CH 98

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
"Do you know Shao Hao?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Lu Qingjiu wanted to ask more, but Wang Rumeng urged him that he could not stay here for long, and that it would be a problem if other humans came down and saw him. He opened the door of his car and gestured for Lu Qingjiu to go in. Lu Qingjiu stood still at the door, turning his head to look at the mess of things that had fallen to the ground: "Can I pick these up first," he said, having spent a lot of money.

Wang Rumeng looked at the various food items scattered all over the floor, thought for a moment and nodded in agreement with Lu Qingjiu's request. The girl, who had changed into a down jacket, got into the back seat of the car and waited for them both. It took about five minutes for Lu Qingjiu to pick up everything that had fallen on the ground. Most of them were undamaged, but as luck would have it, the already delicate strawberries had rolled around on the ground and were quite bruised, with pink juice spilling out of the box.

Lu Qingjiu looked a bit distressed and put the strawberries on top of the bag, thinking that he would come back later to buy a box of good ones when he was done.

When they got into Wang Rumeng's car, Lu Qingjiu and the girl sat in the back, the atmosphere between them was silent, no one had any intention of speaking. It was Wang Rumeng who was asking Lu Qingjiu questions, as if he thought Lu Qingjiu was a non-human hidden among humans, trying to get something out of him. Lu Qingjiu says what is not important, but the key information Lu Qingjiu chooses to give is perfunctory or silent, and Wang Rumeng has no intention of pursuing it to the end.

In the car, Lu Qingjiu took out his mobile phone and pretended to check the time, sending Bai Yuehu a text message briefly explaining his situation and writing on it where he was being taken.

The Yin Jian Building, to be honest, is a very unpleasant name, and when Lu Qingjiu heard it, he thought, "How can there be such a Yin Jian person in the world?

Wang Rumeng watched Lu Qingjiu all the way and seemed to take a keen interest in him, with an appraising look on his face. Lu Qingjiu sat in the back and showed Wang Rumeng the way without changing his expression until he arrived at his destination and when the car stopped, Wang Rumeng asked Lu Qingjiu, "Aren't you afraid?"

Lu Qingjiu asks rhetorically, "What are you afraid of?"

Wang Rumeng said, "Of course I'm afraid we'll hurt you."

Lu Qingjiu laughed, "I'm just an ordinary person, it's easy for you to hurt me, so why bring me so far away?"

That's true, and Wang Rumeng smiled and said, "That's also true."

The girl kept her stinky face silent and when the car stopped, she didn't say hello and went straight down. Wang Rumeng seemed to be used to her temper and shrugged, "Please do."

Lu Qingjiu said, "I'm still going in."

Wang Rumeng says, "Absolutely."

Lu Qingjiu frowned slightly: "I have already helped you reach your destination, I have to go in."

Wang Rumeng said, "We're here now, why don't we go in?"

Lu Qingjiu :""

Wang Rumeng's attitude was not to be denied, and it was clear that if Lu Qingjiu did not move, he might really take action. Lu Qingjiu had no choice but to get out of the car and enter the Yin Jian building with Wang Rumeng.

The Yin Jian Building, despite its unpleasant name, is a magnificent building, over two hundred metres in length, and a landmark in the city. Because it is a government office, it is very well secured. The doorman was supposed to register the trio's identity information, but after looking at the documents Wang Rumeng pulled out, he let them in.

The lift was also manned and the floor they were going to was pressed for them.

Wang Rumeng says: "Do you know that you live with a dragon?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Of course I know."

Wang Rumeng said, "Then do you know the name of your dragon?"

Lu Qingjiu raised his eyebrows: "Why should I tell you?"

Wang Rumeng watched the rising numbers in the lift and sighed as he said, "Dragons are very dangerous creatures very easily out of control."

Lu Qingjiu is silent.

Wang Rumeng wanted to say something when he saw his silent defiance, but the girl standing next to him was impatient and said, "Come on, what's the use of asking him so many questions?

Wang Rumeng nods his head.

Lu Qingjiu still didn't understand why they had to force themselves to come here, and what they meant by the meeting, and judging from Wang Rumeng's attitude, the relationship between non-humans and humans didn't seem as frosty as he thought, and even the human hierarchy should be aware of their presence.

They reached the top floor with a ding-dong, and Lu Qingjiu exited the lift, only to be surprised by the scene outside. The vast office was filled with strange creatures, such as Lu Qingjiu, who even saw a few Qin Yuan discussing loudly.

"Here it is." Wang Rumeng said, " Xiao Mei, I'll go ahead and take care of his business, you go ahead and play by yourself."

