647 Chapter 647: Make the most of everything

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!The visit of the envoy was aimed at negotiations between the two countries.

After staying at the post, everyone is waiting for the arrival of negotiations, waiting for the moment when they enter the negotiation table.

But the main person on the other side of the negotiations has never been in a hurry.Even when the negotiation time is set and everything is ready, no one appears.

This is the case today.

The negotiating parties of the two countries have been sitting in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Only after the people are together can you begin to put the conditions on the table and talk to each other.

But waiting for the left and the right, the court king of Beicang never appeared.No one came to report until half an hour from the scheduled time.

King Ting traveled to Hongfeng Mountain and could not return in time. Everyone who waited for a long time waited for a while to abandon.

Returning to Qiande Hall, Feng Mo immediately fell a cup.

"What did the court king want to do? This is the third time, and he hasn't attended for three times! It's a great disability! In a wheelchair, it's not good, so let a person wait for him. Since I know I can't go Road, and chaos everywhere, fearing that others do not know that he is crippled!"

After swearing and calming down a bit, Feng Mohan looked at the man sitting at the window without any waves, "Uncle, what do you want him to do? Since it was here to negotiate, why is it procrastinating again and again? Don't care what the negotiation will be."

"People are coming, not talking today, and tomorrow. So anxiety is going to be done? The psychological quality is the most important thing in the negotiations between the two countries. Whoever can't be calm first will be passive and at a disadvantage."

"The uncle meant that the king of the court was intentional? Amplifying the pigeons twice in order to irritate our negotiating officials?"

"Aren't you burning with anger now?"

Feng Mohan coughed lightly, inhaled and exhaled, and allowed himself to calm down as soon as possible. "So how should we deal with it? If he is absent again, will he still have to set the time for the next negotiation? If he is determined not to come, wouldn't it be in vain? "

Feng Qingbai looked out of the window, his eyes deep and deep, and his fingers touched his knees lightly, "Not for now. King Ting plays this trick, not only us, but also the envoys of Beicang. We just need to be beside Watching it quietly, without any action, someone will pressure him."

"If there is no fixed time, who knows that they will not wait until the monkey year to start the next negotiation."

"This is our land. They are guests. They are not in a hurry to go back. We are in a hurry for him. When they really want to talk, they will send someone to discuss."

Feng Mohan nodded. Since the uncle said that, then he was not in a hurry, and he thought that the other party was really just for sightseeing.

For the ruler, stop floating and restless.

On the mountain road on the outskirts of Hongfeng Mountain.

The four bearers sat in a soft sedan chair, and the young man in white sat on it gracefully, enjoying the scenery leisurely.

Two maids followed.Sweating on the cheeks.

Hongfeng Mountain is not high, but it is a challenge for people who are not good at walking.Of course, this challenge does not exist in the eyes of King Ting.

He didn't have to leave at all, someone was doing his job.

Just make some money.

The sedan stopped by a pavilion on the mountainside.

The man on the sedan gently patted his hands, his robe flew, and fell into the pavilion gently.

From top to bottom, overlooking the beautiful scenery below.

It was almost September, and the maple leaves on the mountain were half yellow and half red, and they were very splendid.

Before the maple leaves were red, there were not many people who went up the mountain, and only occasionally saw one or two tourists. While passing by, they glanced at the man, curious about his way of going green.

"Son, the people over there should be gone, but you want to go back?" The other side refers to the negotiating parties.

Duan Ting smiled, "It's all gone anyway, and it doesn't help to go back now. Just, I can easily see the scene."

The maid bit her lip, although she was afraid of her son's temper, she couldn't help but remind him, "The son has missed the appointment three times, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction on both sides."

Not to mention the Nanling side, they are the missionaries of Bei Cang. Although each headed by the son, the ministers came with a mission.It also does not allow the son to miss the contract three times and five times, undermining peace talks between the two countries.

The man didn't care about it. "Even if I came out to play, relax, and have fun. Even if they are dissatisfied, what can I do with them?"

"If things are passed back, there must be someone who wants to sue the son, how will it be then."

"What's the matter? It's not that I don't talk about it, I'll talk about it later. The legs can't walk, can't go back, is it not what I want?"

The maid was speechless by the strong words.

Even if they have been serving their son for many years, they often can't figure out his ideas.

Acting is always casual, and thinking out is coming out, making people unable to keep up.

At sunset, there is a cloud on the horizon.

Not long after Feng Qingbai walked out of the Imperial Study, he saw the man sitting in a wheelchair, his back to the setting sun smiled shallowly towards him.

Afterglow of the sunset plated his white shirt with purple gold, and the whole person was bathed in a shallow halo.

I chose the garden near the lake and sit opposite.

"This King is envious of King Ting's leisure and ease."

"If the King of Nanling thought, would it be this leisure?"

Around the screen, Feng Qingbai Dingding looked at the opposite man and smiled, "The fourteenth son of Beicang, the last king of the court, is mediocre for a while. However, as far as the king knows, although the Emperor Bei Cang is pitiful, he will not make concessions without a bottom line. The peace talks between the North and the South have been interrupted three times, and once again, I am afraid that the King of Ting will no longer be able to withstand the anger of the emperor."

"Anger is anger, but as long as I am still useful, the father and emperor will not let me lie in the emperor's mausoleum so quickly. Raising a family, always wanting to use everything." Ting Wang also smiled.

"The king is waiting for the day when the court king exhausted Beicanghuang's patience."

"No need to wait any longer, set a date, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow peace talks." Ting Wang turned his head to look at the sky blushing, after a while, "This time the mission, this is the sixth brother led the group, and the result was accidentally falling horse before the trip , I put it on top. I have longed for Nanling, especially when I heard from the army that there was a lieutenant in the Nanling military camp who was seriously ill and should be dying, but he was treated in Kyoto after retiring and he recovered. Put on armor again. I am even more curious. Could it really be that this world has turned into a magic technique? Afterwards, I inquired about it, and the prince guessed what I found?"

Feng Qingbai didn't answer, his eyes darkened.

King Ting didn't seem to care about his answer, "whatever turns decay into wonder, that man can even get back to life. With such a magical medicine, the prince said that my legs can be cured?... Xinghua Village, in the cloud Zhou Xiangshan, right?"

The water pavilion is silent.

Subsequently, Feng Qingbai's lips and corners slowly lifted, and suddenly shot the court king, with five fingers like hooks.