CH 90.1

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
Lu Qingjiu dreamed, he dreamt that he appeared on a mountain covered by heavy snow. Looking up, there was a vast expanse between the sky and the earth, everywhere he looked there was just a dazzling whiteness. He walked aimlessly through the mountains, and saw countless icy-blue butterflies flying out of the mountains. These butterflies covered the sky and soared; they quickly enveloped the entire snow-capped mountain. A butterfly landed on Lu Qingjiu’s shoulder, but the moment it landed, it melted into a puddle of snow on his shoulder.

Lu Qingjiu’s body felt cold, and his consciousness gradually blurred, as if he was about to withdraw from this bizarre dream. But just before waking up, in his dazed state, he saw a figure among the countless blue butterflies. It seemed to be a child, dressed in ice blue clothes. His facial features were not very clear, but Lu Qingjiu could tell that his hair was also a beautiful blue. He was watching from a distance, his gaze seemed to penetrate Lu Qingjiu’s body, as he looked towards an unknown direction. 

Lu Qingjiu wanted to take a closer look, but he had woken up. Bai Yuehu’s voice reached his ear, with a slightly hazy effect. Bai Yuehu called his name loudly, as if he could call Lu Qingjiu out of his dream.

“Qingjiu, Qingjiu, wake up, hurry up and wake up!” Lu Qingjiu opened his eyes with difficulty, and was met with Bai Yuehu’s worried gaze. Bai Yuehu should have used his power just now because his hair was growing again. It was hanging down from his face, falling against Lu Qingjiu’s skin.

“Where am I…” Lu Qingjiu said blankly.

“In the mountains.” Bai Yuehu replied in a low voice. His tone was very unhappy, Lu Qingjiu could tell that he was very dissatisfied with Ao Run, “was it him who brought you up the mountain?” 

“No.” Lu Qingjiu said, “I wanted to come up by myself.” He sat up and looked around, only to find that he was sitting in a field. At this moment, the sky was completely dark. Without the cold environment in the dream, the winds in June brought a breath of heat.

“Did he do anything to you?” Bai Yuehu looked worried.

Lu Qingjiu was silent for a moment: “He told me about my mother.”

Bai Yuehu was slightly stunned.

“He ate my mother.” Lu Qingjiu originally thought it would be difficult for him to say these things, but when he really said it, he found that it was not as difficult as he had imagined, at least in front of Bai Yuehu. “Because my mother had also been corrupted and was going to eat my grandma after having eaten my father.”

Bai Yuehu said nothing, just reached out and hugged Lu Qingjiu. His hug was very tight, as if he wished to integrate Lu Qingjiu into his body.

“That’s why he did what he did.” Lu Qingjiu said, “So technically it is true that he ate my mother.”

Bai Yuehu listened quietly. 

Lu Qingjiu said: “Let’s talk while walking.” He stood up from the ground, patted the grass clippings sticking to his pants, and acted as if nothing had happened, “I didn’t eat much at noon, so I’m a little hungry.”

“Okay.” Bai Yuehu followed after Lu Qingjiu.

So along the way, Lu Qingjiu told Bai Yuehu about what Ao Run had said. Of course, he also focused on the mastermind behind the scenes. He originally thought that Bai Yuehu would reveal something to him, but Bai Yuehu was very quiet from beginning to end, only those black eyes were still full of worries.

Pc atf fcv, ktfc tf wfcalbcfv tbk atf gfv-tjlgfv Cb Eec tjv qea j yief yeaafgois bc tlr tfjv, Djl Tefte ogbkcfv jcv jrxfv lc vfajli jybea atf jqqfjgjcmf bo atja yeaafgois. 

Oe Hlcuple jirb yfmjwf jifga jcv jrxfv, “Qtja’r kgbcu? Pr atfgf jcsatlcu rqfmlji jybea atja yeaafgois?”

Djl Tefte rjlv: “Ktfgf lr rbwfatlcu rqfmlji.”

Lu Qingjiu said: “What do you mean?”

Bai Yuehu thought for a while: “I can’t explain to you for the time being, I just have some vague guesses, which I can’t confirm yet.” 

Lu Qingjiu said helplessly: “Then you can always give me some hints, right?”

Bai Yuehu said: “The butterfly may have something to do with the person who corrupted your grandfather and mother.”

Speaking of this, Lu Qingjiu immediately remembered the figure of the child who had appeared in the snow-capped mountains and between the kaleidoscope of butterflies in his dream.

What did this dream mean? Could it be that the child he had seen was the person behind the scenes? But when Lu Qingjiu described his dream to Bai Yuehu, Bai Yuehu was also at a loss, obviously not understanding the hidden meaning of the dream. 

Lu Qingjiu sighed and said that he should go back to eat first. He was hungry and had insufficient blood supply going to his brain, so he couldn’t think of anything.

The two walked home from the mountains. Yin Xun and Zhu Miaomiao, who were sitting in the yard, were very excited when they saw the two of them come back, especially Yin Xun. He thought something had happened to Lu Qingjiu.

“Have you eaten dinner?” Lu Qingjiu asked.

“No.” Zhu Miaomiao said, “We were waiting for you to come back and eat together.” 

Lu Qingjiu said: “Then I’ll make something easy, wait a while.” It was almost ten o’clock, and there was no time to make complicated dishes. For convenience, Lu Qingjiu just made some noodles and they all ate together.

