CH 96

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
When Chen Xuyang woke up again, he was back in his bed. When he opened his eyes, he even thought he was having an absurd nightmare, but when he sat up and saw the messy living room, he realised that it wasn't a dream, that it had really happened.

The floor and walls of his house were covered in blood and the remnants of gnawed flesh, and the smell of blood in the air made it a scene from hell. Chen Xuyang almost fainted again at the sight, but with the last ounce of self-control he managed to keep his composure and shakily took out his mobile phone to call the police.

Hu Shu was a bit surprised when he received a call from Chen Xuyang, saying that you had just said that your jar was fine, and that you had changed your mind after only half an hour.

"I don't know." Chen Xuyang wanted to cry out, "Help, comrade police, my house is like a murder scene."

Hu Shu was helpless, comforting Chen Xuyang while directing him, "Then come out of your house first, wait downstairs, we'll be right over."

Chen Xuyang nodded his head and said yes.

To leave the bedroom, he had to pass through the living room, a short walk that at that moment was like a cataclysm. Chen Xuyang gave himself a few moments of mental reassurance and made sure that there was no longer the object he had seen in the living room before he fainted before he took a cautious step to leave the house.

Chen Xuyang's first reaction to the pattern was that it was some kind of spell summoned by an evil god, so he hurriedly rushed out of the house and closed the door behind him.

It was already hot in June, but Chen Xuyang was still chilled to the bone. He waited downstairs for a while for Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi, and when he saw them, he looked as if he had seen his saviour: "Comrade police, you're finally here."

Hu Shu said, "What the hell is going on?"

Chen Xuyang hurriedly described the situation in his house, saying that there was blood all over the floor and walls, and that a spell had been formed in the middle of the living room with meat and bones, and that the person who had created all this had a treacherous mind and definitely wanted to kill him, and was definitely not a good person.

But Pang Ziqi was calm enough to say, "Let's go up and have a look."

So the three of them went back in the lift, and although Chen Xuyang was scared and reluctant to go back, he would have to go home sooner or later

After using the key to open the door, Hu Shu saw what was going on inside the house. The room was almost a mess, but nothing else had been touched, but there were traces of blood everywhere, and when he turned his head, he saw the pattern of the evil god Chen Xuyang had mentioned.

"Go in and see." As a precaution, Pang Ziqi pulled out his sidearm.

Hu Shu nodded, his expression following the gaze.

The two men stepped carefully into the house, one after the other, checking the rooms to make sure no one else was in the house. The jar, as Chen Xuyang had said, was still in storage and Hu Shu took it out and placed it on the table in the living room for Pang Ziqi to keep an eye on to avoid any accidents.

"What the hell is going on with this jar." Chen Xuyang shuddered, "Officer Hu, didn't you say it was a good jar."

Hu Shu looked at Chen Xuyang with a deep sense of purpose: "Yes, you're still alive, aren't you?"

Chen Xuyang :""

Hu Shu said, "If this is a bad jar, I think it's your neighbour who's going to call the police, not you."

Chen Xuyang has nothing to say.

Pang Ziqi looked at the evil gods in the living room, but the more he looked at them, the stranger his expression became, causing Hu Shu to ask, "Pang Ziqi, what do you see?"

Pang Ziqi turned his head and looked at Chen Xuyang: "It's your birthday in June."

Chen Xuyang said nervously, "Yes, it has something to do with the birth date."

Pang Ziqi says: "Twenty-sixth birthday"

Chen Xuyang was busy nodding, "Officer Pang, why are you asking this could it be that there is something special about my birth date that has been chosen to be a sacrifice?"

Pang Ziqi: "Watch less horror movies."

Chen Xuyang: "What's that all about?"

Pang Ziqi pointed to the so-called evil god design and instructed Chen Xuyang to look at it himself. Chen Xuyang was scared to death, but under Pang Ziqi's strong gaze, he looked towards the evil god's design with trepidation, but after about ten seconds of looking at it, Chen Xuyang's expression became the same as Pang Ziqi's: "How can this be?

Hu Shu let out a long sigh and patted Chen Xuyang on the shoulder: "I told you yours was a good jar."

Only the so-called evil god design is not a totem at all, but a few words spelled out in flesh and bone Chen Xuyang, Happy 26th Birthday.

Although the spelling is crude and the images are gory, they are indeed just a few words, and it looks like they were quite difficult to complete, bringing a tear of emotion to Hu Shu's eyes: "Look, they're celebrating your birthday."

