CH 102

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
It was late when Wu Xiaohang returned home, and he spent some money on a pound of pork from the lo-mei shop downstairs. The shop was doing well today, so the boss kept him for a while longer. There was no overtime pay for this kind of work, but when he was leaving, he could get a hot box lunch in the kitchen. Wu Xiaohang has enough for himself, but now he has an extra mouth to feed, so he has to buy something else to bring back.

He walked downstairs and saw that his house was already lit up in orange. He raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his cheeks, put on a smile, took his keys out of his pocket and opened the door.

The house is quiet, except for the light, the only sound is the slight rattling of the electric fan, the young man is lying on the table, seemingly asleep, his hair tinged with the warm light and looking exceptionally soft. Wu Xiaohang had just entered the room when he straightened up and rubbed his eyes in confusion: "You're back."

"Yes." Wu Xiaohang said, "I've brought you something good to eat, so wait, I'll make some more congee."

"No need." There was a fuzzy sleepiness in the teenager's voice as he said, "I've already made it." He seemed a little embarrassed and his voice lowered, "It's just the first time, and I don't know if it's any good"

"It must be delicious, get up and go and wash your face." Wu Xiaohang said, "Come and eat."

The teenager went happily to the toilet.

Wu Xiaohang went into the kitchen to set up the dishes.

Wu Ruhuo had been at Wu Xiaohang's house for almost a month, and initially Wu Xiaohang had been trying to find his parents to send him back, until one day the boy suddenly left for three days, returning on the third day covered in bruises.

Wu Xiaohang's first reaction was that Wu Ruhuo had been beaten up and immediately wanted to call the police, but Wu Ruhuo refused Wu Xiaohang's offer to call the police, saying sullenly that his parents had done it.

"The police don't care." Wu Ruhuo said, "It said it was a family matter and I didn't want to go back."

After hearing this, Wu Xiaohang became furious and rolled up his sleeves to seek justice from Wu Ruhuo's parents, but when he calmed down, he realised that he was in no position to help Wu Ruhuo seek justice. To put it bluntly, he had nothing to do with Wu Ruhuo, the police didn't care, and he, an outsider, was in no position to do so.

"I don't want to go back." Wu Ruhuo's pretty eyes were full of tears, "I'll be killed at home."

Wu Xiaohang's heart softened as his parents died young and he grew up with his grandmother and his brother, who was a year younger than him, and the two of them were dependent on each other since they were young. His brother died in an accident, and when he saw Wu Ruhuo, he thought of his lovely brother. If his brother were still alive, he would not have been able to beat him and would have helped him to recover from any wrong he had suffered.

While he was thinking about it, Wu Ruhuo sat down in front of Wu Xiaohang, picked up his chopsticks and held the tip of them in his teeth, staring at the meat in front of him with bated breath.

"Eat up." Wu Xiaohang smiled and placed the bowl in front of Wu Ruhuo.

Although it was the first time I had made congee, Wu Ruhuo's technique was quite good and the congee was not too thick but not too thin, just right. The pork head was brined and then

Wu Xiaohang particularly likes the crispy peanuts in the oil.

Wu Ruhuo and Wu Xiaohang have similar tastes and a passion for peanuts.

Wu Xiaohang asked, "Did you like it?"

Wu Ruhuo nodded his head and said, "I've never eaten anything so good."

"So what did you eat before." Wu Xiaohang asked.

"It's just raw meat." Wu Ruhuo replied casually.

"Raw meat... your family gave you raw meat." Wu Xiaohang looks incredulous.

Wu Ruhuo froze for a moment and gave a vague response.

Wu Xiaohang, however, was angry about this, which, in his opinion, was yet more evidence of the mistreatment of Wu Ruhuo by his family, and it was no wonder that when he first saw the child he was so skinny, dressed in inappropriate clothes, and almost robbed!

Wu Xiaohang, tired from the day, took a shower after eating, and sleep soon came to him. His eyes slowly closed, and with even breathing, he fell asleep. The young man who had been sitting quietly beside him turned his head and looked at Wu Xiaohang with an uncertain look, his black eyes gradually flushed with a haunting blood red, but the red was only fleeting and soon receded from his eyes.

The human world is really interesting, especially the people here, who obviously look so vulnerable and think about how to protect others.

Wu Ruhuo smiled as he pressed the remote control in his hand and the TV screen in front of him went dark, plunging the entire room into darkness.

Bai Yuehu has been busy for a long time since the god of spring was killed.

