1140 Chapter 140: Zhixia arrives in Beijing

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!Liu Yusheng's melancholy didn't last long. Four days later, Liu Zhixia and Fu Yuzheng took Maodou and arrived in Beijing lightly.

The matter of Yunzhou Yamen has been handed over, and the newly arrived Zhifu took office, then Liu Zhixia went to Beijing without stop and officially entered the Beijing official team.

Liu Zhixia returned once again, causing a slight shock in the ups and downs of Asahi.

Everyone knows that as long as Liu Zhixia makes no major mistakes in his political achievements within the next two years, he will soon become a member of the cabinet.

As we all know, most of the cabinet members will become the confidants of the emperor, so the ministers of the DPRK and China almost squeezed in.

The competition is too fierce and it takes a lot of effort to squeeze into that circle.

Only Liu Zhixia is different. He is the elder brother of Princess Nanling. He had previous outstanding achievements in Yunzhou, and he was escorted by King Nanling.

Therefore, as soon as he entered Beijing, he was highly valued by the heavy ministers of Nanling, and he began to think carefully.

Liu Zhixia also brought good news to Feng Qingbai and Liu Yusheng.

The farms that Liu Zhiqiu bought last year have a good harvest in autumn, and now they are calculating the grain output of each farm.

After the statistics are completed, the excess grain Liu Zhiqiu will donate to the court for the purpose of enriching the grain depot.At that time, Feng Qingbai needs to send individuals to hand over.

This is a great thing for Nanling.

All the people in Nanling were extremely happy about this.

Someone is helping to fill the national treasury silos, they can earn a lot of grain without paying anything, why are they unhappy?

Feng Mohan is also happy.

It's just that his happiness is more sincere.

When the mood was good, with a big stroke, he wanted to give Liu Zhiqiu a decree commendation, and was intercepted by Feng Qingbai.

Now that the Liu family is striking enough, there is no need to add icing on the cake.

Too many flowers attracted not only butterflies, but also stinging bees.

After being stopped, Feng Mohan barely halted the flag, but he still held uncle Zhiqiu unrewarded, thinking of compensating Liu Zhiqiu elsewhere.

As for who was sent by the court to carry out the food handover, the court officials also raised several arguments.

Many officials voluntarily asked for a job, and the result was again suppressed by Feng Qingbai.

If these people are really allowed to go, then things that should not involve any interest will be completely reduced to a deal.

In the end, Feng Qingbai decided to go on hand in hand.

Chaotang now seems temporarily calm.As the forces on Feng Mohan's side grew, the forces on the court side gradually weakened. In the case of no way to contend with the forces of the emperor, the court side would not easily produce any moths.Then his life will be more relaxed, unlike the previous moment when he could not leave Beijing.

He made this decision with nothing more than wind and ink.

"Uncle, do you really want to go by yourself? It's not necessary at all! This little thing requires you to go out in person. If you can't believe the courtier, you can send anyone to the Yinwei camp. You don't need you to leave Beijing to work like a teacher. "Early in the morning, Feng Mohan broke into the Yangxin Hall and was nagging about the wind and cypress.

"Why don't you avoid me anymore?" The man's words were cold and cold, and he was so embarrassed that he had said so badly.

"You don't know why I'm hiding from you, and say these words coldly." Mumbled in a low voice, Feng Mohan didn't dare to justify himself.

He was really wronged.

If he hadn’t done it before, when wouldn’t he be pestering the uncle

But this time the situation is different. Uncle may submit his resignation at any time, and then take the croton and red beans to return to Xinghua Village.

They walked easily, what should he do?

He had to be left behind by the uncle, and since then he has been struggling alone in the vortex.

How lonely and uncomfortable?

Therefore, during this time, the uncle and the aunt entered the palace every day, but he no longer came to report every day as before, and he was afraid of this.

He is also very hard to avoid.

Leaning on the chair, Feng Qingbai watched the grieved teenager sigh silently.

"This river and mountain is yours. You have to hold it up alone. When you are in trouble, you always think that relying on others is already unqualified. If I don't leave, when will you really be alone?"

Only by letting go can the children under his care grow up better. This is what he learned from the Queen Mother.

In the past, he always wanted to wait until Feng Mohan was able to support the heavy load before leaving, but now he thinks about it, in fact, his decisions were wrong.

If he had been there, wind and rain would be blocked in front of Feng Mohan, and Feng Mohan could not grow at all.

"Besides, even if I leave, it is also in the territory of Nanling, in Xinghua Village. If you can’t solve anything, it’s not troublesome if you want to contact." Reaching the young man’s shoulder, Feng Qingbai said with a long heart, "Uncle wants Seeing the day you really pointed at Jiangshan, I believe you will not let me down."

Feng Mohan looked up in disbelief, unbelievable.

The uncle said he believed he would not let him down?

believe him?

The uncle had never said this before.

Is it a compliment?

"Uncle, do you really believe me?"

"You taught me, where are your abilities, I know everything, why don't you believe it?" The man got up, patted his hand on his shoulder again, and walked to the noisy long couch over there.

Feng Mohan was still stunned, looking at the man's back, believing that the two words were circling in his ear.

After a while, the teenager lowered his head and muttered softly, "That's natural. I was taught by the uncle, and I believe in myself. I just don't want you."

When I say this, my nose is sore, but the corners of my mouth are slightly raised.

In any case, the uncle's belief was enough to please him.

Even at this point, he will not do anything to disappoint the emperor.

Besides, didn’t Zhixia come?If he can't do it alone, and if Uncle Xia is here, he won't be fighting alone.

Immersed in the joy of complexity, the teenager automatically ignored the fact that the man wanted him to be alone.

He is an emperor, how can the emperor fight alone?There must be a helper.

He is not unsatisfactory, but he is virtuous, and this is what the uncle taught him?

No problem at all.

He doesn't depend on others, he just finds a few more helpers.

Feng Qingbai had already walked to the long couch, and squatted down to grab the red beans into his arms. "The Qiqiu side should be able to count the amount of surplus grain within half a month. Then we will rush to the farm and hand over to him. One by one, it takes more than a month or so. I want to take croton and red beans together. How about the mother?"

He asked the Queen Mother, who was startled.