CH 86.1

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
Editor: Yuki

The sea in the alternate reality was slightly different from the sea in the human world. No matter the beach or the sea, there was no trace of garbage or human activities. The beach was a golden yellow, covered with fine sand. There were beautiful shells and conches on the sand, as well as seaweed and jellyfish washed up by the sea. Under the sunlight, the sea water was very dazzling, glistening like light blue crystals. The fish swimming in it seemed to be floating about the air. He recognized some fishes, but had never seen others before. Judging from their colorful appearances, he wasn’t even sure whether they would be edible. 

Upon arriving on the beach, Lu Qingjiu took off his shoes and set up a barbecue with Bai Yuehu. It was the first time Yin Xun saw such a beautiful sea and naturally he couldn’t control his excitement. He rushed into the sea with his swimming ring, so Lu Qingjiu could only shout and tell him not to swim too far. Yin Xun was fearless, replying that since he had already died once anyway, he definitely couldn’t die a second time…

The little fox cub and the two little pigs were also in the water, but when the little fox went into the water, all its fur was stuck to its body, revealing a  little person with a disgruntled face. Lu Qingjiu was startled at first, but after a closer look, he realized that he actually knew this little person—wasn’t this the Rain Master’s Concubine they had brought back from the hospital last time? She had been living so quietly in the fur of the little fox that Lu Qingjiu had almost forgotten about her.

The Rain Master’s Concubine obviously didn’t like the sea water, so she jumped off the little fox’s back and swayed back slowly, finally finding  a conch to climb into.

Unexpectedly there was a hermit crab in the conch!? The two small creatures looked at each other for a moment, and then started fighting. Although Rain Master’s Concubine used to be quite powerful, she had since become smaller and was unarmed, now being chased by a crab and caught between its pincers, she almost died. 

Upon seeing this, Lu Qingjiu hurried over to fish her up and saw her crying aggrievedly. Lu Qingjiu quickly comforted her with a few words, before giving her a gummy he took out from his pocket. The Rain Master’s Concubine, who had the candy to eat, stopped crying.

Lu Qingjiu was still busy and couldn’t hold the Rain Master’s Concubine all the time. After looking around, he found a shell on the beach and gave it to her as a stool. He then put Rain Master’s Concubine on the stool he had brought along.

“I’ll light the fire.” Bai Yuehu stayed near toLu Qingjiu, giving him a helping hand.

This time, they brought a lot of things along, including a huge parasol. The barbecue grill was under the parasol, so they didn’t have to worry about getting sunburned. But it was unclear whether Yin Xun, who ran off for a swim without sunscreen, would be sunburnt

once he came back…

Lu Qingjiu took out the processed ingredients and put them aside to begin roasting. Along with the ingredients, there were some fruits and a few bottles of frozen cola and beer, which he planned to use to relieve the spiciness when eating the barbecue later.

After Bai Yuehu finished setting up the charcoal in the grill, he turned and looked at the sea, and said, “I’m going to catch some fish to roast.”

Lu Qingjiu said: “Okay, but can the fish here be eaten?” 

Djl Tefte rjlv, “Ofa Tlc Wec ags la olgra.”

Oe Hlcuple: “…”

Cr tf rqbxf, Djl Tefte fcafgfv atf kjafg. Lf tjv ajxfc boo tlr rtlga jcv kjr mijv lc pera j qjlg bo rklwwlcu agecxr. Pa wera yf rjlv atja jiatbeut Djl Tefte ibbxfv yfjealoei lc afgwr bo jqqfjgjcmf, tlr oluegf kjr cba yjv ja jii. Llr fluta-qjmx jyr kfgf mifjgis vfolcfv ktlif tlr atlutr kfgf ibcu jcv abcfv. Ktlr qtsrldef, wjamtfv klat klvf rtbeivfgr jcv cjggbk tlqr, kjr mbwqifafis mbwqjgjyif ab wbvfir Oe Hlcuple tjv rffc bc KN.

Lu Qingjiu was not as tall as Bai Yuehu, but he also had abdominal muscles. Although his figure was considered quite good among humans, it was a little bit lacking compared to Bai Yuehu’s almost perfect body. However, Lu Qingjiu didn’t care too much. It was only when he noticed a certain bulging part that the roots of his ears turned a little red. 

Bai Yuehu leaped into the blue water elegantly, like a fish. In stark contrast to him was Yin Xun, who clung to his swimming ring and refused to let go. Yin Xun, who has been living in the mountains since he was a child, couldn’t swim at all. He saw the clear water and thought that it would not be too deep. Who knew that once he started floating, he found himself getting farther and farther from the coastline until his feet could no longer touch the ground.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—” Yin Xun panicked, and started struggling to get closer to the coast. Unfortunately the more he struggled, the farther the waves sent him, to the point that the others onshore couldn’t hear his calls for help. The scariest thing was that Yin Xun also noticed some black pointy-nosed fishes appearing under him. These fishes didn’t look gentle. They surrounded him and even started trying to get close to him.

Yin Xun, who thought he was about to be eaten, cried like a chicken that had fallen into the water. At this moment, a black shadow emerged from the bottom of the water and caught the fish that was trying to get close to Yin Xun. The other fishes sensed the shadow and ran away in fright. When the shadow in the water finally stopped and looked at Yin Xun, Yin Xun realized that it was actually Bai Yuehu.

