363 Chapter 363 I will not give this purpose

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!During dinner, the tired and busy family finally sat together neatly.

Liu Yusheng asked the old man, "Grandpa, how do you think of going to the village chief to discuss and help the affected village and the people?"

"Xinghua Village belongs to Xiangshan County, and now the entire Xiangshan is suffering. At this time, we must have something to do. If we stand by and wait until the wind and rain are over, Xinghua Village may be greeted by human disasters." The old man did not shy away. , We really should do it, all the people of Nanling Kingdom, we help a bunch at this time, it is equivalent to helping Axiu and Xiaofeng'er, who can help others as well as their own people, isn't that the two beauties? ."

"Grandpa, that's the best of both worlds." Liu Zhiqiu taught Grandpa to learn idioms.

"Yeah, the best of both worlds." Liu Yusheng smiled, and the clouds disappeared under her eyes, showing clear.

After eating and bathing in bed, Liu Yusheng slept very soundly that night.

After nightfall, the snow and snow that stopped outside for a long time began to invade the land again.

In the following days, Liu Yusheng followed Kang Shiming and rushed to villages one after another.

Go to visit the disaster-affected situation and diagnose and treat the affected people.

It was also the effort of these past few days that made Liu Yusheng's reputation spread more and higher among the people, and began to become famous.

The Liu family did not stop there, and began to help the nearby villages.

Help rebuild, donate materials, and donate medicine.

Xinghua Village, which was originally a model in Shili Baxiang, has begun to be looked up. In the eyes of each village, the coat that Gao Pan cannot climb has faded, and the relationship between them has gradually eased.

Half a month after the disaster, there was news from Xinghua Village over the capital.

Feng Qingbai looked at the secret letter in his hand and frowned extremely tightly.

Xiangshan snow disaster.

Regional disasters.

The victims.

This is extremely bad news for the ruling party.

If it is not handled well, people will complain and cause instability in the society, and political enemies will seize this reason to attack.

With a little care, the consequences will be continuous.

"Uncle, how do you plan to deal with this matter?" Feng Mohan asked beside him, his brows also tightly frowned, "It must be done to help the disaster relief, not to mention that it is Aunt Liu's hometown, but you have to go in person, I’m afraid I can’t go. Border soldiers are about to return to the dynasty. You need to be responsible for awards and rewards. In March, you want to run for the royal merchants. You also need your final decision. We have to guard against the old lady who is calculating at the last minute. You can’t leave Beijing for a moment."

Only the governor officials are dispatched.

Feng Qingbai knows that he can't pull away, but the governor can't be assigned at will. When fighting in full swing, the governor should be cautious when ordering. If you accidentally click on the other person, you will be stab yourself. .

As long as the opponent is slightly damaged, the consequences can be disastrous.

Tap your finger on the desktop, Feng Qingbai filters available candidates in her heart.

Feng Mohan also held a small head of melon seeds to help, and then his eyes turned twice, and suddenly lighted up, "Uncle, shall I go?"

Feng Qingbai raised his eyes and looked at him lightly.

"I'm the most suitable to go, Uncle! You can handle the things in the palace, whether I am here or not, but if I go to help the disaster relief, you think about how sensation the people will be. The emperor personally participated in the disaster relief. Pay attention to it, my fame swishes up, and I will never betray the uncle. Those who want to use the means behind them and what chips are used to counter it will all fail. You don’t have to worry about it at all. Not?"

There was a big crack, and the advantages of going in person were rendered as much as possible. Feng Mohan blinked his eyes and looked forward to his uncle.

Of course, the expression is serious.

Let the emperor feel that he is really working hard.

He is definitely not phony.

After a while, I heard his uncle spoke lightly, "Let you go, do you want to rumor that you and the uncle robbed the whole world?"

At first, Feng Mohan was a bit overwhelmed, robbing?Who is grabbing?

When a face flashed in my head, Feng Mohan jumped up, "Uncle, I definitely don't mean that! Don't get me wrong, I just want to help you solve the problem, I can get a reputation, but also I can take a look at Grandpa Liu's grandpa and grandma, and I can do three things in one fell swoop. I have nothing to do with Aunt Liu!"

This is really wrong!

"You don't have that kind of heart, others don't know, as long as there are some people who give a little bit of wind, the fake can become true. You can't go this time." Stop the hand that hits the desktop, Feng Qingbai said, "You To draw up a decree, the Xiangshan County Commander Kang Shiming will do his utmost in disaster relief, and the master of Ruyi County will be sealed as the disaster relief ambassador to work together with the county commander Kang Shiming."

"Uncle?" Feng Mohan didn't understand it. This kind of thing may become a raft for political rivals at any time, and should not involve Aunt Liu.

If she did well, it was just one more compliment.

If you don't do well, you have to be the target.

"Do what I said."

"You tell me your true intentions first, otherwise I will not make this intention!" For the first time since she was sensible, Feng Mohan did not follow Feng Qingbai's words, and her small face was tight and very serious.

He can't let Aunt Liu step into the vortex!

Ning Shen watched the little boy for a moment, Feng Qingbai raised his lips, rubbed his hand on his head.

"Trust you Aunt Liu, and believe me, I will never let your Aunt Liu suffer any damage."

The warmth above the head eased the condensation on Feng Mohan's face, and his head subconsciously rubbed under the man's palm, twitching and murmuring, "Then you have to explain to me, you pull Aunt Liu into politics. , What do you want to do."

Feng Qingbai laughed, exuding an unparalleled strength and glance.

"Creating God." He said.

On the same day, the imperial decree to be issued in the palace was sent to Xiangshan, Yunzhou by special channels.

In addition to what Feng Qingbai said in the decree, Feng Mohan added one more order, and ordered officials at all levels in Yunzhou to cooperate fully with disaster relief. During this period, whoever dares to impose obstacles in it will make disaster relief impossible. Rao!

At the same time, Feng Qingbai summoned Qian Wanjin in the palace.

When receiving the edict, Qian Wanjin's eyeballs were about to stand out.

What is that guy Feng Qingbai doing?If you have something to do, just go to the door and say, what is the edict to scare him?

This is too formal, which makes people panic.

The Wangfu concierge was already too familiar with Qian Wanjin, and when he saw him, he basically didn't need to report it and let him go.

All the way into the hall of Wangfu, "Feng Qingbai, what the hell are you doing? If you have anything to say, let go of your ass, and your time is precious. If you did something to make me have to come, now I'm already going Yunzhou is on its way!"

After a happy year at home, and after the Lantern Festival, this is the longest time he has been at home for the past few years.

So he explained the things in Beijing and China clearly after the year, and he was ready to set off for Xinghua Village.