640 Chapter 640: Fifty Thousand Two is Not Enough

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!"Wake up and talk to me."

"Your uncle! Do you want to be responsible for what you do?"

"Do you want me to marry you?"

Qian Wanjin's face was drawn, "...You are shameless, Feng Qingbai!"

"Thanks to praise."


Qian Wanjin turned to Liu Zhiqiu for help. The man patted him on the shoulder. "Little Gold, I can't help you. I still have to rely on Feng Qingbai to make money and pay off debts."

Seeing that Qian Wanjin was going to blow up, the words changed, "Of course, if you pay, pay more, it is not impossible to discuss."

These two people are not brothers. Qian Wanjin lay directly on Feng Qingbai's bed, and he would not leave, Feng Qingbai could throw him out!

Feng Qingbai stepped forward and looked at the person who immediately closed his eyes and grabbed the bed without letting go, and did not pull him. The detective picked up the teapot from the table and poured it onto the bed sheet.

"Feng Qingbai, what are you doing?" some Jin asked dumbly, mad?To prevent him from sleeping, sprinkle water on the bed?

"Wei Hong, go to the old lady to get the bed with clean sheets and tell her that Qian Wanjin was scared to pee on my bed."

"Yes, Master!" He only heard the sound but couldn't see anyone else, but guessed where Wei Hong was. She always ordered Feng Qingbai to ban her.

Qian Wanjin shivered his fingers, pointing at Feng Qingbai, and after a long while he gave a roar, "Wind Qingbai, I am your fairy board!"

Liu Zhiqiu sighed, should it?

Feng Qingbai will not treat him, but will make him doubt his life.

"Come down and stay in bed again. You will pee not only once, but also the second and third times."

Qian Wanjin climbed down and rushed into the inner courtyard to find Shi Xianrou.

Solved one, Feng Qingbai looked at Liu Zhiqiu, "What are you doing?"

"In Xuzhou, it was the gang who chased us today, right?" Liu Zhiqiu squeezed Dang Erlang's expression.

If he remembered correctly, those people had specially allocated manpower at that time, and they had to catch the boy.


"Will that naughty boy be in danger?"

Pinching the corner of the lower lip, Feng Qingbai, "I can't guarantee it."

It's about Sheng Sheng, he doesn't dare to take chances.

Liu Zhiqiu shouted and wiped his face, knowing that this kind of thing would happen to him, he should learn the internal force with Aunt Red when he was young.

Now that half a bucket of water is sloshing, I really meet a master, can I use a fart?

"Before I return to Beijing, I will put a defense around Xinghua Village. The man's main goal is on me. As long as I return to Beijing, he should leave." A little pondered, Feng Qingbai said, "August is Qin Xiao Hui returned to the DPRK, and when Bei Cang came to visit, the other party chose to fight at this time. I guess he would stir up the situation and disrupt the situation in Beijing."

"Then you have to be more careful when you go back." Compared with Xinghua Village, the most dangerous thing is Feng Qingbai.

Liu Zhiqiu somewhat understood the reason why Uncle always opposed Nao and Feng Qingbai together.

No one wants his baby girl to be in danger.

When something like this happened, Feng Qingbai's itinerary also changed. The original plan was to stay for another two or three days, and he had to temporarily advance. He needed to return to Beijing as soon as possible to make preparations.

The departure time is set at the day after tomorrow.

Liu’s parents didn’t know that there was an accident in the county town. It was only when Feng Qingbai Jingzhong was busy. Seeing that there were two days before the child was leaving again, Liu’s wife, Chen Xiulan, and Dujuan spent a lot of time in the kitchen. , Every meal is made up of favored Qingbai favorite.

After raising a lot of fat at home, when I go to Beijing to get busy, people lose weight quickly.

However, there were only two days left, and the Liu Family Courtyard did not feel calm.

On the eve of Feng Qingbai's departure, the compound came again.

When Kang Ziyu arrived at Deliu's compound, the family had just had breakfast and sat at the door of the stove to talk and laugh.

Looking at the people who came to the room to find the door, Liu Muqiu was on alert.

"Li Junyue." Kang Ziyu stared at the woman standing next to Mrs. Liu and said her previous name bluntly.

"Miss Kang, you're wrong. This is our Liu girl, Liu Muqiu." The old lady said with a cold face. "We will open the gate of the Liu family compound, but we don't welcome anyone looking for help. If Miss Kang is fine, hurry and leave. All day trouble for Master Kang!"

This is what Mrs. Liu said very heavily to the visitor.

She doesn't have much contact with Kang Ziyu, but she knows what Kang Ziyu has done, Wei Hong is specialized in handling gossip.

Liu Yusheng also stood next to his wife and patted her hand, "Grandma, you, grandpa and my dad and they will go to the hall first. Our juniors will take care of the matter here."

Seeing that in the county town that day, she expected that Kang Ziyu would not be so easy to give up.

She thought she would come to the door the next day, but she didn't expect that she was more calm than before.

I was afraid that I had thought of the idea for a few days before I moved on.

After being comforted by Liu Yusheng, the elders and other elders entered the hall with a sullen face. Before leaving, the cuckoo also gave Liu Zhiqiu a hard look. How could he know such a person and bring a lot of trouble to the family.

Kang Ziyu didn't care at all what other people said, just stared at Liu Muqiu, "Junyue, you and I have known each other for years, don't say you just changed your name, you changed your face, I can recognize you as well . We have a sister anyway. I’m not asking you for trouble today. Let’s take a step to speak?"

"Ms. Kang, there is nothing wrong with people. If you have anything, just say it here. You don't need to call Mu Qiu elsewhere." Liu Yusheng said, pulling Liu Mu Qiu to prevent her from bearing.

Kang Ziyu's eyes are mad and hidden, and such a person will lose his mind at any time to do surprising things. Xiao Bailian's current body can't bear any injuries.

The elders went to the hall, and among the people left were Liu Yusheng and Liu Zhiqiu, as well as Shi Xianrou and Feng Qingbai.

Kang Ziyu glanced at everyone one by one, and finally looked at Li Junyue with a chuckle, "You are so unsympathetic, and even refused to talk to me alone? Anyway, I have lived with me for so long and stable days, Junyue, you I really don’t remember any kindness?"

Seeing Liu Muqiu condensing her, her lips closed, Kang Ziyu said sharply, "Since I can recognize you, the people of the Li family can naturally, too. I don't know if Mrs. Li knows about your resurrection? Fifty thousand Two bought out a big living person, I am afraid Mrs. Li is not enough."

"Go out and say." Liu Muqiu took a deep breath and pulled Liu Yusheng away from her hand. "I'll talk to her outside, don't worry, I'm not so bully now."

This sentence, in exchange for Kang Ziyu a satire.

Watching the two go out, Liu Yusheng pursed her lips, "Kang Ziyu is in a state of being forced to a dead end. She will come to the door, and it must be Mu Qiu to help her. No good eye."

"Huh, if she is really crazy, Xiao Bailian's small body is not her opponent. I don't know what they will say." Shi Xianrou shook her head and sighed, deliberately not covering the volume, so that the person sitting behind could hear clearly. Clearly.