He would leave early and return late every day, returning from the fields in the morning to eat breakfast before going out. Lu Qingjiu was worried about his meals and gave him enough pocket money every day, but Bai Yuehu said he preferred Lu Qingjiu's own cooking. So Lu Qingjiu came up with the idea of preparing a thermos bucket for him, adding hot soup to the bottom of the bucket to keep the food inside warm.

In this way, Bai Yuehu is able to have a hot meal at home, even though he travels every day.

But while Bai Yuehu was busy, the frequency of Candle Dragon's crimes began to drop rapidly, from two or three a week to nothing for half a month, which may have been good news for the police, but it was bad news for Bai Yuehu and his men, as it made it harder to catch Candle Dragon on the trail.

It was a good thing that Bai Yuehu's intense search paid off again when they spotted the candle dragon and fought it.

He could have swallowed him in one gulp, but if he had done so, it would have been the human beings who would have entered with him. Bai Yuehu had no choice but to give up, but he was able to severely injure the dragon, but he lost track of it and did not commit any more crimes for more than ten days.

By now it was mid-August and the anniversary of Lu Qingjiu's parents' death was approaching, so it was customary for him to go home to pay his respects to his parents' grave and to see the old tree he had not seen for a long time.

Bai Yuehu insisted on going back with Lu Qingjiu, and although Lu Qingjiu said he would be fine on his own, he was so determined that Lu Qingjiu finally agreed.

The trip was planned for three days and Lu Qingjiu had prepared food in advance for Yin Xun to heat up and eat. He had fried a large pot of meatballs in the fridge and cooked meat and chicken, so it didn't matter if Yin Xun ate them openly.

Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu are on their way in a transformed minivan.

This was the first time Bai Yuehu had taken transport to another province. Lu Qingjiu saw something on his face that he was looking forward to.

After more than ten hours of travel, Lu Qingjiu returned to the city where he works.

Zhu Miaomiao knew he was coming back and warmly invited him to stay at his house, but since Bai Yuehu was also there, Lu Qingjiu chose to stay at the hotel, where he got a room and put his luggage away and took Bai Yuehu to the road.

Unlike the urban areas over there, this side is closer to the coast and has a more developed economy, with tall buildings and cars coming and going.

It was so hot at the moment that Lu Qingjiu bought Bai Yuehu a large vanilla cone from the roadside and watched him happily eating it.

"What would you like to eat tonight?" Lu Qingjiu said, "The seafood here is quite famous, so let's have seafood pot."

Bai Yuehu eats a cone and says yes.

Lu Qingjiu had already noticed that many people were trying to take pictures of Bai Yuehu with their mobile phones, so he was inexplicably upset and dragged Bai Yuehu away from the street to sit down in a milk tea shop.

Bai Yuehu is unaware of Lu Qingjiu's thoughts, but follows Lu Qingjiu obediently.

Lu Qingjiu ordered two cups of milk tea and joked with Bai Yuehu, "I'll be jealous when I see people looking at you."

Bai Yuehu bit off most of the cone in one bite and got a bit of white cream on the corner of her lips, sniffing and then gazing at Lu Qingjiu with dark eyes for a moment before saying softly, "Then hide me from the others."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and went over to lick the cream off the corner of Bai Yuehu's lips. Lu Qingjiu didn't care, and waited until the milk tea was served before he and Bai Yuehu left at a leisurely pace.

After declaring his ownership of Bai Yuehu, Lu Qingjiu's mood was much better, and even the eyes around him that were coveting Bai Yuehu were not so harsh. This is probably the bad thing about big cities, people are not too introverted, when they see someone they like, their first reaction is to ask for WeChat, after all, the place is so big, if they don't want to get in touch, maybe this is the last time they will see each other in this life.

For dinner, Lu Qingjiu ordered the largest seafood pot. Because of Bai Yuehu's good looks and huge appetite, he was constantly asked for his WeChat during the meal, so Lu Qingjiu had no choice but to ask the restaurant to change the room.

Inside the box it was finally quiet enough for Bai Yuehu to enjoy his food.

Lu Qingjiu sits next to the glass, watching the people come and go outside, as night falls and the city's neon lights become a river of light, illuminating the skyline and the traffic flowing above the roads. In summer, for many people, the night is not the end but the beginning.

The seafood hotpot is very light, and the dipping sauce is just soy sauce, so the taste of the seafood is the original taste.

Bai Yuehu had no such worries, as all his attention was focused on the food in front of him - prawns about the size of his hand, octopus that was still twisting and curling when he put it in the pot, mussels and clams that opened their shells as soon as they were cooked, and abalone that was so succulent and elastic - in short, everything was delicious and Bai Yuehu ate it to his heart's content.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Let's go to the night market after we finish eating."

"Hmm." Bai Yuehu agreed.

