CH 85.1

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
Translator: Wuwu

Editor: Yuki 

Lu Qingjiu couldn’t remember how he got up from the bed. He only remembered hearing Yin Xun’s cry from outside and he pushed away Bai Yuehu whose face was buried in his neck. He mumbled: “Wait, there’s someone outside.”

Bai Yuehu bitterly left a bite on Lu Qingjiu’s neck, almost gnashing his teeth: “I’ll go out and eat him.”

Lu Qingjiu said, “And we haven’t eaten breakfast yet.”

Bai Yuehu remained silent and motionless. 

Yin Xun was someone who couldn’t read the room. When no one greeted him back, his first reaction was that something had happened again. His voice was filled with urgency and worry as he called for Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu: “Qingjiu, are you there? Bai Yuehu? Bai Yuehu?” Hearing his voice get closer and closer to the bedroom, Bai Yuehu could only reluctantly let go of Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu quickly sorted out his messy clothes, got up from the bed and pushed open the door open, only to be met with a stunned Yin Xun.

“Qingjiu?” Yin Xun was relieved when he saw Lu Qingjiu, “What are you doing? Why didn’t you answer when I called you earlier? It made me worry that something had happened to you again…”

Lu Qingjiu explained vaguely: “I got up late.”

“Got up late?” Yin Xun was a little confused, but didn’t think much. He nodded and said, “Oh, what are we eating this morning? Has Bai Yuehu not returned from the fields yet?”

Glancing at his phone, he said, “It’s already past 9 o’clock, did something happen?”

Under normal circumstances, Bai Yuehu would go out around six and come back for breakfast on the dot at eight o’clock in the morning. After eating, he would either tidy up the yard, prepare the ingredients for lunch, or just lie down in the yard to rest.

Since he hadn’t seen Bai Yuehu at 9 o’clock today, plus what happened a few days ago, it’s no wonder Yin Xun was overthinking. 

Before Lu Qingjiu could continue, Bai Yuehu walked out from behind him, gave Yin Xun an unpleasant look, and turned to head towards the bathroom. Yin Xun looked at Bai Yuehu and opened his mouth in surprise, and asked Lu Qingjiu: ” He… why is he in your room?”

Lu Qingjiu: “Oh, he needed something.”

Yin Xun asked: “Something?” He suspiciously observed the red color spreading on Lu Qingjiu’s face, then his eyes widened suddenly, feeling as if he had stumbled upon some terrible truth, “Lu Qingjiu, what’s that on your neck!”

Lu Qingjiu: “Huh?” He reached out and touched his neck. 

“Djl Tefte yla sbe!!” Tlc Wec kjr afgglolfv, “P’nf tfjgv yfobgf atja atf vgjubc gjmf ilxfr ab fja atflg ojnbglaf qfbqif… tf, tf kbeivc’a…”

Oe Hlcuple rjlv: “…Lf kbc’a fja wf, vbc’a atlcx abb wemt jybea la.”

“Ktfc kts vlv tf ylaf sbe?” Tlc Wec vlvc’a yfilfnf Oe Hlcuple’r kbgvr ja jii.

Lu Qingjiu was a little helpless. Yin Xun grew up in the village. It was naturally impossible for his grandparents to educate him on sex. This guy still remained ignorant of the birds and bees to this age, not knowing what to do after getting a girlfriend. 

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while and felt that as an adult man, there were some things that should be shared with Yin Xun. So, grabbing Yin Xun, he headed for the computer, turned it on and entered a website address.

This is the kind of website that adults all understood. Lu Qingjiu occasionally watched it when he was at work. Later, when he came to Shuifu Village, he was kept busy every day and hardly had any time.

As soon as the webpage popped up and Yin Xun could see the pictures on it, his face instantly turned red. He stammered: “Qing, Qingjiu, this, why are these girls not wearing clothes?”

Lu Qingjiu patted him on the shoulder and said, “Take your time, I’m going out to make breakfast first.” 

Yin Xun wanted to say more, but saw that Lu Qingjiu had already turned and left. The vicissitudes in his eyes before leaving was like an old father looking at his mentally retarded son.

Yin Xun turned back to the pictures on the website and his lips trembled slightly. He wanted to use the mouse to close the website, but his hands seemed to be out of his control as he silently clicked onto a few pictures.

Humans, after all, are animals.

Lu Qingjiu went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Since it was late today, he didn’t make anything too complicated, but just three bowls of minced meat noodles. The minced meat was freshly fried, and there was meat and vegetables drizzled on the top, exuding a strong aroma. Lu Qingjiu plated the noodles and beckoned Yin Xun to come eat. 

It was almost ten o’clock by now. Yin Xun had spent about an hour in the room. When he came out, his eyes were unfocused. He looked at Lu Qingjiu and said, “Qingjiu.”

Lu Qingjiu smiled when he saw his dazed appearance, “What?”

There was a sob in Yin Xun’s voice. He said, “Humans are so scary.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Huh?” 

Yin Xun said, “How could it be possible to get such a big thing in, wuwuwuwu.”

Lu Qingjiu’s expression froze for three seconds and then looked suspiciously at Yin Xun: “What did you see?”