Chen Xuyang looked at the script and his chest shook with a dull ache, once again not knowing what to say.

Pang Ziqi walked to the middle of the pattern and picked up a few pieces of broken flesh and bones, and after a brief examination determined that they were not human bones, but rather those of an avian or other animal, as they were very slender and not at all present in the human skeletal framework.

"So it's not a big deal." Hu Shu reassures Chen Xuyang, "People probably work hard to set up for a long time."

Chen Xuyang: ""His consciousness is a little blurred.

Hu Shu said, "Otherwise, you can hold on for two more days and if it really doesn't work, I'll call someone to come and help me get rid of the jar."

Chen Xuyang whispered, "What to do with it?"

Hu Shu says: "Smash it up, what else can we do?"

Chen Xuyang's expression was complicated again when he heard that he had to smash the jar, he could do it himself, but the problem was that if he had to smash it he would have done it already, it was not a matter of giving up.

Did it have to be delayed until now. And it really didn't seem to mean him any harm, so it seemed a bit impersonal to just smash it.

"Okay, I'll take another look at it." That was all Chen Xuyang could say.

Pang Ziqi said, "This thing is humane, you can try to communicate with him properly, in case it teaches."

Chen Xuyang: "OK."

After the police call, Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi left, leaving Chen Xuyang alone in the house to ram the food and clean up, looking at the jar with a complicated look. It's a good thing he bought this house to live alone, otherwise his landlord or flatmates would have been scared to move out if they saw the bloody handprints in this house.

Chen Xuyang finished cleaning up and touched the smooth surface of the jar and decided to talk to the jar, although he didn't know if the jar could understand him

Lu Qingjiu didn't know what was going on at Hu Shu's stall, but after eating a lamb kebab that day he couldn't get enough of the stall and tried to make his own ingredients, but he felt he was missing a few spices. So he thought he'd go back and try it again. Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun were both in favour of Lu Qingjiu's proposal, but before they could set a time, Hu Shu called Lu Qingjiu again, saying that someone wanted to invite them to dinner.

"We've been invited to dinner" Lu Qingjiu wondered, "Who is it?"

Hu Shu said vaguely that you will know when you come.

Lu Qingjiu's eyes twinkled and he immediately understood: "Is there something you can't solve again?"

Hu Shu said, "Not really."

Lu Qingjiu hit the nail on the head: "I don't suppose it's that jar that hasn't been sorted out yet?"

Hu Shu sighed and said that it was not that there was no solution, but the solution was a bit subtle, which led to the reporting party always calling the police, which was fine once or twice, but more times, their police force was a bit strained.

"Why do you call the police so often when they're all solved?" Lu Qingjiu didn't get it.

Hu Shu is particularly helpless: "Although no one has been killed, every time we open the door we see a lot of broken bones and flesh, which would scare any normal person."

Lu Qingjiu was surprised: "Then why didn't he throw the jar away?" According to reason, even if it was a family heirloom, how big was the heart of the person who kept the jar at home after such a thing had happened.

Hu Shu grimaced: "That's the problem."

Lu Qingjiu: "What does it mean?"

Hu Shu said, "All those broken bones and flesh are spelled out in Chinese characters, something about having a hard day, something about taking care of your rest, something about going to bed early."

Lu Qingjiu was drinking water when he heard this and almost sputtered out. It took him a while to recover and he coughed, "Did I hear it right? It's spelling these words with broken flesh and bones."

Hu Shu said helplessly, "Right, the most exciting thing was when the person who reported the crime came home one day and saw a big peach heart stamped in blood on the ceiling of his house"

Lu Qingjiu covered his face, wanting to laugh, but feeling a bit gloated, but honestly, it was really too funny.

"Then we realised we couldn't communicate with the jar," Hu Shu says. Hu Shu says, "Although it can sense our emotions, it's just emotions, it doesn't seem to be able to understand the literal meaning." There was a note of helplessness in his voice, "so I thought I'd ask Brother Lu if you could help us to communicate with the jar so that he doesn't show his concern for the owner in such an irritating way."

Lu Qingjiu laughed out loud as he said, "I'll ask, there's no guarantee it will work."

"Yes, if that's OK we'll have a dinner date tomorrow night." Hu Shu said, "See what you want to eat."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Just the lamb skewers that day, they were delicious and the two of us are still talking about them."

Hu Shu said yes.

