CH 116

Name:Fantasy Farm Author:齐成琨
When Zhu Rong fought with Gong Gong, he was so angry that he touched Mount Bu Zhou and Nv Wa took the colourful stones to mend the sky. Before his death, Nv Wa cut open his belly and took his intestines, which were scattered all over the world.

There are also cases where the boundaries are broken and the descendants use the fragments left behind by the Nv Wa to mend the heavens with their bodies.

Lu Qingjiu is not only of dragon blood, he is also a descendant of the Nv Wa's intestines, and was born to fulfil the duties of his bloodline in Shuifu Village.

It is a pity that nowadays the spiritual energy is so thin, and the Nv Wa's intestines have almost completely disappeared, leaving only Lu Qingjiu's lineage. Lu Qingjiu didn't know who he was, and didn't even understand why he refused to leave Shuifu Village when his grandmother insisted that he leave, but now I think she knew the truth and didn't choose to tell Lu Qingjiu. Although Lu Qingjiu did not know the truth, he was able to fulfil his clan's destiny by mistake, and although he died, his soul was protected by Bai Yuehu, who is waiting for his resurrection.

Shuifu Village is indeed waterless, so named because its owner is the god of water, the Gong Gong. The Ying Long tribe, in turn, has been entrusted by the Nv Wa with the task of sending a member of their tribe every generation to help guard Shuifu Village.

The Ying Long of this generation is Bai Yuehu.

After it was over and the final passage was sealed, Bai Yuehu took Lu Qingjiu's soul to many places. To bring a person back to life requires many precious herbs and exotic objects, and even Bai Yuehu had to put in a lot of effort.

But he does not complain; on the contrary, he does so with joy in his heart, and the thought of being with his beloved again in the near future brings out joy in his eyes.

If Lu Qingjiu had been a mere human being, his soul would have been completely dissipated.

However, the quarter of dragon bloodline preserved in his body gave him a chance to live. The dragon bloodline was the most dominant, and this bloodline made Lu Qingjiu's soul power much stronger than that of a normal human, so that it did not dissipate instantly. After obtaining Lu Qingjiu's soul, Bai Yuehu hurried to the Otherworld to find something to feed his soul.

It was an ordinary-looking Xiao Hua, the size of Bai Yuehu's hand. He carefully placed Lu Qingjiu's soul crystal inside it and watched as it glowed faintly before being wrapped in the Xiao Hua's petals.

This was just the beginning, there was much more to be done, starting with the rebuilding of Lu Qingjiu's body.

Although this flower can nourish the soul, when Lu Qingjiu's soul is strong, the flower will not be able to carry it and will have to be replaced by a different body.

Bai Yuehu thought about using a taiyoung to make Lu Qingjiu's body, but finally gave up. The reason was that Yin Xun was a painful example, the body of Taiyao was too weak and had little power. He was so torn that he did not choose Taiyao, but looked for other ingredients.

In the end, Bai Yuehu chose a special kind of lotus root to give Lu Qingjiu his body. The great demon who gave him the root described it as being of such good quality that the Bodhisattva had used it to reshape the body of a young immortal called Nezha, which was not only very strong but also reborn, and the point was that it was also delicious.

It was the last sentence that struck Bai Yuehu, who looked at the lotus root, then at the soul in Xiao Hua in his hand, and so it was.

Once the body was ordered, the process of polishing and nurturing the soul took about three years, a very quick process, after all Bai Yuehu couldn't wait to meet Lu Qingjiu.

At the same time as Lu Qingjiu, three deities were born who had died.

Under normal circumstances, the gods of the four seasons would not be resurrected for more than ten years after their deaths, but in the unusual case of three gods dying at the same time, it was only three years before Bai Yuehu saw Zhu Rong again.

It was a hot summer day when Bai Yuehu returned to the human world with Lu Qingjiu, who was still sleeping.

At this point, everything was ready for Lu Qingjiu's resurrection. All that was left was to choose an auspicious time to breathe Lu Qingjiu's soul into his body.

Their home was still the same as before they left, but Bai Yuehu did not see Yin Xun, instead Xiao Hua and Xiao Hei were taking care of the house, the number of chickens in the yard had become frighteningly high, and there was a cute little calf in the backyard barn, but Bai Yuehu did not understand how the cow, which he remembered was a male, could suddenly have a calf. He remembered that the cow was a male, so how could there be a calf out of nowhere?

Of course, it wasn't very important, so Bai Yuehu didn't dwell on it.

When he came back, he fixed up the house, cleaned up the areas that Xiao Hua and Xiao Hei couldn't take care of, and killed two dozen chickens and put them in the freezer to freeze so that they could be used for Lu Qingjiu's chicken soup in the coming winter.

