CH 105

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
To enter the market, they had to pass through a thick layer of fog. Wu Xiao, already very skilled, leads them along and soon Lu Qingjiu hears a cacophony of people.

Lu Qingjiu asked curiously if these non-humans were speaking human languages, and Wu Xiao said they were.

The fog gradually cleared and a lush marketplace appeared before their eyes, full of strange looking non-humans in strange costumes, birds and beasts, as well as non-humans of unrecognisable species. Lu Qingjiu saw many beasts that he had seen in the Mountain and Sea Scriptures, and even a polyurea with a human face, and I must say that it was a shocking sight to see so many strange creatures gathered together. Amongst these non-humans, there were also traces of humans, who, at least from the looks of things, would appear to be just ordinary humans. But, probably for fear of being exposed, almost everyone is wearing a face covering prop. They had also prepared masks at Wu Xiao's prompting, and were now wearing them.

Lu Qingjiu's eyes were soon drawn to the things around him, and he saw a beautiful mask, sold by a large bird with four eyes. The mask was so good that if you put it on for ten minutes, it would change your appearance and turn you into the most beautiful face you had ever seen.

"How long will this last?" Zhu Miaomiao asked curiously.

"It will stay on for a whole day." Big Bird replied, "And you can use it continuously, but every night, make sure you take the mask off."

Zhu Miaomiao was interested and was about to pick up the mask, but was stopped by Bai Yuehu, who said that the mask was a living thing and could indeed change a person's appearance

The premise of the mask is that it will poke its tentacles into the skin of a person's face to dilute the blood, which may have a bad effect if used for a long time.

"What would be the bad effects?" Zhu Miaomiao asked, trembling.

Bai Yuehu looked grave and three words came out of his mouth, "It will be anaemic."

Zhu Miaomiao :""

The owner, upset by Bai Yuehu's disruption of business, glared over and put his mask back in place.

There are countless such props in this bazaar, and it is a dazzling sight to behold. Mirrors that reveal what you fear most, jade bracelets that you can't take off and are stronger than diamond, tables that produce food for nothing.

Lu Qingjiu thought Bai Yuehu would be interested in the table, but Bai Yuehu took one look at the table and then averted his eyes and looked at something else.

Bai Yuehu said, "It must be very expensive."

Lu Qingjiu went to ask for the price and it was really expensive, the owner was asking for 15,000 yuan, which is not even close to the price.

Lu Qingjiu wanted to buy it for Bai Yuehu as a toy, but he was stopped by Bai Yuehu, who said that 15,000 was not a good price to pay for it, and that he would have been better off buying some ice-cold gourds to wear and eat.

After walking around the bazaar, Lu Qingjiu once again felt that the demons were not doing well in the human world, and that most of the goods could be bought for two or three hundred dollars, and that a thicker skin would allow him to bargain with the stall owner. If you are worried about the quality of the goods and the after-sales service, you can also buy goods with the three-pack mark on the bottom, and if there are problems with these goods, you can even return them to the shop.

Lu Qingjiu was dumbfounded by the situation and looked to Wu Xiao, saying that if something went wrong with his purchase, wouldn't he be able to have after-sales service.

Wu Xiao whispered, "No."

Lu Qingjiu: "Why not?"

Wu Xiao is a bit uncomfortable: "I'm not buying a product that is not available"

Lu Qingjiu :""

Wu Xiao said, "The owner has long since run away."

Lu Qingjiu didn't know what to say, but sighed at the importance of the warranty and told Wu Xiao to stop being so cheap, in case something did happen.

Zhu Miaomiao finally couldn't resist and bought a set of skincare products that were said to be good for the skin, including face and eye creams and essences.

This set of skin care products cost more than 2,000 yuan, which is a very expensive item in the market. Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu, not knowing what Lu Qingjiu was thinking, said with a twinkle in his eye, "Like mine or hers?"

Lu Qingjiu hurriedly said, "Of course it's yours, hers isn't furry at all."

Bai Yuehu: "Really"

Lu Qingjiu: "Really, really."

Bai Yuehu now looks satisfied, his furry ears swish out of his black hair, and Lu Qingjiu stands on tiptoe and gives him a cheeky kiss.

This scene made both Zhu Miaomiao and Wu Xiao look a bit dumbfounded, Wu Xiao was full of incredulity: " Bai Yuehu is actually a vixen, you two" He paused for a moment, probably because he noticed Bai Yuehu's unfriendly eyes, and hurriedly said, "What a match! "What a good match."