Lu Qingjiu then told Bai Yuehu about it, and Bai Yuehu agreed easily. It took him no time at all to communicate with the jar, not to mention a delicious meal of lamb kebabs.

The lamb skewers have a few special ingredients, which are the boss's secret recipe, but I couldn't get the taste on my own. Lu Qingjiu wanted to go back two more times to see if he could get any insights.

It was another hot night when Lu Qingjiu drove Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu to the barbecue stall in his minivan.

When Lu Qingjiu parked his car, he saw Hu Shu talking to a young man with a sad face.

Lu Qingjiu also learned that the name of the person who reported the crime was Chen Xuyang.

To be honest, the three Lu Qingjiu men stand out from each other. Bai Yuehu is handsome, but his face is not very expressive and he doesn't seem to be very talkative, not very sociable. Yin Xun is still a teenager, grinning and giggling, showing a cute tiger tooth. Lu Qingjiu is so handsome and gentle that almost anyone who wants to start a conversation will start with him. The only thing the three of them have in common is that the first thing they do when they sit down is to look eagerly towards the kebab oven.

Chen Xuyang was busy explaining that the lamb skewers he had ordered were already on the grill and that they would probably be ready in a few minutes.

Lu Qingjiu now withdrew his gaze and said, "I already know about you, did you bring that jar?"

"Bring it on bring it on." Chen Xuyang said busily.

As he said this, he got up and went to the bike next to him and took down a package containing the two jars Lu Qingjiu had seen earlier.

"I didn't know which one it was hiding in, so I brought it all in." Chen Xuyang explains.

Lu Qingjiu said, "What do you want to say to it?"

Chen Xuyang said, "I just want it to stop sending me those things."

Lu Qingjiu said, "For example"

Chen Xuyang: "such as the early rest with scraps of meat" God damn early rest, looking at the ground of the meat he can sleep well, causing him to spend an hour every day to clean up, every day the home are thrown several large bags of scraps of meat, so that the neighbours look at his eyes are not right. This is not the worst, the worst is once the delivery to his door, from the doorway delivery in when he saw the bloody handprints on the walls and floors of his home, when he watched the delivery boy face white, turned and ran, scurrying with the rabbit chased by the dog, he chased did not catch up.

Then two hours later, he received a call from Hu Shu telling him to be a little more careful with the impact, in case he really scared someone

Lu Qingjiu nodded and handed the jar to Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu reached out and took it, tapping his fingers on the jar and making a strange string of sounds, as if he was speaking a special language. Lu Qingjiu had certainly never heard this language before, but miraculously he understood the meaning of Bai Yuehu's words, and wondered if it was because of the quarter of dragon blood in his body.

Bai Yuehu relayed Chen Xuyang's request to the jar, and the jar responded in kind. Lu Qingjiu heard the response so quietly that he finally put his ear to the jar to hear it clearly.

Several other people waited nervously nearby, but by the looks on their faces, none of them seemed to have heard the sound coming from the jar.

Lu Qingjiu listened for a while, his expression growing strange as he glanced at Chen Xuyang and then at the jar.

Chen Xuyang's scalp tingled at the look in Lu Qingjiu's eyes and he almost asked, "Doctor, can I still be saved?

Bai Yuehu was much more subdued, repeating Chen Xuyang's request to the jar, laying down a series of rules about the jar's behaviour and making it promise never to express its concern in this way again.

Lu Qingjiu also almost understood what was going on, he straightened up and asked Chen Xuyang: "You sold your old house last month."

Chen Xuyang gave a bewildered ah, "Why are you suddenly asking about this?" he then responded, looking at the jar and then at Lu Qingjiu, "It told you."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Yes."

Chen Xuyang sighed and looked a bit sad, explaining that his father had been ill and had been borrowing money for his treatment, and that he had sold almost everything in the house, leaving the old house and the flat where he lived now.

Lu Qingjiu said, "It doesn't mean you any harm, it's just worried about you."

Chen Xuyang nodded, indicating that he knew.

"You're underpaid, and you eat noodles every night." Lu Qingjiu succinctly relayed the jar's words, "It's afraid you're not getting any nutrition from eating too many bubble noodles and wants to give you an extra meal."

Chen Xuyang :""

"The meat is all the flesh of the bird and it tastes good." Lu Qingjiu's voice took on some laughter as he said, "It can be used for eating." The jar had a habit somewhat similar to that of a cat, fearing that its owner would be starved to death and going to great lengths to bring home some trinket to place in front of its owner in an attempt to feed what it saw as a clumsy big cat that could not hunt.