While he was tidying up the house, Bai Yuehu heard the sound of children laughing and playing outside the house, and when he pushed the door open, he saw three little pink, chubby dolls chasing and playing outside the house. The three dolls were all very cute, their faces puffed out like soft buns, but the colour of their hair and pupils told Bai Yuehu that they were not ordinary people.

" Zhu Rong " Bai Yuehu called out towards the child with red hair and red pupils.

The child turned his head to look at Bai Yuehu, his eyes full of confusion, obviously not yet recovering his memory. Bai Yuehu suddenly got a bad idea and walked up to the child, reached out and pinched the child's chubby little face.

"Wo eat pain." Zhu Rong, who had turned into a small doll, had lost all his toughness and coldness as the God of Summer, and was so hot and tearful from being pinched by Bai Yuehu that he almost didn't cry out.

Bai Yuehu showed a smile and told Zhu Rong to take the children away from the area, then showed a mouthful of white, sharp teeth and said, "Or else, you will be eaten."

Zhu Rong cried out, along with Ju Mang, the god of autumn and spring, but Bai Yuehu was unmoved, grabbing the three buns and throwing them aside, before happily wagging his ears and going home.

Xiao Hua and Xiao Hei watched Bai Yuehu's childish act of kicking the kindergarten, but did not dare to make any comments, only asking Bai Yuehu politely whether he wanted to eat corn on the cob or sweet potatoes in the evening. These were the only two foods left in the house, and it was a good thing that they were not too picky.

When Bai Yuehu heard the question, he thought of his own vegetable patch, which he found full of weeds when he went to see it.

Now that everything is ready, Lu Qingjiu will be back in a few days, and the thought of this makes Bai Yuehu's steps home a little lighter.

Yin Xun, who had been hanging around for three years, bought a ticket back to Shuifu Village overnight after learning that Bai Yuehu had returned home.

When he pushed open the door with his luggage in his arms, he saw Bai Yuehu sitting in the living room, but not the familiar figure, and said, "Bai Yuehu, where's the wine?"

Bai Yuehu heard his footsteps, but without raising his head, he said back, "It will have to wait."

Yin Xun said, "How long do we have to wait?"

Bai Yuehu: "Soon."

If Bai Yuehu says he wants to wait, then so be it, there is nothing else Yin Xun can do. Over the years he finally left Shuifu Village, where he had been imprisoned, and went to places he had never been before, but the more places he visited, the more he missed it. He missed this courtyard and his friends who were busy at home.

Yin Xun tidied up all the areas of the house and washed all the bedding and clothes that needed to be washed. He wanted Lu Qingjiu to see a clean home and to feel as if he had never left.

As the days went by, just when Yin Xun thought she couldn't wait any longer, Bai Yuehu carefully brought out a pot of Xiao Hua on a gentle moonlit night.

There was nothing special about the flower, it was just the most common of roadside wildflowers in appearance, with five petals slightly closed, making it impossible to see the stamens inside.

Yin Xun froze for a moment and was about to ask Bai Yuehu what he wanted to do when he saw Bai Yuehu raise his index finger in a silent gesture.

Yin Xun hurriedly shut his mouth and fixed his gaze on the pot of Xiao Hua, probably because of the change in his state of mind, and felt that the seemingly ordinary Xiao Hua in front of him had a strange charm that made him unable to look away for a moment.

Bai Yuehu brought the flower into the moonlight and the gentle light fell on the flower, the petals began to spill out a little luminescence into the air, then it seemed to absorb enough strength and it slowly bloomed as the two men watched.

The petals open to reveal soft stamens and a small figure lying on them, asleep.

The little man was curled up into a ball, no bigger than Yin Xun's little finger, but even so, Yin Xun could see his face clearly, Lu Qingjiu, and yes, there was his best friend, Lu Qingjiu, lying inside the stamen.

"Sake" Yin Xun couldn't resist calling out Lu Qingjiu's name.

Lu Qingjiu's eyelashes fluttered slightly when he heard the sound from outside, but Bai Yuehu reached out and gently stroked Lu Qingjiu's head with his fingers and called out again, "Qingjiu."

Lu Qingjiu's eyes opened blankly at the touch, and he slowly sat up from the stamen, reaching up to rub his eyes and look around, "Ah"

Lu Qingjiu did not recognise Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun, but was frightened by the two pairs of big eyes staring at him, and tried to hide in the flower stems. Bai Yuehu grabbed him gently and said, "Don't be afraid."

