CH 84.1

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
Translator: Wuwu

Editor: Yuki 

After parting ways, Lu Qingjiu went back to his bed for a good sleep.

He thought he would have many dreams tonight but slept heavily until the next morning, when a ray of morning sun shone on his face.

He woke up, washed up,= and made breakfast, just like any other morning. There weren’t any changes to his usual lifestyle.

Yin Xun arrived early. Seeing that Lu Qingjiu was fine, he sighed in relief, “Qingjiu, you didn’t meet anything strange yesterday, right? After you left, I immediately contacted Bai Yuehu…” 

“I’m fine. Bai Yuehu came just in time.”

Yin Xun nodded. “I’ll help you cut the spring onions.”

Lu Qingjiu planned to make fried eggs, but mixing it up a little from the usual sunny side-up  he made. This kind of omelette is made by beating the eggs before adding onions, green peppers and various seasonings, and then putting the mixture in oil. This cooking method guaranteed that the omelette would not have the greasy feeling of ordinary fried eggs since refreshing onions and green pepper have been added to the mix. The resulting omelette would be very tender without an overpowering eggy  smell. They made it once before. Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu liked it.

In addition to the omelette, Lu Qingjiu also took out some frozen dumplings from the refrigerator and cooked them. The frozen dumplings are easily broken, but because they had been well preserved, only two or three from each big batch were broken. The cabbage and minced meat leaked from the thin skin, still carrying a rich juice. Yin Xun used chopsticks to pick up all the broken pieces and ate them sneakily. Lu Qingjiu looked at his cautious expression and wanted to laugh, “After eating, go to the yard and get some milk.”

“Do we still have chocolate milk?”

Lu Qingjiu said helplessly, “We do, but we’ve already drunk chocolate-flavoured milk for a few days. Shouldn’t we try something else?”

Yin Xun thought for a moment. “Then, how about feeding it some bananas?” The bananas Lu Qingjiu bought a few days ago hadn’t been finished. So they could use those to feed it.

“Alright.” Lu Qingjiu agreed. Banana-flavoured milk was quite tasty but their cow was simply too OP… If it weren’t for him stopping it, Yin Xun would even have tried feeding it chilli peppers. 

Lu Qingjiu began to prepare the food. He grabbed some ginger from the pickle jar, shredded it and added some sesame oil and other seasonings to make homemade salted vegetables. Then he scooped the mung bean porridge out of the pot. Unlike the old ginger used in general cooking, this ginger is very tender and not spicy. Soaked in a jar for a month or two, it fermented and became sour, crunchy and delicious. Add a little sesame oil and pop it in your mouth, it’s no worse than other side dishes.

Lu Qingjiu brought all the dishes out and saw Bai Yuehu coming in from the backyard with a basket of vegetables like lettuce and cabbage, as well as some red chilli peppers. At the bottom were round potatoes.

“You’re back.” Lu Qingjiu greeted him with a smile.

Bai Yuehu looked at him and gave a small, unnatural hum. 

“Come and eat.”

Bai Yuehu put down the basket in the kitchen and slowly sat down at the table.

Qjamtlcu atlr, Oe Hlcuple ugfk vbeyaoei. Pa wera yf rjlv atja wfji alwfr kjr ktfc Djl Tefte kjr atf wbra fcfgufalm, yea rbwfatlcu rffwfv ab tjnf mtjcufv abvjs. Coafg olvvilcu obg j ktlif, tf olcjiis qlmxfv eq tlr mtbqralmxr.

“Qtja’r kgbcu?” Oe Hlcuple atbeuta tf tjv gec lcab rbwfatlcu. 

Bai Yuehu hesitated before taking something out of his pockets. “For you.”

Lu Qingjiu looked down and saw it was a small ball made of vines. Of course, the focus wasn’t the small ball, but the trembling animal huddled inside. That creature seemed to be only a thumb big, with white fur and large, round eyes. It looked like a really cute miniature kitten.

Lu Qingjiu saw it and his eyes lit up. “What’s this?”



Bai Yuehu nodded unnaturally. “Don’t you humans like stuff like flowers. Most flowers wither too easily, I don’t like it.”

Lu Qingjiu took the ball over and used a finger to poke the small creature. “What animal is this? Isn’t it too pitiful to keep it in a ball?”

Bai Yuehu: “Pitiful? One of it is capable of eating 10 Yin Xuns.” 

Yin Xun, who had just obtained some milk, stood innocently at the entrance, thinking silently to himself: What the hell does this have to do with me? Why is it about eating me again?

Lu Qingjiu laughed, “it’s quite cute.”

“It has a lot of fur, you must like it a lot?”

Lu Qingjiu was about to say he did, but felt Bai Yuehu’s expression seemed weird. Thinking about it, he realised his family’s fox must be jealous again. That’s right, now that his fox mask had come off, he was a black dragon without a single strand of fur. He could no longer appeal to Lu Qingjiu, who was a sucker for furry creatures… 

Lu Qingjiu dry coughed and put the ball back on the table. “Actually, not really.”



“Then, I’ll return those tails.” 