Lu Qingjiu laughs: "There are many specialties here, but it's a pity Yin Xun can't leave Shuifu Village for too long, otherwise it would be nice for us to have a family trip."

Bai Yuehu is unconcerned about this, apparently still very protective of his food and hostile to anyone who might share it with him Lu Qingjiu excepted.

At the end of the meal, Bai Yuehu didn't even let go of the soup, and the whole pot was so clean it looked like it had been washed, causing the waiters who came in to clean it up to look stunned, not understanding how they had done it.

Lu Qingjiu ignored the surprised look on the waiter's face and walked straight to the front desk to settle the bill, then the two left the restaurant in the direction of the night market.

As the sun went down, the temperature began to drop, but the ground was still steaming, and when we arrived at the night market, Lu Qingjiu pulled out his wallet and told Bai Yuehu to eat openly. The oysters here are a speciality, two for ten dollars at the roadside stall, all very fresh, garlic, steamed and raw, with different tastes.

Lu Qingjiu ordered Bai Yuehu a hundred yuan for the same thirty or so, then went to the side and bought two more coconuts, put in a straw and drank them.

Bai Yuehu contentedly eats his oysters as Lu Qingjiu looks on, "Do you want to see the sea?"

Bai Yuehu Dao: "The Sea"

"Well, the sea of the human world." Lu Qingjiu said, "It's a bit different from the sea of the other world."

Bai Yuehu said, "Good."

The night market is not far from the beach, just a ten-minute walk away, and the beach is quite busy at the moment, as the weather has been hot for a few days and there has been little rain, so the beach is full of people coming to cool off and swim. However, Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu arrived a little late and most people had already gone home, leaving only a small number of people on the beach.

The sea at night is hideous, with the sun setting in the distance on the horizon and the sea lapping hard against the beach under the gravitational pull of the moon. The sea, which had been a beautiful azure in the sunlight, is now black, like a lurking beast ready to tear apart its approaching prey.

"It's much darker than the sea where you come from." Lu Qingjiu said slowly, "It's prettier when you come in the daytime."

Bai Yuehu turned his head and looked at Lu Qingjiu: "Do you like it here?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "I like it."

Having grown up here after leaving Shuifu Village, he naturally loved it and could say that it was his second home. If it hadn't been for his parents' accident, he wouldn't have chosen to return to Shuifu Village to find the truth.

Bai Yuehu Silence fell, the only sound in their ears being the crashing of the waves.

"Go back." Lu Qingjiu said, "It's a bit late."

Bai Yuehu nods.

The two men started to walk back.

On the way, Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu talked about the events of their childhood, both in Shuifu Village and here, and said that he was very upset when he left Shuifu Village because he couldn't leave his grandmother.

"I know." Bai Yuehu spoke up, "I know you cried when you left." He said slowly, "Yin Xun even ran after the train you left on for a long time, trying to give you game coins."

Lu Qingjiu: "You know it all"

Bai Yuehu nods.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a moment: "So you've actually been by my side since I was born."

Bai Yuehu hmms softly.

Lu Qingjiu: "Then why haven't I seen you before?"

Bai Yuehu said, "Because your grandmother doesn't want you to repeat her mistakes again." He sighed softly, "She didn't want you to become a guardian."

Lu Qingjiu is dumbfounded.

Indeed, when his parents died suddenly, Lu Qingjiu wanted to go back to Shuifu Village to be with his grandmother, but she kicked him out, telling him to finish his studies and wait until they were over before thinking about anything else. He also tried to bring his grandmother near the school, but she still did not agree, saying that Shuifu Village was her roots and she could not leave them for too long. Lu Qingjiu had never met Bai Yuehu or heard of him since he was a child, and now he thinks that perhaps his grandmother never intended for him to come into contact with Bai Yuehu in the first place, because the only people who came into contact with the dragons were the Guardians.

"So are you happy at Shuifu Village?" Bai Yuehu asks.

"Naturally happy." Lu Qingjiu smiled, "I'm not one to push myself."

Bai Yuehu's eyes dropped.

When they arrived at the hotel, Lu Qingjiu went to take a shower to wash off the sweat and dust from his body. When he had finished, he saw Bai Yuehu sitting by the window, a perfect location for a night view of the city. Whether it was the beautiful neon lights, the glowing buildings or the watery traffic, it was a beautiful view of the city.

"It's beautiful." Bai Yuehu's fingers touched the smooth glass and he did not turn around.

"Where's the beauty." Lu Qingjiu walked over to Bai Yuehu's side.

Bai Yuehu said, "I rarely come to the city." And if they do come, it's not to stay in a hotel.