"Who are you." The tiny Lu Qingjiu asked timidly, his face very young at the moment, his voice soft with a little tremor, like a newborn bird.

"I'm your man." Bai Yuehu was direct, "He's your friend."

Lu Qingjiu was stunned, in his eyes, Bai Yuehu was as big as a monster, a nail cap could crush him, what do you mean he is his man, is that what you understood or did you misunderstand?

"No, it means what you think it means." Bai Yuehu mercilessly shatters Lu Qingjiu's self-deception, "We're married."

Lu Qingjiu was shocked by Bai Yuehu's words. His newly reborn mind was completely unable to understand how his small self could have married Bai Yuehu, but he was too scared to ask questions, so he gave a resigned muffled cry and hung his head with Rui in his arms, looking resigned and pitiful.

Yin Xun's heart melted as he wanted to touch Lu Qingjiu, but he didn't dare under Bai Yuehu's gaze, after all, Bai Yuehu doesn't have diarrhoea when he eats him, and it's just one bite.

"Don't you scare him." Yin Xun said, "How come the wine is so small, when will he grow up?"

Bai Yuehu said, "It will take another month or two, after the soul has been transformed and warmed up for a while, when the spirit has recovered, it will be able to enter the physical body I have made for him."

"And the flesh body" Yin Xun had thought Lu Qingjiu would just grow up, but instead Bai Yuehu talked about the flesh body and he was busy saying, "You didn't make his body out of flesh lingzhi, did you?"

Bai Yuehu gave Yin Xun a disgusted look, "Of course not."

Yin Xun silently dries a tear from the corner of her eye.

Lu Qingjiu has come back to life, albeit in a somewhat novel way, but it is slowly recovering. From this day onwards, this pot of Xiao Hua has become a priority for the family, no one is allowed to touch it, and anyone who comes near it has to apply.

Lu Qingjiu was so dazed that he did not understand what was happening around him. He just felt as if he had fallen asleep for a long time and woke up with a confused mind, neither remembering nor being able to think, feeling instinctive fear of everything around him.

Bai Yuehu senses Lu Qingjiu's mood and spends almost the whole day with him, introducing him to things in the house, such as Xiao Hua Xiao Hei, the chickens and rabbits in the yard, Qin Yuan and the female ghosts in the backyard, and the Cow in the barn.

Lu Qingjiu has come to realise that Bai Yuehu means him no harm, but every time he hears the exceptionally good-looking man say that they are in a relationship, he feels a little embarrassed, and it's a real struggle to see how he can fall in love with someone so young.

Bai Yuehu would go to the Otherworld every two or three days to fetch the food Lu Qingjiu needed to eat, and all Lu Qingjiu ate now were things to nourish his soul, which could not be left out of the Otherworld for long, so Bai Yuehu had to fetch them a day earlier.

This is where Yin Xun takes on the role of parent, standing by the flower pot and not moving.

Lu Qingjiu is holding a corn kernel and nibbling on it, nibbling twice to look at Yin Xun, nibbling twice to look at Yin Xun.

In his impression, Lu Qingjiu was always the calm and composed one, he had never seen him look so childish.

"What's wrong, Wine?" Yin Xun asked him.

"Where is the man?" Lu Qingjiu put down the kernels in his hand.

"Which one?" Yin Xun teases him deliberately.

Lu Qingjiu said, "It's just the one that's particularly good-looking."

Yin Xun says: "Your man"

Lu Qingjiu blushed again and mumbled a little before he made a small muffled sound. Yin Xun laughed at this, and if Lu Qingjiu wasn't so small, he would have wanted to pinch his cheek and give him a good grip.

"He's gone to get you something to eat." Yin Xun explained, "You don't have to be in too much of a hurry, you'll be back in a while."

Lu Qingjiu softly responds.

Yin Xun thought for a moment and asked, "Do you recall any memories of the past?"

Lu Qingjiu hesitated for a moment, nodded and shook his head, saying that he did remember something, but that his memory was so confused that he could not connect the dots, as if his memory was in pieces and he could not connect the dots at all, and he could not understand the meaning.

"And what did you see?" Yin Xun asked.

"A lot of stuff." Lu Qingjiu said. "Saw a skinny poodle, but don't we have no dogs at home?"

At these words Yin Xun looked over at the fox cubs crouching in the sun on the doorstep of the house and fell into silence.

Lu Qingjiu ate a corn kernel and was soon full, rubbing his little belly as he lay on the stamen and fell asleep again. Probably because of his small body, he circulates particularly quickly, almost as soon as he eats, when he is full, he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he continues to get up and eat, because he is in the state of his soul, so he doesn't have to solve his physical problems either, which can be very convenient.

