CH 82.1

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
Edited by Yuki

Holding the Juru, Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu left the birdpark but didn’t see Shaohao and Yin Xun who should have been nearby. 

“Where are they?” Lu Qingjiu asked in doubt.

Bai Yuehu shook his head to indicate he did not know.

Lu Qingjiu took out his phone to call Yin Xun. The call was only answered twenty seconds later, but it was Shaohao who picked it up.

“Where’s Yin Xun? Why is his phone with you?” Lu Qingjiu asked. 

“Oh, he’s eating something and his hands are busy, so I’m helping him.”

Lu Qingjiu thought it was weird but didn’t delve deeper. “Eating? We’re done, where are you guys?”

Shaohao answered, “Outside. Tell Bai Yuehu to bring you out, lunch is ready.” The call ended and Lu Qingjiu frowned at his phone, leading Bai Yuehu to ask him what’s wrong.

“No…nothing. I just felt like I heard Yin Xun crying.”

Bai Yuehu raised an eyebrow and declined to comment.

“White Emperor Shaohao is a mountain god, he won’t eat humans right?”


Lu Qingjiu made a sound and finally relaxed. However, Bai Yuehu didn’t tell him the rest of the words in his heart. Shaohao won’t eat humans, but Yin Xun wasn’t human and should have died long ago. His body now was made of roulingzhi, the type that Shaohao would drool over. As such Yin Xun being eaten wouldn’t be out of the ordinary. Moreover, he wouldn’t mind even if Shaohao ate Yin Xun. 

While Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu were making their way over, Yin Xun’s tears had almost run dry. Shaohao hung up and smiled towards him. Just as he was prepared to receive the phone, Shaohao had grabbed his hands. “Is there any part of you that won’t give me diarrhea after eating?”

“None! Every part will!”

“It’s really survival of the fittest through natural selection.” This could be considered a form of self-defense for Yin Xun.

Tlc Wec jrxfv lc j rwjii nblmf, “Pr Oe Hlcuple mbwlcu?” 

“Vb ktja lo tf lr? Gb sbe gfjiis atlcx P’w rmjgfv bo Djl Tefte?”

Tlc Wec kjr oijyyfgujrafv.

Cr Vtjbtjb rjlv atlr, tf jygeqais wbnfv mibrfg ab byrfgnf Tlc Wec’r ojmf. Tlc Wec vlvc’a tjnf alwf ab gfjma jr tf kjamtfv atf batfg qfgrbc bqfc tlr wbeat jcv ylaf tlr ojmf,

“Ah…wu!” This bite wasn’t gentle and although Yin Xun didn’t feel a lot of pain, but thinking that a chunk of his flesh had been bitten off, he cried pitifully before his mouth was blocked.

“Stop shouting, otherwise I’ll really bite you.”

Yin Xun cried.

Shaohao didn’t break Yin Xun’s skin since he didn’t wish to get diarrhea. He looked at the tooth mark on Yin Xun’s face in satisfaction and smacked his lips, “Feels not bad.” 

Yin Xun secretly cursed in his heart, did you freaking take me as a fruit jelly? What feels not bad? But he didn’t dare say it out loud, lowering his head in shame in front of a powerful foe.

Shaohao looked at his pitiful appearance and laughed humorously. He reached out to touch the tooth mark and said, “Let’s go, I’ll treat you to something good for lunch.”

Yin Xun pursed his lips, putting on a stubborn and unwilling front, but Shaohao didn’t mind. Instead, his grin grew even wider.

When Lu Qingjiu arrived, he saw his family’s mountain god listless appearance, looking like a deflated balloon. He noticed Yin Xun’s face also carried some markings and asked suspiciously, “Did something happen?” 

“Nothing,” Shaohao said. “Yin Xun just provoked a big bird and got bitten.”

Yin Xun mumbled something unintelligible.

Lu Qingjiu wanted to ask more but Shaohao expressed that their meal was already prepared, and would be getting cold soon. Thus, the group of people made their way to the restaurant and saw the sumptuous feast prepared.

Lunch consisted of seafood and Japanese cuisine. Since they were inland, Lu Qingjiu rarely used seafood when he cooked and wasn’t knowledgeable about Japanese cuisine either, so this was probably Yin Xun’s and Bai Yuehu’s first time eating such dishes. 

The sashimi being served was extremely fresh, especially the peony shrimps which were so fresh they were still alive when served, with their forelegs moving. The salmon was also delicious; being fatty and tender , with a sweet aftertaste. These dishes were evidently made with top quality ingredients.