Lu Qingjiu could not hear the loss in Bai Yuehu's tone, he reached out his hand, cupped Bai Yuehu's face and looked seriously into his beautiful eyes, "Not as beautiful as your eyes." He looked down and kissed Bai Yuehu's eyelashes, "You know, I like it best when I lie in the courtyard with you at night."

Bai Yuehu gave a soft umph, tinged with some suspicion.

"Because at that time, your eyes were full of stars." Lu Qingjiu said, "It was as if you were the whole Milky Way." He embraced Bai Yuehu, "I'm not leaving you, I'm not going anywhere, this is not my kind of place, I just like you, I just like Shuifu Village with you."

Bai Yuehu's eyes lit up immediately and he said, "Really?"

Lu Qingjiu smiled, "Naturally, it's true."

Bai Yuehu said: "Shuifu Village is boring"

Lu Qingjiu says: "Anywhere you stay for a long time is boring, but if you have someone you like, you don't feel bored."

Bai Yuehu stopped talking and the two became entwined.

They stayed up late that night, and Lu Qingjiu almost didn't get out of bed the next day.

Lu Qingjiu is lying on the edge of the bed with a sore back, saying that he is dying. Bai Yuehu's hand tickled the outline of Lu Qingjiu's ear, his voice was soft, low and sensual, he said Lu Qingjiu I won't let you die, I have a way to bring you back to life for sure.

Lu Qingjiu sensed what was going on and rolled out of bed despite the pain he felt.

Bai Yuehu laughed at Lu Qingjiu's frightened look, and Lu Qingjiu said angrily, "How dare you laugh!

Bai Yuehu was indifferent: "I'm willing to carry you even if you can walk."

Lu Qingjiu: ""Forget it, I won't bother with the shameless vixen.

He limped off to take a shower and ate a hotel breakfast buffet with Bai Yuehu before slowly getting into the minivan. Fortunately, the van was safe to drive, otherwise Lu Qingjiu would not have dared to drive today.

The cemetery is on the outskirts of town and it takes at least an hour to get there. Bai Yuehu was considerate enough to keep quiet all the way to the cemetery and only when he was almost there did he wake Lu Qingjiu up softly.

Lu Qingjiu yawned, rubbed his eyes and came to his senses. Seeing that the minivan was already parked in the space, he instructed Bai Yuehu to buy paper money, joss sticks and a beautiful bunch of yellow chrysanthemums.

The solemn atmosphere of the place, with tall pines and cypresses on either side, takes the smile off Lu Qingjiu's and Bai Yuehu's faces and replaces it with a serious look.

Lu Qingjiu soon found the headstone, which had not been visited for a year and had accumulated some moss and weeds, and took out a prepared wet towel to clean it up a little.

Bai Yuehu, on the other hand, half-crouched beside him and helped Lu Qingjiu to light the incense and candles.

After cleaning the tombstone, Lu Qingjiu burned money and paper while talking to his parents for a while, saying that he had come back to see them and that he had been doing well and that they should not worry about him.

Bai Yuehu quietly continued to burn paper money next to her like a little daughter-in-law.

"He's so cute." Lu Qingjiu said, "I especially like him. Dad and Mum, if there's anything you're not used to down there, remember to send me a dream." As he said this, he remembered that the Candle Dragon seemed to run the underworld, so did that mean there was a hell and ghosts in the world

So he looked at Bai Yuehu, who was in tune with him and immediately understood what he wanted to ask, and shook his head to say that the underworld was a very broad concept, that there was yang and then there was yin, that it was more like a world that was the opposite of yang. Not all creatures have souls, it depends on luck, if you are lucky, you will be reincarnated, if not, you will be a livestock in your next life.

Lu Qingjiu had mixed feelings after hearing this, not really wanting to accept that his parents might become pigs and pigs to be killed and eaten for meat in their next life.

Fortunately, Bai Yuehu probably sensed Lu Qingjiu's feelings and explained that Lu Qingjiu's mother was one-half dragon, and that people with this kind of blood should be able to walk freely in the underworld even after death, so they would not have to worry about being bullied.

Lu Qingjiu is now relieved.

After burning the paper money, Lu Qingjiu said that Zhu Miaomiao would treat him to lunch today, and he wanted to go to the park near his office to see the old tree. Bai Yuehu also wanted to see the tree spirit that Lu Qingjiu had been talking about, so the two of them drove off in the direction of the company.

What the author has to say: Lu Qingjiu: Mom and Dad, this is my boyfriend Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu: Hello Mom and Dad, I'm Bai Yuehu.

Lu Qingjiu: He's a dragon

Bai Yuehu: Yes, I am a rural vixen.

Lu Qingjiu.