When Bai Yuehu returns, Lu Qingjiu is already asleep, and Yin Xun sits watching with interest as Lu Qingjiu sleeps.

"Sleeping," Bai Yuehu asked.

"Well, asleep." Yin Xun said, "I was just asking where you'd been."

Bai Yuehu put down the things in his hand and told Yin Xun to go about his business, he would just keep watch. Yin Xun didn't argue with Bai Yuehu, he now understood the inseparable relationship between the two of them, without Bai Yuehu's efforts, Lu Qingjiu could not have been revived so quickly.

Lu Qingjiu woke up and woke up to see Bai Yuehu, grunting that he was hungry, and Bai Yuehu handed him the food he had prepared.

As Lu Qingjiu ate, he asked Bai Yuehu where he had gone, saying he hadn't seen him for a long time.

"I'm going to get you something to eat." Bai Yuehu said, "Then I'll wait for you to go to bed next time, and I'll go out."

Lu Qingjiu said yes in a small voice. Probably with the mind of a toddler, he didn't notice that he had become petulant. Cuddled by Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun, Xiao Qingjiu would say anything that upset him, unlike his adult self, who didn't think twice about it.

At night, he sleeps next to Bai Yuehu to make sure he can see his face when he wakes up.

Anyway, he said he was his lover, so it's normal to want to keep a lover, right? Lu Qingjiu told himself so justifiably, and besides he was so good looking, in case he was seduced by someone else, and he was so small that he couldn't even beat his lover.

Lu Qingjiu thought of this and felt a renewed strength inside, thinking that he must be good and eat hard to grow up early.

As the days went by, Lu Qingjiu's spirit at home gradually healed, and he recalled many old memories of himself, at first of playing with Yin Xun as a child, then of leaving Shuifu Village to go to school outside, until finally he remembered Bai Yuehu.

"Wow, it's you." Lu Qingjiu woke up early that morning and sat on the flower petals, dancing with excitement, "I remember, aren't you the one who ate so many of my little dumplings"

Bai Yuehu's face was slightly sunken, not quite ready to admit that he was starving to death.

Lu Qingjiu, however, was delighted and said he remembered it all. He remembered how good Bai Yuehu looked at the time, and how eating a bun was like eating a mountain of food and seafood.

"So when did you fall in love with me?" Lu Qingjiu asked shyly. Lu Qingjiu asked shyly, "Was it when you ate my buns that you fell in love with me?"

Bai Yuehu said, "Yes." It just didn't look quite the same then as it does now, and he could see the identity of Lu Qingjiu's guardian then and knew it was his meal ticket that was coming.

Lu Qingjiu, unaware of this, hugged Hua Rui and began to giggle again, saying that he was so happy that he had married such a beautiful daughter-in-law and that Grandma would be very happy too.

When Yin Xun heard this, his expression was very subtle. He couldn't help but think of the image he had seen on the computer once, and he once again showed pity for Lu Qingjiu. Why did he and Lu Qingjiu pity Bai Yuehu in the first place, when it was Lu Qingjiu himself who should be pitied the most?

Bai Yuehu didn't break Lu Qingjiu down, he just told him to eat well and to eat more so that his daughter-in-law wouldn't run away. poor daughter-in-law.

Only after three months of nurturing Lu Qingjiu's soul was stable enough to merge with his body did Bai Yuehu take out the body he had created for Lu Qingjiu, intending to revive him completely.

Yin Xun was a bit surprised by this, saying that Lu Qingjiu hadn't fully recovered his memory yet, so how could he be integrated?

At this point Lu Qingjiu only remembers the first days of their relationship, not even the time he fell in love with Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu said calmly, "It's okay, when the flesh is restored, it will all come back to me with a little stimulation."

Yin Xun is bewildered: "Stimulating, how?"

Bai Yuehu does not answer, but just smiles slightly at Lu Qingjiu.

Yin Xun shuddered at the sight of the smile and instantly had a bad memory of Lu Qingjiu limping out of his bedroom one morning with a grim look on his face.

Yin Xun looked at Lu Qingjiu, who was still unaware of what was going on, and said a few silent prayers for him.

Lu Qingjiu was still fist-pumping about the great things he would do when his body returned, and he looked at Bai Yuehu's smile and thought to himself that he had indeed kept his daughter-in-law waiting, oblivious to the horrors that awaited him.

"When the wine becomes an adult, you must repay me well." Bai Yuehu said so.

Lu Qingjiu nodded, with a serious face, and said, "Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I will repay you well."

Bai Yuehu smiled once again, his cute little drink, it just gets cuter and cuter the more you look at it.