It seems that Bai Yuehu didn’t have to worry about breathing in the water, holding a big fish in his hands underwater, he looked up at Yin Xun. Although Yin Xun had some opinions against Bai Yuehu for snatching away Lu Qingjiu, his life was now on the line so he dared not annoy Bai Yuehu. He put a fake smile on his face and said: “Yuehu Ah, did you come to swim too?” 

Bai Yuehu’s head popped out from the water and looked at Yin Xun blankly.

Yin Xun asked weakly, “Why are you looking at me?”

Bai Yuehu tilted his head and smiled: “Do you want to eat fish?”

Yin Xun: “Yes, yes.” 

Bai Yuehu replied, “There are more fishes over there.” As he finished speaking, he directly pushed Yin Xun’s swimming ring, causing Yin Xun to move towards the deeper water upon receiving external force. Yin Xun cried in fright for his mommy, swearing on his life that he would never hinder the relationship between Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu again!

Bai Yuehu turned to look at him after hearing this and said, “Remember your words.”

Yin Xun nodded hurriedly.

Bai Yuehu said: “We’re all family, no need to be polite. Let’s go back to eat fish.” 

Yin Xun: “…” Bai Yuehu, your face really changes faster than the weather.

Bai Yuehu dragged Yin Xun’s swimming ring and brought him back to the coast. After reaching shore, Bai Yuehu brought the fish in his hand back to Lu Qingjiu and prepared to clean it with a knife.

Lu Qingjiu was busy grilling and couldn’t care about this side. Seeing Yin Xun’s withered appearance, he thought he was just tired from swimming and thoughtfully passed an icy bottle of cola.

From the side, Yin Xun mumbled that he wanted to learn to swim. 

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll find a time to enroll you in a swimming class. Isn’t it almost summer vacation? There should be a lot of these types of classes.”

Yin Xun: “…” So he’s going to learn to swim with the kids?

Bai Yuehu was still cleaning the fish while Lu Qingjiu watched by the side. The skin of this fish was quite tough, but upon slicing it open, the flesh was white and looked very beautiful.

Bai Yuehu cut a small piece with his knife and fed it to Lu Qingjiu. Lu Qingjiu received the fish and chewed it, revealing a stunned expression: “It’s so fresh.” It also had some lingering sweetness, which was different from the thick and soft taste of salmon. The meat of this fish was very chewy and palatable, which meant that they would taste good whether grilled or eaten raw. Bai Yuehu put the fish aside and said he would catch more. 

Lu Qingjiu nodded and smiled as he watched Bai Yuehu leap into the water again.

The little fox cub had been playing with Yin Xun before, but later found that Yin Xun’s swimming was not as good as his own, so he ruthlessly abandoned this little friend and followed Bai Yuehu to catch fish. The little fox cub was small, but the fish he caught was bigger than himself. He staggered at Lu Qingjiu’s feet and rubbed his little head against Lu Qingjiu’s trousers.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and bent over. He took the fish from the little fox’s mouth and said, “I’ll cut it for you, but you have to share it with Xiao Hei and Xiao Hua, okay?”

The little fox chirped happily. 

There were very few fish bones, so there was basically no need for overly-complicated processing. After Lu Qingjiu removed the fish bones, he fed it to the little fox and let him share the rest of the fish with the other two pigs.

Everyone had a good time.

After a while, Bai Yuehu brought back other things like octopus and creatures that looked like oysters. This oyster was much larger than those in the human world, being almost as big as two adult palms. However, the octopus was quite small. After taking out its teeth and ink sac, it could be directly eaten.

Even if the octopus had to be roasted. Lu Qingjiu had enough seasoning anyways. After he had a few bites ,Lu Qingjiu roasted the rest with garlic. The fresh oysters had no fishy smell at all. When lemon juice was added to it, it practically melted in their mouths. No wonder oysters were called milk of the sea. 

Lu Qingjiu looked at the other ingredients he had brought. He originally wondered if he had brought too much, but after he saw how quickly Bai Yuehu was eating, he immediately felt that it was okay…

Yin Xun regained his vitality after drinking a bottle of Coke and rushed to the beach to play with the little pigs in the sand.

After Lu Qingjiu was done roasting, he called everyone over to eat, wanting to fill everyone’s stomachs.

It was nearly three o’clock in the afternoon when everyone had eaten. Bai Yuehu finished up the remaining food and then sat on a chair with Lu Qingjiu while drinking ice water. 

Lu Qingjiu was idle and bored, so he chatted with Bai Yuehu, “By the way, I haven’t seen your dragon form yet.”

Bai Yuehu chewed the peanuts Lu Qingjiu had roasted and glanced over. “You have.”

Lu Qingjiu: “…”

Bai Yuehu continued to speak slowly: “Not only have you seen it, you also disdained it.” 

Lu Qingjiu: “…”

Bai Yuehu swallowed the peanuts in his mouth and said in a faint voice.

Lu Qingjiu thought about how comfortable he had been sleeping with Bai Yuehu’s big fluffy tails yesterday and coughed dryly. He said seriously, “It’s because I was too young at that time. You can show me again. I promise not to despise you.”

“What if you do?” 

Lu Qingjiu looked left and right. After making sure that Yin Xun was not next to them, he approached Bai Yuehu’s ear and said a few words in a low voice. After speaking, the roots of his own ears turned red. Bai Yuehu was originally languid, but his eyes lit up once he heard Lu Qingjiu’s words. He turned around and asked, “Really?”