The girl's name was Xiao Mei, and after hearing Wang Rumeng's words, she nodded expressionlessly and turned to leave, while Wang Rumeng took Lu Qingjiu to a corner room, where Lu Qingjiu froze as soon as he entered the room, not expecting to see Zhu Rong, an acquaintance.

Zhu Rong, dressed in a red robe, was looking down at his work when he looked up and saw Lu Qingjiu with a startled look in his eyes: "What are you doing here?"

Before Lu Qingjiu could answer, Wang Rumeng said, "You know each other?"

"Of course I know him." Zhu Rong said, "What did you bring him for?"

Wang Rumeng said, "Didn't you say there was a candle dragon running over? Xiao Mei said he had the scent of a dragon on him, so I was a bit worried and brought him over."

Zhu Rong shook his head to show that it wasn't what Wang Rumeng feared: "No, it's nothing to do with him."

Wang Rumeng: "Could he be the one from the legend"

Zhu Rong said, "I'm sorry, Qingjiu, he's misunderstood."

Lu Qingjiu says: "What's going on?"

Zhu Rong sighed and briefly told the story. Bai Yuehu killed their merged bodies, but the soul of one of them escaped, and the incident became a big deal.

It is true that the human hierarchy is aware of the existence of non-humans and has allowed them to integrate into human society without revealing their identity. It's just that most non-humans, in fact, are not seen by humans, which saves a lot of trouble.

The aura here is thin and the non-human powers are weak, so it is rare for them to actively harm humans, so they get along quite harmoniously.

After hearing this, Lu Qingjiu understood that Wang Rumeng had taken himself to be a breeder of Candle Dragons and had forced himself to come here. He was curious, however, as the candle dragons were described as a very ferocious branch of the dragon race, could they also be bred by humans?

"Well." Faced with Lu Qingjiu's confusion, Zhu Rong gave Lu Qingjiu the answer, "There are examples of this."

It turns out that this has happened before, decades ago, when a candle dragon sneaked into the human realm and was picked up and raised by humans. Candle dragons are vicious by nature, they just didn't harm humans at first for some reason. But this did not last long, and in an accident, the candle dragon was triggered by instinct and devoured all the creatures present. Although it was soon annihilated by Ying Long who came along, it still caused a great deal of trouble.

"Isn't a candle dragon a tainted dragon that can be bred?" Lu Qingjiu wondered.

Zhu Rong says: "It's just an exception."

As a result of this accident, they also learned that candle dragons can sneak into the human realm, so after discovering that a candle dragon had sneaked over, they immediately informed all parties to be on the alert to avoid any undeserved accidents.

Lu Qingjiu was listening to Zhu Rong when the atmosphere outside became eerie. The whole floor had been noisy, yet unknowingly, the room suddenly fell silent both inside and outside, so quiet that even a pin dropped on the floor could be heard.

Wang Rumeng shows a nervous expression as if he is being pushed by something and squeezed hard against the corner. Yuehu.

" Bai Yuehu " Lu Qingjiu now remembered that he had just sent a text message to Bai Yuehu, who must have seen the message and rushed over immediately.

Bai Yuehu walked over to Lu Qingjiu with a sober face and looked coldly at Zhu Rong: "What do you want to do?"

Zhu Rong looked helpless and hastily explained that it was a misunderstanding, saying that Wang Rumeng was not from this area and that he was new to the area and did not know what was going on in Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu listened to the explanation without comment and reached out to Lu Qingjiu, as if he was checking something. Lu Qingjiu was a little embarrassed by his touch and said, "Bai Yuehu, I'm fine."

Bai Yuehu said, "Next time you go out, take me with you."

Lu Qingjiu nodded in agreement.

Looking at Wang Rumeng next to him, he was already cowering in a corner with Bai Yuehu's aura, and even Zhu Rong had a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead. Now that he thought about it, perhaps because Lu Qingjiu had dragon blood, he had never felt fear when facing Bai Yuehu, and he could not feel why everyone around him had been so afraid of Bai Yuehu since Yin Xun.

"I'm fine." Since it was a misunderstanding, it could be solved, Lu Qingjiu hurriedly calmed his own angry black dragon, "They thought I was involved with the candle dragon."

Candle Dragon and Ying Long have the same roots and there is little difference in their auras, if any, it is that Candle Dragon's aura is more violent, while Ying Long's is much more peaceful.

Lu Qingjiu even noticed that Bai Yuehu's black eyes stood up like a cold-blooded animal, like a cruel predator that had found its prey. Lu Qingjiu even suspected that if he wasn't still here, Bai Yuehu's next move would be to go over and break Wang Rumeng's neck.

In the presence of Lu Qingjiu, Bai Yuehu has always been lazy and quiet.

His favourite thing to do is to lie on a deckchair in the courtyard of his home. Although Lu Qingjiu had seen Bai Yuehu fighting other dragons, that was only after Bai Yuehu had taken on his true form.