Yin Xun’s Three Views were severely impacted. At this moment, his whole person felt like a rag doll. He said, “Aren’t you the one who showed it to me? It’s really scary…”

Lu Qingjiu was confused until he entered the room where Yin Xun had just come out and briefly went through the browser history. After looking at the content, he was actually caught in the same doubts as Yin Xun. Involuntarily exclaiming in horror: “Fuck, how did such a big thing go in.” 

Then he turned off the computer as if he had been burnt, comforting Yin Xun who was still crying, and told him to eat some noodles. Just eat some noodles…

Bai Yuehu came in from outside, looked at Yin Xun and Lu Qingjiu who were in a daze and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Lu Qingjiu raised his head and looked at Bai Yuehu with pity and love in his eyes. He thought about how Bai Yuehu had sacrificed so much for himself, so he must treat him well in the future. It must not be as rough as the video. They needed to take it easy……

Bai Yuehu: “???” He only went out for a bit, why did these two people seem to be possessed? 

The noodles tasted good, and the minced meat inside were also very fragrant, but Yin Xun and Lu Qingjiu were both distracted. Bai Yuehu had sharp ears, so he heard Yin Xun’s whispering: “Maybe humans are actually made of roulingzhi, ba? Otherwise, how could it be possible to swallow it in?”

Bai Yuehu raised his eyebrows: “What’s the matter with you two?”

Lu Qingjiu said, nothing.”

Bai Yuehu: “Nothing? Then what do you mean by swallowing it in?” 

Yin Xun was speechless and shut his mouth quickly. He didn’t expect that Bai Yuehu would be able to hear what he had just whispered.

Lu Qingjiu almost choked to death on Bai Yuehu’s words and it took him a long time to recover, but he didn’t dare to answer Bai Yuehu’s question directly. He just said vaguely: “You heard it wrong, did Yin Xun say that? ?”

Bai Yuehu frowned, knowing that these two people must have something to hide from him. But seeing as the two of them refused to speak, he knew that he would not be able to get anything out of them today, so he could only give up.

Lu Qingjiu scolded the website inwardly. Damn, it was fine before. He only took a one year break but how could they have expanded so fucking much. This business had also expanded a bit too wide and too thick. Putting such a video with heavy tastes on the website, aren’t they afraid that the straight men who see it will be scared off? But having said that, he himself had seemed to be straight before. Although he had never been in a relationship, he also liked pretty girls. It was only later, when he met Bai Yuehu, that he was so easily bent. 

In Lu Qingjiu’s career, there are actually quite a few people who were queer, so he easily accepted this kind of sexuality. After understanding himself, he quickly accepted this fact and took the initiative. Although he was vaguely aware of how same-sex relationships occurred before, he only had an instinctive understanding. After watching the video today, he had to say that the potential of human beings is really boundless…

For the whole day, both Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun were caught in the aftershock of viewing that video. After dinner, Yin Xun went to wash the dishes as usual and then asked Lu Qingjiu, who was alone in the kitchen with him, “Qingjiu, ah, did you sleep together last night?”

Lu Qingjiu said: “En…”

Yin Xun’s expression was distorted: “Bai Yuehu too?” 

Lu Qingjiu calmly said: “We haven’t gotten that far yet.”

Yin Xun: “I don’t seem to hate Bai Yuehu that much anymore…”

Lu Qingjiu: “Why?”

Yin Xun said, “It is not easy to marry into the Lu family.” 

Lu Qingjiu recalled the scene on that video they watched during the day, shivered, and then nodded heavily, agreeing with Yin Xun’s statement.

“I’m leaving first.” Yin Xun said, “You… pay attention to control.”

Lu Qingjiu waved a hand and watched Yin Xun rush out of the yard like a gust of wind, without making any more stops. It seemed that the video they had watched had left a deep scar on his young mind.

Lu Qingjiu didn’t speak as he watched Yin Xun rush out. His gaze slowly moved and finally landed on the Bai Yuehu sitting in the courtyard. Bai Yuehu sensed Lu Qingjiu’s gaze and looked up. He had typical phoenix eyes, the kind that usually appeared very imposing when looking at others. At this time, under the ambiguous moonlight, his eyes were a little more charming. Paired with his beautiful long black hair, he was mesmerizing. 

Lu Qingjiu involuntarily looked away, and whispered, “Yuehu, let’s go to bed.”

Bai Yuehu stood up and walked over to Lu Qingjiu: “You’re acting a little strange today.”

Lu Qingjiu said, “Did I…”

Bai Yuehu asked, “What’s the matter?” 

Lu Qingjiu shook his head: “Nothing, I’m just… a little sleepy.”

Bai Yuehu remembered what hadn’t been done in the morning. If Yin Xun hadn’t bothered him, he would have swallowed this person in front of him. Dragons were naturally full of yin energy, some things didn’t need to be taught at all, as it’s naturally carved in their bones.

“Okay.” Bai Yuehu laughed, his lips curling up in a bewildering arc, “Let’s go. Go to sleep.”

Lu Qingjiu smiled brightly.