There was also a variety of lobsters and crabs grilled with cheese that was simply top-tier in terms of taste and preparation. In the past when Lu Qingjiu was still working, due to his colleagues preferring Japanese cuisine at staff parties, he had quite a few opportunities to eat these kinds of food. However, even he was pleasantly surprised by the taste of the food prepared by Shaohao’, there was no need to mention how it was for Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun.

Yin Xun, in particular, liked the grilled cheese and lobster, even to the extent of obediently licking the shell after he was done. When he saw Shaohao smiling at him, he became slightly embarrassed. “What are you looking at me for?”

Shaohao asked, “Do you want another?” 

“I can have another?”

“Of course.” He turned around and gave the butler a glance. The latter quickly brought more for Yin Xun.

Next to them, Bai Yuehu moodily asked, “Why don’t I enjoy such treatment too?”

“You’ve already eaten so much at my house, do you still lack a lobster?” 

“Why don’t I feed you some Juru?” Bai Yuehu asked coldly.

Shaohao laughed mockingly, “No need.”

Although he didn’t specifically say to give Bai Yuehu more food, the latter still got an additional portion when they were serving. Lu Qingjiu was almost full. He watched Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun stuffing themselves; Yin Xun was the first to fall, slumping down on the table while rubbing his bulging tummy with an unwilling expression.

“Why don’t you stay over at my place for a few days? You can eat this kind of food everyday.” 

Yin Xun shook his head.

Shaohao tried to convince him but Yin Xun was adamant so he had no choice but to give up. Lu Qingjiu seemed to have noticed his scheme but didn’t understand why Shaohao was suddenly so interested in Yin Xun. Had he realised that Yin Xun was made of roulingzhi?

After having their fill, the three headed back with the Juru. On the way, they visited the seafood market and bought a lot of seafood for dinner.

Although he made seafood dishes before, it was using regular seafood like prawns. This time, Lu Qingjiu bought a wide variety of seafood like oysters, scallops, abalones, crabs, etc… 

As long as it’s fresh, seafood would be delicious no matter how you prepared it.  Lu Qingjiu was planning to make some simple dishes. He would make roasted oysters with garlic while keeping the abalone in its authentic flavour. He even deliberately bought a curry paste specifically for crabs to make curry stuffed crabs and some steamed sea urchin eggs.

Yin Xun watched Lu Qingjiu holding numerous bags and excitedly exclaimed that it was as if their family was celebrating the new year.

Lu Qingjiu reached out to pat his head and gently said, “Our family has money, you can eat whatever you want and don’t need to skimp on food. Right now, you’re a child of a rich family.”

Yin Xun was so touched that he cried. 

Bai Yuehu watched them from the side, as if watching two fools.

Back home, Lu Qingjiu put the seafood into a tank to purge them while he prepared the resf of the ingredients needed. Yin Xun helped him while Bai Yuehu prepared the utensils.

Lu Qingjiu quite liked eating seafood but because their town was remote, the price and quality of seafood here couldn’t be compared to that of the metropolis. In the end, it was enough as long as they had enough to eat.

Fresh oysters and scallops roasted with garlic eliminated the fishy smell. The abalones were also very chewy while the stuffed crab and curry was a perfect match. Mixing the crab meat and curry together with white rice, resulted in an irresistible combination. This dinner perfectly satisfied Lu Qingjiu’s desire for seafood. The three of them were extremely pleased with the meal, even Xiaohua, Xiaohei and the little fox cub reaped some benefits and ate a lot of seafood. 

After dinner, Bai Yuehu went to wash the dishes. Lu Qingjiu suggested going for a walk with Yin Xun to digest their food, since they didn’t have a blackhole for a stomach like Bai Yuehu.

During the summer, nights didn’t come as quickly. Although it was nearly 7.30 p.m., the sky was still bright.

Shuifu village at night was peaceful and tranquil. After dinner, the villagers would go out for a walk and children playing was a frequent sight. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun walked leisurely, wandering from one end of the village to another.

Next to the millpan at the head of the village, several elderly people were chatting while having a smoke. They called out greetings when they saw Yin Xun and Lu Qingjiu. 

Lu Qingjiu’s fields were quite well known in the village. While the seeds of other people’s homes have not yet germinated, those he planted had already grown leaves. Some people said that he may be using too much fertilizer, but since Lu Qingjiu doesn’t sell his vegetables, it would only cause troubles to his family who were the ones to eat them.. Moreover, their fruits are all round and plump. Those who have farmed for long can naturally see that the fruit is of good quality. Due to this, many came to Lu Qingjiu to ask for advice on how to farm. Lu Qingjiu could only smile and said that he was not in charge of the land at home, it was all Bai Yuehu’s effort. Not many people dared to bother him because Bai Yuehu looked very unapproachable. So although Lu Qing Jiu’s land was very special, no one doubted it.