t believe that even at this point in time, Bai Yuehu would still be struggling over the matter of his original form. Feeling helpless and also a twinge of heartache, Lu Qingjiu faked ignorance, “Find out about what?”

Bai Yuehu: “You didn’t see it?”

Lu Qingjiu lied calmly, “I just arrived.” 

“Oh.” Bai Yuehu relaxed, leaning his head against Lu Qingjiu’s shoulders. Lu Qingjiu could feel Bai Yuehu’s breath fanning against his ears as he said,  “Let’s go.”

Lu Qingjiu: “They’re still fighting over there, don’t you need to go over and help?”

Bai Yuehu: “Zhu Rong will settle it.”

“Oh.” Lu Qingjiu was still somewhat worried. Although recalling his grandfather’s quick transformation still struck terror into his heart he was still reluctant to believe that his grandfather would swallow his parents, “He admitted to eating my parents.”

“He’d admitted it before.”

“Then, why did you…”

Bai Yuehu’s voice was muffled, “I didn’t believe it.”

Lu Qingjiu: “…” 

Bai Yuehu: “I didn’t believe the dragon protector of Shuifu village would do such a thing.”

Lu Qingjiu began to feel upset. He wanted to say something but ultimately fell silent, instead reaching out to touch Bai Yuehu’s hair as he said softly, “Alright, let’s go.”

Bai Yuehu directly picked Lu Qingjiu up in bridal style, causing Lu Qingjiu to cry out in surprise. “I can walk on my own.”

“Didn’t you say that you couldn’t see. I’ll carry you.” 


Bai Yuehu thus carried Lu Qingjiu in his arms and the two slowly left that place. The fighting sounds began to drift further away until they finally faded. However, his eyes continued to ache as if burning, and along with it was a similar scorching sensation from the spot on his forehead that Ao Run had touched. Lu Qingjiu had disregarded it at first, but didn’t expect that once he returned home and saw Yin Xun, the latter would cry out in shock, “Lu Qingjiu, what happened to your forehead?”

Oe Hlcuple mbeivc’a rff jcsatlcu, yijcxis jrxlcu, “Qtja?”

Lf gfjmtfv bea ab abemt tlr tfjv yea kjr rabqqfv ys Djl Tefte. “Gbc’a abemt la.” 

“Qtja’r kgbcu klat ws obgftfjv?” Oe Hlcuple mbeiv offi rbwfatlcu kjr kgbcu.

“Tbe’gf j ilaaif tega.” Djl Tefte rjlv.

“Lega?” Oe Hlcuple kjr vbeyaoei. “Pa vbfrc’a tega.”

“… It’ll be okay in a bit.” 

Lu Qingjiu: “Don’t lie to me. What’s wrong with my forehead?” If it wasn’t for his still hurting eyes, he would already have gone to the toilet to check his reflection.

“Yin Xun, you tell me.” If Bai Yuehu wouldn’t speak, he’d make Yin Xun speak.

Yin Xun mumbled, “No…nothing…”

Lu Qingjiu was getting angry from being kept in the dark. “I’m not made of glass, what can’t I handle? If there’s something wrong with my body, can’t you just tell me?” 

Bai Yuehu was silent for a few seconds. “You really want to know?”

“Of course.”

“Alright.” Just as Bai Yuehu said this, Lu Qingjiu felt him raise a hand and then a strange sensation came from his forehead, causing him to cry out, “Ah! What!” This touch was simply indescribable, as if Bai Yuehu had touched upon his soul. He shuddered and fell limp into Bai Yuehu’s arms.

Bai Yuehu: “Give me your hand.” 


Before Lu Qingjiu could react, Bai Yuehu had grabbed his hand and pushed it against his forehead while reminding softly, “Be gentle.”

Lu Qingjiu finally felt what was on his forehead – it was actually two small dragon horns. The dragon horns were not too smooth to touch and kind of scaly but more importantly, he was bewildered when he touched it. Unexpectedly, his horns actually had a sense of touch and were actually extremely sensitive. Even when touching it himself, his body would shudder, so no need to mention when Bai Yuehu touched it earlier.

“Enough.” Lu Qingjiu hurriedly said, feeling as if his soul would fly out if they continued touching his horns. 

“How does it feel?” Bai Yuehu asked.

“Don’t- Don’t touch this.”

“Can you accept it?”