In the end, they are the top predators, and even without striking, the killing intent emanating from their bodies is already enough to make other creatures submit.

Lu Qingjiu had no choice but to kiss Bai Yuehu on the lips, seeing that he was about to lose his temper.

Surprised by the sudden kiss, Bai Yuehu's eyes drifted to surprise and his pupils returned to their normal size.

Bai Yuehu's lips were a little hot, probably because he had just come in from outside, and Lu Qingjiu's waist was wrapped in a pair of hands and his whole body was pressed against Bai Yuehu's chest.

Both Wang Rumeng and Zhu Rong were dumbfounded by the scene, both looking stunned, their eyes staring out of their heads.

By the end of the kiss, Lu Qingjiu was already panting and his face was flushed, and when he looked at Zhu Rong again, he was a little embarrassed and averted his gaze with a dry cough.

Bai Yuehu's face did not change as he finally collected that horrible aura and he said, "There will be no next time."

"Good." That was all Zhu Rong could say.

Wang Rumeng was half frightened by Bai Yuehu and half frightened by the kiss between Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu, his mouth was wide open and he did not speak for a long time.

"Hey, did I just read that right." Wang Rumeng said, "A dragon is in love with a human."

Zhu Rong said calmly, "Are there any more cases of dragons falling in love with people?"

Wang Rumeng: "I thought that was just a myth."

Zhu Rong said, "Legends are always based on facts."

Wang Rumeng :""

To be honest, in a situation where aura is scarce, if we talk about physical quality alone, then humans are definitely creatures at the lowest end of the food chain. But now that humans are numerous, have developed advanced technology, and have established a stable enough order, non-humans are no match for humans in such a situation. But why would dragons fall in love with humans, creatures that only live in legends, be so grounded that Wang Rumeng doesn't know what to say. He had thought Lu Qingjiu was just a dragon's servant, and this kiss just turned his outlook upside down!

"That's enough." Zhu Rong reached out and closed Wang Rumeng's mouth as he said, "Don't dwell on it, it's just as you see it, by the way, is Xiao Mei here yet?"

"Hmm." Wang Rumeng nodded.

"It's still up to her to find Ao Run." Zhu Rong says. Zhu Rong says, "It's Shao Hao's fault that I had to transfer Phoenix from out of town."

Wang Rumeng says: "What happened to the phoenix at Shao Hao's house?"

Zhu Rong said that the birds in his family had a really bad culture, and even though they liked to play mahjong, they also liked to gamble on their own feathers. The phoenix, as the king of all birds, should be quite powerful, but who knew that the Shao Hao family's phoenix was a stickman and had a gambling addiction, so he lost all his feathers. This is how the phoenix turned from a phoenix to a chicken.

You could say that after losing its feathers, the phoenix is a very proud creature and cannot accept that it is hairless, so it goes to nirvana. The phoenix is divided into a large nirvana and a small nirvana, the small nirvana is Xiao Mei kind, does not affect anything, but the large nirvana will take several years, of course, after the nirvana phoenix can produce a full body of Chinese feathers, in his words is once again have the capital to gamble.

Wang Rumeng was dumbfounded by the excitement of Bai Yuehu and the unacceptable revelations that he had just arrived here.

Zhu Rong: ""He doesn't really want to talk.

When Bai Yuehu left the Yin Jian building, Lu Qingjiu watched with his own eyes as the room of lively non-humans fell silent like chickens, until they got into the lift and went down a few floors, when a loud noise erupted from the roof. When they got downstairs, Lu Qingjiu picked up his things and said he had to go to the supermarket to take the minivan home, so he and Bai Yuehu took a taxi.

Bai Yuehu helped Lu Qingjiu carry half of it, and after sitting in the rental and casually looking through the contents, he found the box of broken strawberries.

When Lu Qingjiu saw this image, he thought, "This is bad," and Bai Yuehu's next move was to carefully take the box of strawberries out of the bag. The strawberries had been placed one by one in a cardboard box, covered with a layer of plastic wrap. The strawberries were very easy to lose during transportation, so the price was not cheap, just a dozen strawberries in a box, which cost over a hundred dollars.

Bai Yuehu ran his fingertips gently over the torn strawberry as he said, "They did it."

Lu Qingjiu said, "No, it was my own carelessness."

"Really," Bai Yuehu said with a note of suspicion, Lu Qingjiu had always been a meticulous person and rarely made such a cheap mistake.

"Really." Lu Qingjiu had no choice but to lie, if he had told the truth, he could have imagined his fox's reaction, probably exploding on the spot and flying straight out of the taxi to take revenge on his poor little strawberry.