Zhu Miaomiao raised his voice and sighed longingly, thinking that even the cool Wu could be so fickle.

When the shopping was almost done, Bai Yuehu inquired about the man who had sold Wu Xiao's pillow, but it seemed that the man was not a regular visitor to the market, he only came once a month at most since the market opened, and left after selling. Lu Qingjiu also felt that something was wrong and asked Bai Yuehu if there was something wrong.

Bai Yuehu said, "It seems to be an acquaintance of mine."

Lu Qingjiu: "Acquaintance"

Bai Yuehu nods.

Lu Qingjiu said, "So is she."

Bai Yuehu said, "Probably, but you always have to see someone to be sure."

It was a bit of a problem, as they would not be able to see the woman now, and as the fair was held every week, it would be difficult to get hold of anyone if they did not come every time. After thinking about it, Lu Qingjiu came up with the idea that they could go and find the head of the fair and ask him to keep an eye on it for them.

Wu Xiao said he had met the person in charge, who was based in a tent at the far end of the fair, and that all fairgoers had to pay a tax in advance to be allowed in.

Lu Qingjiu immediately recalls a particularly famous proverb when he hears about taxes: in this world, only death and taxes are eternal.

Even if you're not human, you can't evade taxes

Lu Qingjiu then told Wu Xiao and Zhu Miaomiao to hang around while he accompanied Bai Yuehu inside the tent to find the man in charge.

No sooner had they entered the tent than they saw the man in charge reading a newspaper with a steaming pot of tea beside it, and the whole atmosphere of the tent looked full of the peace and relaxation of retirement.

"No one will be admitted to the fair today." The man in charge thought they were here to sell their goods, "Please be early the day after tomorrow."

Bai Yuehu said, "There is something else."

The man in charge said, "What's up?" He put down the newspaper and revealed a very round face, a face that could only be described as round, not ugly, but with no chin at all, and if it weren't for the hair, it would be like a standard round.

Bai Yuehu saw the face of the person in charge and frowned: "Why you?"

The man in charge said, "You know me," and he saw the ears on Bai Yuehu's head and said, "You're a nine-tailed fox, why did you come here from Qingqiu, to work?"

Before either of them could speak, the person in charge pulled out a newspaper placed next to him and pointed to the content circled on it, saying that if you want, you can check out this job, which is in sales, with good salary and benefits, and six insurance and one gold

Bai Yuehu says nothing, Lu Qingjiu looks helpless.

The person in charge thought they were dissatisfied with their jobs and quickly persuaded them that the recent employment situation was not good, and that since they were working, they should not mind so much and find a job first and then change when they had work experience. After all, they have a long life expectancy and work experience is good to accumulate, just a little bit hard at the beginning, but they will get over it after a while.

Lu Qingjiu was moved by the persuasion of the person in charge, and even wanted to pick up the newspaper and take a closer look at the contents to work hard for their future. The ancient foxes were all looking for a handsome young scholar to marry, hoping that the young man would improve his family's life.

Bai Yuehu said, "Are you stupid?"

The man in charge was stunned by the scolding and was about to roll up his sleeves and lecture Bai Yuehu to stop speaking so impulsively, he wouldn't get a job if he was so impulsive, when he was frozen by the aura emanating from Bai Yuehu's body, he said, "You you're not a vixen, you're a dragon"

Bai Yuehu grunted coldly.

The man in charge reached out and took the paper back, saying, "Then there's no suitable job for you here, go go go, go rummage through the bins and still salvage it."

Lu Qingjiu :""

Bai Yuehu :""

The man in charge obviously noticed the murderous intent in Bai Yuehu's eyes, laughed dryly and said he was joking, sat back with a low brow and asked Bai Yuehu what he wanted to do here.

Bai Yuehu said, "Ru Shou, it's been a long time."

When Ru Shou heard the name Lu Qingjiu he immediately remembered that it was the name of the god of autumn, and he did not expect to see a god of the four seasons here.

"Ah how do you know me" Ru Shou said, "are you Ao"

He had just spat out a word when Bai Yuehu interrupted him and said, "My name is Bai Yuehu now."

Ru Shou: " Bai Yuehu 唔行吧,你怎么跑到这里了了那边无法守守守了"

Bai Yuehu said, "I just happened to come by. Do you know the woman holding the piano?"