“I already knew long ago I’m from the dragon race. Since I have dragon blood, having horns isn’t strange,” Lu Qingjiu said, using this as an excuse to console himself. “Wait, will these horns always be on my head?” 

“They will disappear. You have the same blood as your grandfather so it stimulated the dragon heritage in your body. It should disappear after some time.”

“Oh…” He finally relaxed. If his horns didn’t disappear, wouldn’t he only be able to stay in his house and not step foot outside in the future?

Yin Xun was by the side. “My god, are you okay? When I went to look for you in the fields earlier, I only saw a patch of blood and thought something happened to you two.”

“I’m fine. Yuehu, are you hurt?” 

“Just a minor injury.”

Lu Qingjiu then relaxed. An hour passed before the burning sensation subsided and he could see his surroundings. After recovering his vision, the first thing Lu Qingjiu did was rush to the toilet and check out his horns in the mirror.

His horns were different from Bai Yuehu’s lofty and imposing ones. Two delicate horns were growing from the sides of his forehead. They were extremely tiny. If his bangs were any longer, they would be completely hidden.

Lu Qingjiu couldn’t help reaching out to touch it and nearly ended up falling down. 

His horns were really too sensitive. Lu Qingjiu had never felt anything like it. Thinking about it, he dug out the horned necklace Bai Yuehu had gifted to him before and raised it up to compare the two horns.

Ah… it seems very different. He wondered when he would be able to see Bai Yuehu’s true form and his adult horns. Touching it would probably feel better, reaching this point in his thoughts, he was even more eager.

“Yuehu, are all dragons’ horns this sensitive?” Lu Qingjiu asked in curiosity.

“A young dragon’s horn will be more sensitive.” Bai Yuehu replied, “Adult dragons’ horns are their weapons, there’s not much feeling.” 

Lu Qingjiu looked up. “I’m considered a young dragon?”

Bai Yuehu’s expression was strange. “You haven’t shed your horns so you’re naturally a young dragon.”

“Do I have a chance to shed my horns?”

Bai Yuehu gazed at him meticulously. “Maybe or maybe not… it’s hard to say.” 

Lu Qingjiu made a ‘e’ sound and felt it was better to shed his horns soon if possible. Otherwise, this horn would be his achilles heel. Once others touched it, he would go soft.

Bai Yuehu didn’t say anything with regards to Lu Qingjiu’s thoughts. Throughout the ordeal, his expression was somewhat strange. Lu Qingjiu tried to ask him but he refused to speak.

Although they had returned, Lu Qingjiu was worried about the situation with Zhu Rong and Ao Run. By nightfall, he was finally able to see Zhu Rong but didn’t see his grandfather.

Zhu Rong came in with a murderous aura, face littered with scars as if scratched by a dragon. 

Bai Yuehu asked, “How was it?”

“He escaped.” Zhu Rong’s face was dark.

Bai Yuehu slightly frowned.

They were able to catch Ao Run before because he had been willing to be caught. As the dragon monarch, they had no way of stopping him if he really wanted to escape. 

Zhu Rong looked at Lu Qingjiu and asked, “Why did you grow horns?”

Lu Qingjiu rebutted, “I also didn’t want to… my grandfather touched my head and the horns came out.”

Zhu Rong wasn’t too bothered by it, merely nodding, “Take care, don’t let others touch it.”

Lu Qingjiu froze, “What will happen if someone touches it?” 

Just as Zhu Rong was about to answer, Bai Yuehu slapped a hand over his shoulders, using brute force to shut down the words that were about to be spoken. He glanced at Bai Yuehu, then at Lu Qingjiu and seemed to understand something. “Nothing, you’ll just be more sensitive.”

Watching their interaction, Lu Qingjiu felt that if he believed those words, he was the fool

“Ah, just say it.”

Zhu Rong’s expression grew increasingly conflicted. “I said it’s nothing – I still have things to do, I’ll be off.” He escaped from Bai Yuehu’s clutches and quickly left, ignoring Lu Qingjiu’s shouts. 

Lu Qingjiu watched with doubt as Zhu Rong left and turned back towards his family’s innocent looking fox.

“Bai Yuehu,” Lu Qingjiu narrowed his eyes and sized him up, “Why can’t others touch a young dragon’s horn?”

Bai Yuehu blinked. “I don’t know.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Don’t know? How can you not know?” 

Bai Yuehu said confidently. “I’m just a small fox spirit, how would I know anything about the dragon race?”

Lu Qingjiu: “…” He was actually unable to refute this.