1203 Chapter 123 "Leng Nian Shi Wei" Wei Dalan

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!In Xiangshan County, Wang Shi who was going to go to Xinghua Village the next day was not only forced to apologize, but after confirming that the prince and princess were in Xinghua Village, no one in the city’s high-gate mansion had a good night’s sleep. of.

The next day, when Wang arrived in Xinghua Village in a horse-drawn carriage, he saw the horse-drawn carriages of various prefectures at the village entrance. From the village entrance, Dahuaishu blocked a road at the entrance of the village.

All were stopped outside the village.

The wagon in the back couldn't move forward, so the people in the car got out of the wagon and squeezed forward.

At a glance, almost all are familiar with the face.

When they looked at each other, all the nobles in the Jinyi and Huafu faces were embarrassed.

"Yo, Master Ma is also here."

"Hahaha, come and take a look, look. Isn't that the master of Chen? He also came!"

"There is the one squeezed at the top, is it the old grandfather of the Fang family?"


Almost all of the people here are headed by the big households in the city. A woman of the Wang family is particularly conspicuous when she walks in the crowd.

Although there has been no direct conflict with the heads of the families, few women in the past have never experienced Wang's anger. Seeing that she has also followed behind the team, the unclear eyes suddenly increased.

Ridiculous, ridicule, and good drama.

Make Wang's face blush.

It's really bad for years!A trip to Xinghua Village was seen by so many people!

Don't think she can guess, after today, the ladies in the city have her jokes to talk about.

"The prince has an order, this time when he came back to save his relatives, he didn't like to be disturbed, and all the people who came to visit him were gone. Please come back."

Under the Dahuai tree, the cold noodles guarded by the face sent a royal order to stop the people who came to visit.Although he did not drive it out, it was impossible to enter the village.

Da Lao Yuan came to the people who wanted to brush his face in front of the prince. He was disappointed and dissatisfied, but he did not leave immediately, but gave the gift to the guards. "I heard that Liu Jia’s new expansion, Xiangshan County Lin He came to congratulate him specially, and didn’t dare to disturb the princess, please ask the elder brother of the guard to help me present the congratulations to the princess.

Which one hadn't walked around wasn't a human spirit. He was active immediately, crowded in front of the guards, and almost buried him with a gift.

"The Chen Mansion of Xiangshan County presented a congratulatory gift, and he welcomed the expansion of the Liu Family Courtyard!"

"Mafu from Xiangshan County presented a congratulatory gift, and he welcomed the expansion of Liu Liu's compound!"

"Yang Mansion in Xiangshan County..."


Wang's face was squeezed in the crowd, and his face was blue.

But it’s an expansion, what’s so good, it’s not a new house!

In order to please the king of Nanling and the princess, these people can use everything as an excuse.

It was easy to squeeze right in front of the guards. Wang's hair was scattered and his image was gone, but he had to squeeze out his smile with anger and anxiety, and everyone looked down to please a guard.

Things couldn't be done, she went back without good fruit.

"This elder guard, I am the wife of the Wangfu family in Xiangshan County. I am not here to visit the princess of the prince. I came to the Qianjia Shaodong family." The family and the Qian family are in-laws. Our old man is the younger brother of the second wife of the Qian family. I heard that the Shaodong family is in Xinghua Village.

The people around her who watched her posture scoffed.Put gold on your face, but it's just an aunt who can't get on the table!

At this time, Wang's no matter what other people think of her, as long as she can go in and do nothing else, she is much higher than these people.

How many faces she lost at that time, she can double them back!

While the people held their breath and waited, the cold noodles guard said, "The Qian Shaodong family ordered that no foreigners be seen during Xinghua Village. If you have business matters to talk about, you need to submit a petition in advance and get the replies before you can go to the door. Otherwise, who wants to go to Liu's? The courtyard will go. Isn't the courtyard a vegetable market?"

With laughter, Wang's face was pale and pale.

As a relative of the Qian family, the Qian Shaodong family slapped her in the face again.Tell the people present that she is completely weightless in the eyes of the Qian family.

Fortunately, at this moment, after the morning, the villagers went to work, and they hadn’t come home to eat at noon. The village entrance had no other people except the noble households who came from the county, otherwise Wang’s face would be trampled. Broken into slag.

"Eh, Dafu, who just said that she is?" Outside Xinghua Village, a group of people came over, carrying a stack of pony paws in their hands, or carrying two straight stools on their shoulders. Zi and Daifu.

Today, the new yard of the Liu Family Courtyard is on Liang. The big guy is shouting to drink Liang wine. Mr. Liu waved his hand and held a banquet!

A lot of people came to the two villages to squash and eat together. It was estimated that the stool was not enough. They returned to the village to carry the stool.

Hearing Hua Zi asking, Dafu glanced over there and determined, "She said she was a relative of Qian Shaodong's family? Wang Fu... in the county."

The two looked at each other, and there was an unexplained light in their eyes.

Crammed the stool in his hand to his companions, kicking their advanced village, and after the crowds of the village gradually dispersed, the two walked to the side of Wang who was not willing to walk.

Hua Zi smiled, "Yo, lady, are you really a relative of Little Gold?"

Looking at the thin-faced man who was leaning forward, Wang took a step back in disgust. He didn't want to take reason, but he heard the other person say Xiaojin and turned back.

Yesterday Shi Xianrou called Qian Wanjin and said little gold.

"Are you from Xinghua Village?"

"No, we are in the downhill village next door, but it's the same as Xinghua Village. Our brother and Xiaojinjin are good brothers. If we don't listen to you as a relative of his family, we really don't take care of you." Hua Zi pouted his lips, walked to the cold noodle guard, and put one hand on the shoulder of the guard, "Dalan, why are you guarding here? What about your head?"

"The boss is busy with the prince. They don't like to come here in the crowded area at the entrance of the village, so they will send me to guard here."

"Little Gold really said no foreigners?"

Wei Lan tried hard to keep a cold face, learned the boss's style, glanced at Huazi lightly, his eyes met, and the communication was completed in an instant.

"It's not easy to see her, a womanish woman who came from afar, and brought so many things. If you want to face my brother, let her go in."

"The Shaodong family said..."

"Do you think you are rigid? Isn't it a big deal? I'll take her around the road from the path. You don't know if you don't know? It's me who brought me in. The prince and the little gold don't blame you."

"Cold Noodle Guard" Wei Dalan paused, twisting his head, "I didn't see anything."

"Thanks, brother."

Wang's hasn't reacted yet, and it didn't happen that this would become like this, this is a peak turnaround!