"Ah I know, but it's not edible either." Chen Xuyang hurriedly said, "Tell it never to send it to me."

"Hmm." Lu Qingjiu nodded, "It's all been told, and it shouldn't be carrying those things back in the future."

Chen Xuyang was relieved and felt inexplicably warm inside. The jar was not quite right in its caring way, but he could still feel its good intentions.

"And then there's the fact," Lu Qingjiu says, "that it asks if you need any other help."

"Help," Chen Xuyang said, intrigued, "can it grant me three wishes or something?"

Lu Qingjiu: "If all three of your wishes are to eat meat."

Chen Xuyang: ""It's better to forget it then.

"But is there any way I can understand what it's saying," Chen Xuyang asked, "otherwise we won't be able to communicate."

Bai Yuehu was quietly eating his lamb kebab after translating, and when he heard Chen Xuyang's question, he said indifferently, "Yes, but it's a bit of a hassle."

Chen Xuyang is still full of interest: "How do you do it?"

Bai Yuehu said, "You can just offer it up as a family deity."

The family god, a Chinese folk deity, is said to protect those in the family. When the family deity was worshipped, it became part of the family and an offering was made to the family deity at every festival or ancestral ritual. Bai Yuehu says that the jar may have been a bit of a family god, but later the Chen Xuyang clan did not continue to sacrifice to it, so its divinity faded and it degenerated into a demon.

Chen Xuyang listened attentively, it was the first time he had come across these things, and after listening to Bai Yuehu's description, he immediately remembered that his parents had mentioned something about the jar, saying that their ancestors' generation did sacrifice the jar, only that later on, when times changed, such things as sacrifice were outlawed. The jar was also put into storage as a relic, and later on, when their family was down, they did not have the heart to sell the jar.

The jar had previously been quiet until Chen Xuyang sold the old house, when it took on a different appearance.

Through Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu's communication, Chen Xuyang learns that the jar had been asleep for a long time, but was only awakened when the Chen Family's old house changed hands. When he woke up, he was shocked to find that Chen Xuyang was the only one left of the Chen Family, and that the place he lived in and the food he ate were particularly cheap.

It's just that Chen Xuyang can't accept this kind of care.

"Chen Xuyang thought of the demon he had seen with the long hair, and to be honest, he hadn't seen the demon clearly, but only remembered the green eyes and the thin teeth.

"The real body," Lu Qingjiu said, "it doesn't say that."

Chen Xuyang said, "Okay, I get it."

The matter was settled and both sides agreed that the jar would not bring back strange things to Chen Xuyang, while Chen Xuyang promised not to throw him away and to work hard to redeem the old house as soon as possible. Of course, in order to understand the jar sooner, Chen Xuyang decided to continue to worship it once he returned, after all, Bai Yuehu said that if he consumed enough joss sticks, then he and the jar would be able to communicate.

Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi were relieved not to have to toss and turn any more, as the cans were disposed of and everyone happily ate their lamb kebabs.

Lu Qingjiu took Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu back home with their bellies full. After parking the car, the three of them took another walk around the village before going to bed. It was late in the day and villagers could be seen walking everywhere, but Lu Qingjiu had mixed feelings since he found out that there were no living people in the village.

Bai Yuehu's wounds are slowly healing, but at a very slow pace, and it seems that they are still pretty bad.

Lu Qingjiu rubs Bai Yuehu's chin as they cuddle and drift off to sleep.

The day after the barbecue, Chen Xuyang came home not to see the chunks of meat on the floor, but to see a bowl of noodles on the table, still steaming.

On the post-it note left on the table last night, three beautiful Chinese characters were written in dragon-like letters: go to bed early.

Chen Xuyang looked at the post-it note and couldn't help but smile as he got up, carried the jar over from the living room sofa and placed it next to the bubble noodles, smiling, "Come, eat the bubble noodles with me."

The jar shook gently, and although he didn't know what it meant, Chen Xuyang reached out and scratched the jar as if it were a puppy's chin.

The jar spun happily around the table twice and almost didn't drop itself to the floor.

"Everything will be fine I guess." Chen Xuyang picked up his chopsticks and took a chopstick of bubble noodles, "Go for it, Chen Xuyang "

The gas cans are beside themselves with a silent shout.

The author has something to say: Bai Yuehu used his tail to compare a word.

Lu Qingjiu reads: Don't stop

Bai Yuehu: You said it.

Lu Qingjiu.