Chapter 240: The space amber is missing

Chapter 240: The space amber is missing

"That's right! If the culprit is really Tai Sui Mansion, that's all. It's completely unnecessary to fight with the other party to this level when there is still uncertainty."

Another elder suddenly suggested.

Didnt the leader capture Wright? Why dont we use him in exchange and ask Tai Sui Mansion to pay compensation and publicly apologize.

If Wright is really a member of the Tai Sui Mansion, many people must know such a top powerhouse.

Once we make Wrights identity public, Tai Sui Mansion will have to change it or admit it, otherwise it will chill the hearts of many members and the gain will outweigh the loss.

On the other hand, if it is not a member of Tai Sui Mansion, it means that this war is just a misunderstanding, and there is no reason to continue.

After a discussion among the elders, most people began to agree with this idea.New novel chapters are published on

At this time, Elder Eric said: "The problem with this plan is that Wright is sealed in space amber by the alliance leader and cannot pass through the teleportation array. He can only be taken there by shuttle."

Based on the distance from Purple Gold Star to Ningtai Star, even if we fly at full speed, it will take at least about a month.

In the meantime, shall we cease fighting first?

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

One month is just an insignificant amount of time for them who have eternal life.

The war can be suspended for a month, which is equivalent to temporarily admitting defeat.

Someone said: "I suggest that during this period, a legion be arranged outside Ningtai Star to harass them from time to time and cause them some trouble."

In addition, we can first create a big publicity and spread the news that we have caught the intruder and demand redemption from Tai Sui Mansion.

Otherwise, Wright will be executed in public one month later.

Someone asked subconsciously: "But, aren't we unable to kill him?"

Another elder immediately laughed and said: "We just declared, as for whether we can kill, how do others know?"

After everyone discussed it, the leader of the alliance, Laura, agreed to the proposal.

Eric, hurry up and arrange a shuttle to transport the space amber that seals Wright to Yuehan Star. When it arrives, immediately order someone to send a message back, and I will go there myself.


Eric agreed.

After the meeting in the consciousness space, Elder Eric came to the secret room where the space amber was stored.

The moment the door is opened.

Eric continued.

Alliance leader Laura's majestic aura enveloped the entire audience and said flatly: "Impossible!"

My space amber is enough to seal any true god-level powerhouse for a thousand years, but Wright is only a celestial god-level person. Even if the method is somewhat special, I estimate this period to be lower, and it can last for at least five hundred years.

There is absolutely no way he can break the seal so quickly!

Several other elders also agreed.

"That's right! How could a seal set by the alliance leader himself be broken so quickly by a deity?"

I think someone else might have secretly taken Wright away?

"For example, is it possible that a certain Lion Clan has been secretly bribed by the Human Clan a long time ago? Now that Wright has been captured, it is just in time to rescue him."

With the strength Wright has shown, it would be cost-effective for the Taisu Mansion to use any chess piece to save him. What do you think?

Elder Erics face was livid and he said displeasedly: Brother Ward, the certain Lion Clan you are talking about, could it be me?

I imprisoned people and I was responsible for guarding them. When people are lost, I bear the greatest responsibility. I admit this, but if you want to take this opportunity to label me with other labels, dont blame me for being rude!

Eric snorted coldly and looked at the elder named Ward who spoke before.

Hearing this, Elder Ward smiled lightly.

"Junior brother Eric, you misunderstood. How could I suspect that you are a traitor? You just used to be close to a certain human race. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and now you have become the elder of the Wild Lion Alliance. , naturally it cannot be related to the word traitor."

"It's just a fact that the person is missing, and there are no clues. Naturally, we have to consider all possibilities."

Otherwise, we cant just let such an important sinner, who has caused us such great losses and disgraced us, just be thrown away, right?

What do you think, elders?

Hearing this, Elder Eric's face was so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

The other party kept saying that they did not doubt him, but the word "traitor" kept on their lips, and they also specifically emphasized Wright's guilt, just to want him to accept punishment.

But it was a fact that he was lost, and he could not refute it.

Another elder immediately spoke up to smooth things over.

"This matter cannot be directly related to Elder Eric, but the person was indeed lost under his care, so he is naturally responsible for the poor care."

But the most important thing for us now is to investigate the origin and whereabouts of Wright, and to renegotiate the plan to deal with Tai Sui Mansion.

Everyone, the war is not over yet, and now is not the time to talk about personal grudges.