Ru Shou is bewildered, and has no recollection of the woman Bai Yuehu describes. He says he has seen a thousand or 800 people a day, not to mention non-humans, and he sees dozens of humans, so he wouldn't pay special attention if it wasn't so strange as to be striking, and it's only natural that he has no recollection of the woman, who hasn't been here more than a few times a month.

"Is there something wrong with this man?" Ru Shou said, "If so, I'll keep an eye on him for you next time."

Bai Yuehu said, "It could be someone you and I know."

Ru Shou: "You and I know each other, don't we think she is too?"

Bai Yuehu nodded, confirming Ru Shou's statement. He now suspected that the woman was also a dragon, but whether it was a Ying Long or a Candle Dragon, he did not know. But Wu Xiao's description made Bai Yuehu doubt this. And if Ying Long is not a candle dragon, then the situation could be even worse.

Ru Shou knew that this was a matter that could not be taken lightly and his lazy expression turned serious as he said, "OK, I'll keep an eye on it, just leave your contact details and I'll let you know if there are any results."

Bai Yuehu took out his mobile phone and also wrote down Ru Shou's number.

Ru Shou saw Bai Yuehu's phone and said, "Hey, you're actually using the latest pear phone, where did you get the money to buy it?"

Lu Qingjiu laughs and says Bai Yuehu is working for him.

"I thought he couldn't earn human money, the more he earned, the hungrier he got." Ru Shou sniffed, feeling nothing on Lu Qingjiu other than the smell of Bai Yuehu, he seemed to be just an ordinary person, "What does he do? "

Lu Qingjiu: "Responsible for warming my bed."

Ru Shou: "Ah"

Lu Qingjiu winked, "I'm just kidding."

Ru Shou obviously didn't believe Lu Qingjiu was joking and was aghast, obviously wondering how the dragons could have fallen so low, everyone was now working with their hands and he was the only one who was getting worse. The only one with a good temper was the one who had an incident more than ten years ago.

After handing over to Ru Shou, Bai Yuehu decided to leave. Ru Shou kindly gave them a packet of grain, saying that it tasted different from ordinary grain, and that they would know how it was different when they planted it. He also promised to call Bai Yuehu as soon as he heard from the woman.

Lu Qingjiu came out of the tent before asking, "How does Ru Shou manage the market here?"

Bai Yuehu said, "I don't know, but their gods of the four seasons have something to do with the human world." Zhu Rong, for example, is in charge of the non-humans in their part of the world, and this is Ru Shou's territory.

Speaking of the gods of the four seasons, Lu Qingjiu was reminded of the dead god of spring.

After leaving the tent, Lu Qingjiu and the others left the market in the minivan, this time with Bai Yuehu as their gatekeeper, but they still bought a lot of things. Lu Qingjiu bought a handful of lollipops, which were said to have a permanent sweet taste, to take back to Yin Xun. Bai Yuehu had one in his mouth and sat in the passenger seat with his eyes closed.

Lu Qingjiu went to the hotel to pick up his luggage and headed back to Shuifu Village, saying goodbye to Zhu Miaomiao Wu Xiao before they set off for their hometown.

The two of them were away for seven days this time, and I don't know how Yin Xun is doing at home.

After more than twenty hours, Lu Qingjiu finally arrived at the house, he parked the car and entered the courtyard, he was shocked by the scene in the courtyard, only to see Yin Xun lying like a corpse on a chair, his body had become as dry as a dehydrated pickle, and he was only breathing in but not out. What happened to you?"

Yin Xun slowly turned his head, his cheeks already sunken in, and he said in a shaky voice, "Wine."

Lu Qingjiu strides forward and tries to help Yin Xun up, but Yin Xun is so light that only a thin layer of skin is left, and when he pulls, he almost throws Yin Xun into the air.

Yin Xun said with difficulty, "Be gentle, big brother," I was about to be thrown by you.

Lu Qingjiu: "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Yin Xun: "Water give me water"

Lu Qingjiu hurriedly went to the house and got a basin of water and put Yin Xun in it.

With water, Yin Xun slowly started to recover. Lu Qingjiu squatted next to him and asked him what had happened. He said it was nothing really, just that he had cooked and eaten a few meals by himself and then unfortunately he had lost his water.

Lu Qingjiu was helpless: "There are noodles here, why are you so thoughtless?"

Yin Xun cried, "I was afraid you wouldn't be back by the time I finished eating, so I wanted to save some money."

Lu Qingjiu knew he was in the wrong, so he took a lollipop out of his bag and stuffed it into Yin Xun's mouth.