Bai Yuehu did not speak, he turned over the box, saw the price tag at the bottom of the box, his eyes showed a sorrowful look. This expression made Lu Qingjiu's heart soften and he said it's okay, let's buy another box when we get to the supermarket, this box will be used to eat directly.

Bai Yuehu nodded slowly and gave a small hmm.

Lu Qingjiu was relieved to see that Bai Yuehu didn't dwell on it any further.

When they arrived at the car park, Lu Qingjiu asked Bai Yuehu to stay in the car and he would go up to buy a box of strawberries and come down. But when Lu Qingjiu got down from the car, he didn't see Bai Yuehu, so he took out his mobile phone and called Bai Yuehu, but the call was disconnected.

Lu Qingjiu thought something had happened and was a bit anxious. Just when he was thinking about going back to Yin Jian to ask Zhu Rong what to do, Bai Yuehu appeared again. In a natural movement, he pushed open the car door, sat in the passenger seat and said, "Let's go.

"Where did you just go?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Went out to use the bathroom." Bai Yuehu replied without looking away.

"Really," Lu Qingjiu looked at Bai Yuehu and stretched out his hand to touch his cheek, "where did you go to the toilet, why is there still blood on your face after this?"

Bai Yuehu was silent for a moment and said, "The person next to me accidentally fell and smashed on the mirror, splashing it a little."

Lu Qingjiu: ""It's a hell of a thing if he believes it.

Bai Yuehu said, "Really."

Lu Qingjiu said, "You show your ears."

Bai Yuehu: "He wanted to refuse, but looking at Lu Qingjiu's expression, he finally obediently showed his ears. The ears, which had been erect, drooped down as if they were a puppy being reprimanded by its master, making Lu Qingjiu angry and amused.

Bai Yuehu: "No."

When he said no, the tips of his ears twitched involuntarily, quite uncooperative with his expressionless face.

Lu Qingjiu leaned over and opened his mouth to bite the tip of that ear. Bai Yuehu let out a stifled grunt and reflexively tried to avoid it, but held it back.

Lu Qingjiu loosened his mouth, licked it again and said vaguely, "You killed Wang Rumeng."

Bai Yuehu said, "No." Probably because he was afraid Lu Qingjiu wouldn't believe him, he added, "He just beat him up, he didn't die."

Lu Qingjiu smiles: "It's not serious, is it?"

"It's not serious." Bai Yuehu said, "He's scared you." If Lu Qingjiu hadn't been frightened, the strawberries would have fallen to the ground, and it was lucky that he had arrived in time, otherwise his little dragon would have been bullied.

Lu Qingjiu sighed and coaxed his own sulking fake vixen, "Alright, I'm really fine, I'm not angry anymore." He ripped open the package, took out a strawberry and stuffed it into Bai Yuehu's mouth.

Bai Yuehu's mouth was stuffed and he chewed slowly, the strawberries were delicious, sour and sweet, the flesh soft and juicy, no wonder they cost so much. Before Lu Qingjiu's arrival, Bai Yuehu had never even seen such fruit, let alone eaten it. His expression softened and he rubbed his cheek against Lu Qingjiu's hand.

Lu Qingjiu was softened by Bai Yuehu's gesture that he ate one himself, his eyes narrowing in satisfaction. Strawberries were something he had eaten too many times, but he had never found them so delicious. Perhaps it was the person who was eating them with him that gave the fruit an extra dimension of indescribable deliciousness.

"Come on, let's go home." Looking at the time, Lu Qingjiu said, "Yin Xun is still waiting for us at home to make ice gourds."

When he heard that someone was trying to steal food from him again, Bai Yuehu frowned and said, "Make it from this box." He said the box that had been broken in his hand.

Lu Qingjiu smiled, "Don't be so stingy, let's buy more if you want, until you have enough." Bai Yuehu touched the fragrant fruit, but he didn't want to give up. He ate two for himself and gave two to Lu Qingjiu, then carefully sealed the bag again and put it in the bag.

Lu Qingjiu looked at him like a squirrel tunnelling for food and asked with a smile, "How do you know I didn't accidentally break the strawberry?"

Bai Yuehu gestures to the seat beneath him.

Lu Qingjiu reacted for a moment before realising that Bai Yuehu was referring to the minivan and said, "So it was you who tipped him off," forgetting that the minivan could talk to Bai Yuehu.

The van blared twice, probably saying something Lu Qingjiu couldn't understand, but it ran faster on its four wheels, probably because it was afraid Lu Qingjiu would be angry with him.

Lu Qingjiu felt he had to remind Yin Xun not to badmouth Bai Yuehu in the minivan in the future.

The author has something to say: Bai Yuehu: Heh, no one in this world can bully Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu shows a smile.

Bai Yuehu: Except Bai Yuehu.

Lu Qingjiu.