www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!The attendant in the Yangxin Hall saw the crowd coming from afar, his eyes squinted at the head man, and he hurried to report.

King Nanling is back!

With the power of the prince, the prince will not easily expose the things done by the empress dowager these days!

How is this good?

Hearing the report from the inner servant, the old woman who closed her eyes and twisted the beads paused, slowly opened her eyes and calmed her eyes.

"Open the door of the hall and greet King Nanling."

The Hall of Yangxin, the door of the hall was wide open, and the slaves in the hall bowed to them.

The Empress Dowager sat in the first seat, calmly looking at the approaching figure at the gate of the temple.

In a purple robe, she is all gorgeous.

Cold, expensive, strong.

That face did not change much from five years ago, except that the angles of the facial features were more distinct, and the strong momentum was a bit stronger.

Faded away from the young, the man became more calm and restrained, and his thoughts became deeper.

Now he has been able to send and receive his whole body with ease.When should he converge and when should he let go?

Entering the hall, Feng Qingbai raised his eyes and looked at the old woman sitting on it.She was about the same age as Mrs. Liu, but she was already full of silver wire.Those eyes were calm and calm when he looked at him, not surprised by his arrival.

"The king heard that the Queen Mother had left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and hurriedly came to visit the first time back to the dynasty. The Queen Mother, don't come unharmed."

"The prince has a heart, it is good to mourn the family."

Feng Mohan didn't want to salute, but under the pressure of Feng Qingbai's eyes, he was unwilling to say hello, "I also came to visit the Queen Mother, and please the Queen Mother."

If Nanling did not prioritize filial piety, he asked her uncle for peace!

The Empress Dowager nodded toward the two of them, "The emperor and the prince are coming, and the house of mourning of the mourning family is flourishing. Come, let's have tea, and invite the emperor and the prince to take a seat."

"The Queen Mother is not busy. In addition to visiting, this King also wants to inform the Queen Mother. Recently, there have been many more slaves in the palace. I don’t know whether it is to bully the Queen Mother. When the Empress Dowager was busy and free, he dared to deceive and conceal the slaves. If he was not severely punished, he would definitely intensify in the future, and such a minion could not be tolerated in the palace."

"The prince wants to dispose of the minions. Although it is the disposal, wherever the mourning family needs to be informed. The mourning family's thoughts are all on supporting the emperor, and there is really no time to manage those trivial matters."

Feng Qingbai raised his lips and smiled, "This sentence is reassuring for the Empress Dowager. The king will be relieved. Come here, hold him up!"

When the words fell, the Imperial Guard immediately escorted the group of soldiers who had previously guarded the Qiande Hall, and let them kneel in the middle of the hall.

"These dog minions, in the identity of the royal family's soldiers and guards, did not even take the emperor's eyes into consideration, and placed the emperor under house arrest in the hall of Qiande. They were not allowed to leave the hall for half a step! The days of house arrest are endless. Only this point, these people are guilty of rebellious capital crimes!"

"The inferiority is injustice! The inferiority is only ordered to act! The empress dowager fears that the emperor will never do anything less. .

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Feng Qingbai.

"It's a nonsense, it's ridiculous! You must have forgotten who is the real master of this harem? Where the master wants to go, it must be agreed by the slaves, it is unheard of!"

This rebuke made people speechless.

The whole world belongs to the emperor, let alone a palace.

Who dares to stop the emperor in the world?

They did it in person.

The Nanling King's servants scolded not only their pro-military guards, but also alluded to wanting to control the empress's empress dowager.

In front of the emperor, it is the empress dowager who cannot be the master!

Everyone knew that the king of Nanling came to stand for the emperor.Between the faction of the emperor and the lord and the empress dowager, the game has been put on.

On the side seat, the wind and cypress eyes were fierce and cold, "Dare to trap the emperor in the dormitory, and also want to impose the crime on the empress dowager. It is simply unforgivable, and there are still dead people! Come, take him down, behead immediately! Anyone who participated in guarding the emperor's house under the house of the Emperor Qiande will wait for nothing!"

The return of the prince, the prohibition of action, dare not follow.

The bodyguard immediately took the two teams of personal guards down.

If the wrong person is kissed by the soldiers, then they can only become dead.

If you stay, it is a problem to raise tigers.

Feng Mohan was sitting next to the man, and his mood was agitated.

Like the uncle, it is the real emperor of the emperor, killing decisively and resolutely!

In the future, he must grow into a man like the uncle!

The soldiers were beheaded immediately by the prince, and all the servants inside and outside the Yangxin Temple were silent and dared not to pit.

The prince specially brought the people to the Yangxin Hall, and dealt with them in the face of the empress dowager, that was to know that the man was arranged by the empress dowager.With this kind of tough return, the prince is beating the Queen Mother's face!

Working for the empress dowager, but in the end the empress dowager can't save the lives of these people, isn't it chilling?

In the future, before I do my best for the Queen Mother, I am afraid that many people will think about it first, worth it.

"The prince of labor was very active when he came back. He was old and old. He didn't even know that the emperor's trapped dormitory was neglected. The family was really ashamed. In the future, he would certainly discipline the people under his hands more severely." Gai plucked the tea leaves and said lightly.

"It's so good, the prestige of the emperor is invincible, and Diao can't condone it." Feng Qingbai responded, his eyes staring at the star-bearing teenager. "During this period, there are other minions who eat inside and out to deceive you. The queen empress was also there, and she pulled out and killed them together. The queen empress was dedicated to the country as the monarch, and certainly would not let the emperor suffer the wronged."

Feng Mohan's eyes lighted up, and he immediately reached out in several directions in the Yangxin Hall, "This and that person have neglected me. When I talked to me, my eyes grew above my head! They said they were the empress dowager's side. I need to look at their faces too!"

The three minions who were pointed out were so scared that they hurriedly asked for mercy.

They were disdainful to the emperor, but they never said that the emperor should also look at their faces!

This is really wrong!

Feng Mohan bit them, it's them!

Each time the Queen Mother went to Qiande Hall, they were with these three people. She smiled at the Queen Mother with a flattering face. When you looked at him, the contempt and mockery in her eyes did not cover up!

Dog gall guts!

"Queen Empress, what do you think?" Feng Qingbai turned to the old lady who tasted tea elegantly.

There was still no mood swings on her face, as if the three men accused by Feng Mohan had nothing to do with her.

After hearing Feng Qingbai asking her opinion, he said, "Since I dare to neglect the emperor, this kind of slave can't stay. Come here, drag the person out, and kill him."