Lu Qingjiu immediately interjected, “Ai, wait…”

Bai Yuehu cocked an eyebrow at Lu Qingjiu who immediately laughed guiltily, “Can’t… you keep one?” Didn’t he have nine tails? It would be a pity to lose them all and he wouldn’t be able to hold them to sleep in winter.

Bai Yuehu: “Is one enough?”

“Of course, more is better.” 

Bai Yuehu thought about it. “I’ll consider it if you kiss me.”

Lu Qingjiu didn’t hesitate to betray his morals for tails. He quickly approached Bai Yuehu and kissed him before sitting back. Afterward, he heard his fox say, “Don’t worry, I won’t return it. The tails’ owners have already been eaten by me.”

Lu Qingjiu: “…”

Yin Xun, standing by the door, was equally as stunned as Lu Qingjiu. Naturally, it wasn’t because Bai Yuehu had eaten others and stolen their tails, but because Lu Qingjiu had kissed Bai Yuehu nine times. If it was once, he could still fool himself, but it was a total of nine times. There was no way he could tell himself he’d seen wrongly. 

With a crash, the milk bottles fell onto the ground as Yin Xun stood transfixed with shock.

Lu Qingjiu looked up and saw Yin Xun’s jaw about to drop. “Yin Xun?”

“You…” Yin Xun stuttered, pointing at Lu Qingjiu. “He…” He pointed at Bai Yuehu.

Lu Qingjiu understood Yin Xun must have seen them and thought for a moment before deciding to tell the truth. “Yin Xun, ah…” 

Yin Xun listened in fright.

Lu Qingjiu: “Congratulations. You have another father.”

Yin Xun: ???

“Alright, no more joking. Bai Yuehu and I are married.” 

Yin Xun was furious. “Don’t lie to me. Let’s not talk about buying a house or car or betrothal gifts. Bai Yuehu is just a country bumpkin dragon without any identity. How does he deserve to marry you?”

Bai Yuehu forcefully snapped the chopstick in his hand, a dark aura emanating from his body. If it weren’t for Lu Qingjiu sitting at the side, he would have already eaten Yin Xun.

Lu Qingjiu said, “Calm down! Everyone is a civilised person, no need to talk about betrothal gifts!”

Yin Xun despaired, “But I don’t want a father like this.” 

Lu Qingjiu: “…”

Yin Xun: “Ah, no, it should be this kind of sister-in-law.”

“Calm down. Think about it this way, once he becomes your sister-in-law, he definitely won’t be able to eat you and would even protect you. If you look at it this way, isn’t it better.”

Yin Xun: “Thank you. It’s not.” 

Lu Qingjiu: “Eat some pan-fried dumplings before we continue.”


Then, Yin Xun sat on the chair with a wanting to die expression as he gnawed ferociously on the dumplings. Bai Yuehu stared at Yin Xun unkindly. Although he was chewing some omelette, Bai Yuehu’s expression seemed to imply he wanted to swallow Yin Xun whole.

The dumplings and fried eggs were both delicious. Yin Xun gradually calmed down as he ate and decided to accept reality. But as Lu Qingjiu’s childhood friend, he still tactfully raised some issues with Bai Yuehu such as his lack of official job, social insurance, savings, and identity card. The only thing he had to his name was the silly truck that liked to play around on rainy days. If Lu Qingjiu married such a person, would his future be blissful… 

Bai Yuehu didn’t finish listening before he slammed the table. “I can grow crops!”

Yin Xun looked at him disdainfully. “Where do the seeds for your crops come from? You can’t even be compared to me. At least I know which mushrooms in the mountain are poisonous.”

Bai Yuehu: “…”

He actually lost. 

Yin Xun looked up haughtily.

Lu Qingjiu could no longer hold it in and burst out laughing. These two were too cute. Once he recalled Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu’s past, he couldn’t help but feel affection for them. When he saw them comparing their farming skills, he laughed until his muscles hurt.

In the end, Bai Yuehu no longer spoke and grudgingly ate up the remainder of the omelettes, glancing at Yin Xun from time to time. This made Yin Xun feel a little bad and said Bai Yuehu actually had some redeeming qualities.

Lu Qingjiu laughed, “What are they?” 

Yin Xun: “At least his face isn’t bad, but with such a pretty face, you must be careful. Others may seduce  him…”

Bai Yuehu didn’t hold back and stood up, pointing at Yin Xun and challenging him to a duel. Today, he must beat Yin Xun up.

Yin Xun naturally didn’t stand up.

Lu Qingjiu: “Enough, stop once you’re done messing around. What do you want to eat for lunch? Should we kill another rabbit? Didn’t Yuehu bring some fresh chilli peppers? I’ll make chilli rabbit. Yin Xun, go wash the dishes, Yuehu, go kill the rabbit.” He reached out a hand to stuff the furry animal into his pocket. “I’ll go get more milk to make some double-skin milk.” 

Once they heard food, Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu both laid down arms and prepared to duel another day.

Double-skinned milk:

looks super yummy so I’m going to try make it soon, and it’s really simple!