Bai Yuehu was watching while Yin Xun was being handled, and when he saw Yin Xun eating his lollipop, the dislike in his eyes was almost material.

After Lu Qingjiu had settled Yin Xun, he went back to pacify Bai Yuehu, saying that Yin Xun was still young and not to be bothered with him.

Bai Yuehu lifted his chin and gave a condescending expression, saying that as a noble dragon, he would not bother with a small mountain god.

Lu Qingjiu thought it might be more convincing if you took the lollipop out of your mouth when you said that

It was already too late today, so Lu Qingjiu decided to get some sleep and make up for Yin Xun with a big meal tomorrow.

Yin Xun still can't move, so it looks like he'll have to spend the night in a tub of water.

The next day, Yin Xun's soft, supple skin was rejuvenated after absorbing the water.

Lu Qingjiu went to town to buy a lot of fresh ingredients to make a big meal. As the weather has been getting warmer recently, sauerkraut has become very popular and Lu Qingjiu plans to make dumplings with pork and sauerkraut and stir-fry a few dishes.

The sauerkraut they made last year is ready to eat this year, and because they use their own cabbage, it has a much stronger sourness and crispness than the market's, making it a popular choice for soup and other preparations. For Lu Qingjiu, who has a poor appetite when it's hot, pickled cabbage vermicelli soup is now his favourite food.

The vermicelli must be good Longkou vermicelli. Take out the sauerkraut, wash it well, fry it, add water and cook it, then add the vermicelli. If you want to eat meat, you can also put slices of meat wrapped in starch, so that the meat is very tender and not at all woody.

Eating the dumplings with pork and sauerkraut, Yin Xun's tears flowed silently, saying that he had finally felt the pain of being a left-behind child again. Lu Qingjiu said, "Don't cry, you'll get dehydrated later. Yin Xun wiped his hand on his face and said, "I think you have a point, but then again, he can't finish the lollipop, he's been eating it all day.

Lu Qingjiu slowly told Yin Xun about the market he had seen there, and after listening to him, Yin Xun said that he would like to go and see it, but unfortunately, he would never be able to leave Shuifu Village in his lifetime.

Lu Qingjiu patted him on the shoulder and said it was fine, he was still with him.

By the time Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun had finished pretending, the dumplings were almost at the bottom of the pot, and Yin Xun was so angry that he glared at them.

As the weather heats up, many of the summer fruits are now in their prime season. The watermelons in their field are big, round and watery, with crisp flesh and sandy flesh, satisfying almost all the family's watermelon fantasies.

The leftover melon rind Lu Qingjiu was fed to Cow and that evening we had the legendary watermelon flavoured milk, which tasted quite good.

This year there was little rain but plenty of sunshine, so the fruit was quite sweet and Yin Xun found wild kiwifruit in the hills. Unlike the ones grown at home, the wild kiwifruit are small, but so sweet that you can peel off the furry skin and find juicy flesh that you can swallow in one mouthful.

It was the first time Bai Yuehu had eaten this fruit, and if Lu Qingjiu hadn't stopped him, he probably wouldn't have bothered to peel it and swallowed it with the skin on.

Lu Qingjiu also placed some orders online for nuts and tropical fruit, as the kiwis are dried and can be made into dried kiwis. August is also the time when the cinnamon is ripe, and as the quality of the cinnamon here is average, Lu Qingjiu simply bought it all online by courier. The cinnamon from the coastal areas is of better quality, bigger and sweeter, and with smaller kernels.

Summer is the time to eat fruit, not only for hydration but also for energy.

His family's grape racks were also covered with bunches of purple fruit, crystal clear and extraordinarily attractive. The lady ghost, who lives in the backyard, also started to eat the grapes and praised Bai Yuehu for his grape-growing skills.

But Lu Qingjiu doesn't dare to let Bai Yuehu meet the ghost lady, after all, he and Yin Xun are two painful examples, and they know that it's not good to be overly loved by the ghost lady.

Lu Qingjiu was afraid to cut the hair on one part of his body short when it had finally grown and stopped itching, but he dared not do it again.

Summer is such a delightful time of year, with its glorious sunshine and endless fruit to eat, it makes for a fascinating season.

If he could, he would love for time to freeze right here and now, without having to think about what bad things might happen in the future.

What the author has to say: Bai Yuehu: Life is getting better and better.

Lu Qingjiu: Yeah.

Bai Yuehu: I think it could have been better.