After eating, Lu Qingjiu took the initiative to talk about what had happened to him, but he didn’t mention Ao Run, only that he suddenly needed to go to the mountain. There was no accident, so the two of them didn’t have to worry. Yin Xun seemed as if he wanted to say something but changed his mind. Sensing the strange atmosphere in the room, Zhu Miaomiao could tell that something was wrong, but she didn’t understand what happened.

After eating, everyone went to rest.

Lu Qingjiu’s body was a little weak, so he washed up and went to bed early. Bai Yuehu slept beside Lu Qingjiu as usual. But before going to bed, he turned off the air conditioner and conjured out those big fluffy tails. 

“Why did you take out your tails?” Lu Qingjiu was a little confused, the current temperature was almost 30 degrees, he would have a heatstroke if he wrapped himself up in Bai Yuehu’s tails.

Bai Yuehu said: “It will work out”

Seeing that Bai Yuehu was so determined, Lu Qingjiu didn’t continue the argument. As a result, as soon as he got into bed, he understood what Bai Yuehu’s words meant. In this scorching summer, he actually felt cold. The coldness seemed to come out of his mind, causing chills to run through his whole body.

Only when he hugged the warm furry tails could he feel a little comfort. The thing that made Lu Qingjiu most uncomfortable was that he once again dreamed of the snowy mountains he had dreamed of before, and saw countless flying blue butterflies again. This time, his vision was clearer than before. He even heard the ice cracking. 

At first, Lu Qingjiu thought that the ground under his feet was breaking, but when the cracking sound became clearer and clearer, he realized that the sound was coming from above his head.

In the dream, Lu Qingjiu raised his head and saw the blue sky shattering like a broken mirror. Black things fell down along with the shattered sky. Ice-blue butterflies danced around, like a carnival. The whole world seems to be collapsing.

Lu Qingjiu was shocked by the picture in front of him. He watched the sky collapse piece by piece. Just when the whole world was about to plunge into darkness, Lu Qingjiu was shaken awake vigorously. He woke up in a cold sweat, and saw Bai Yuehu sitting next to him, staring at him worriedly.

“I…I had a nightmare.” Lu Qingjiu trembled. 

Bai Yuehu reached out and hugged him, gently stroking the top of Lu Qingjiu’s head and said: “He is coming soon, bear with it a little more.”

Lu Qingjiu had just woken up, his consciousness was still a little fuzzy, and so he didn’t interrogate Bai Yuehu who he was talking about. He was completely confused, still trapped in the horrible picture of the dream just now, unable to extricate himself from it.

As the sky slowly dawned, sunlight came in through the window, footsteps came from the door, and then someone knocked on the door gently.

“Come in.” Bai Yuehu said. 

The man pushed open the door and entered.Lu Qingjiu glanced in the direction where the footsteps were heard. Unexpectedly, it was Zhu Rong who had come to look for Bai Yuehu yesterday.

“How is he?” Zhu Rong asked coldly.

“Not good.” Bai Yuehu said, “The cold has seeped into his bones.”

Zhu Rong walked to Lu Qingjiu’s side, sat down, and then did a check-up on Lu Qingjiu’s body. His expression was solemn, causing Lu Qingjiu to become nervous, feeling as if he had developed some terminal illness. 

“I, am I okay?” Lu Qingjiu’s sleepiness was completely gone after Zhu Rong’s check-up. He stretched out his hand to let Zhu Rong take his pulse and asked a little nervously.

“Um…” Zhu Rong wrinkled his brows.

Lu Qingjiu held his breath solemnly, feeling like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced.

“It’s not good.” Zhu Rong’s lips moved slightly, and he spit out these words. 

Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu’s expressions changed slightly when they heard this, and Lu Qingjiu’s mind went through the names of countless terminal illnesses. Bai Yuehu was a bit calmer than Lu Qingjiu. He held Lu Qingjiu’s hand and said coldly, “Get to the main point.”

Zhu Rong said, “It’s almost summer. But with Lu Qingjiu’s body, I’m afraid…”

Lu Qingjiu swallowed, waiting for the final answer. Bai Yuehu frowned, as if he was planning to say something, but he still endured it and waited quietly for Zhu Rong to finish speaking.

Zhu Rong said, “I’m afraid he won’t be able to eat ice during the summer.” 

Lu Qingjiu: “…”

Bai Yuehu: “…”

Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu were silent for a minute. Lu Qingjiu choked out a sentence: “That’s it?”

Zhu Rong was helpless. “Isn’t it serious that he can’t eat ice?” He waved his hand casually, and a bright flame appeared on his finger. The flame seemed to be alive, and it went directly through Lu Qingjiu’s skin. As soon as the flame entered the body, Lu QingJiu felt that the cold air in his body seemed to be expelled from the body, and he was no longer cold. 

“I never really like eating ice.” Cold air was removed from his body, and Lu Qingjiu’s spirit improved a lot. “It doesn’t make any difference whether I eat it or not.”

Zhu Rong became serious when he heard the words, and then he said, “You humans are terrible.”

Lu Qingjiu: “…” He was a little helpless, because he found that Zhu Rong was serious. Also, as a god in charge of summer, it seems normal to like to stay cool. After all, his body was full of hot flames, wanting to drink some cold sour plum soup, and gnawing two milk-flavored popsicles are all pastimes that made him feel happy. If he can’t touch any ice during the summer, Zhu Rong might consider roasting the person who caused him to be in such a situation.