1234 Chapter One Two Three Four It's not that you are outstanding, others must like it

www.novelhall.com, the fastest updated peasant girl concubine, don't be too sweet the latest chapter!Wang Ye and Master Liu took Yuan's woman away from Yuan Mansion and parted ways in front of Yuan Mansion.

When he got into the carriage, Liu Yusheng squeezed the man's chin and shook, "Your lord, you swaggered today."

"The lord swayed." The lord sternly said, "And the prince thought privately that those people would only feel honored, not the king."

Liu Yusheng lowered his hand and nodded, "This is true. But it will still be more condensed in the future. There are grandpas, dazzling granddaughter, daddy, dazzling girl, and this princess really doesn't need the prince to add icing on his wife."

The prince raised his eyebrows and leaned back, "serving the prince well, the prince is in a good mood, and everything can be discussed."

The woman smiled with her eyebrows bowed, giving the prince three words, "Stinky virtue."

There was also a conversation between the husband and wife in another carriage in a different direction from the Nanling Palace.

"You're like that, someone will laugh at you in the future." Fu Yuzheng said so, but the smile in the corner of his eyes was fixed for a long time.

Liu Zhixia also laughed, and Rourou looked at her, "What's the joke? I'm in Daliu Mansion, the closest person is only a wife, you're not in the mansion, I'm justified in looking for you."

"Dad, what about me? Am I not the closest child between Daddy and his mother?" Mao Dou branched his small head, blocking the eyes of the two adults staring at each other, puzzled.

Daddy pressed the seeds in his head and tapped, "You will be there first if you are your mother."

Maodou thinks he is very smart, but he didn’t understand his father’s words this time, so is he the closest?

I don’t understand, Mao Dou doesn’t want to go to the bottom to ask a topic constantly, it seems that he is stupid, so he changed his mind very cleverly, "If my father is not at home, will my dad go to me?"

"Daddy is busy, Daddy will send a bodyguard to find it."

"..." This obvious treatment is different!"Why? Why are you different from my mother-in-law! In case I lose it!"

"You lost it," Dad looked down at the angry baby and smiled softly. "Dad and his mother can regenerate one. But if you lose your mother, your father will not have a wife."

This time Maodou understood, silently put aside his head.

He will never run around in the future, he will never let himself go.

Dad won't go to him!

Dad changed and became as bad as his uncle when he was dealing with Croton.

Fu Yuzheng laughed down beside him, but did not think about appeasing the injured son in the past.

Sometimes it's more interesting to see the father and son fighting like this.


Yuan's banquet broke up.

For those who came to the banquet, the harvest of this trip was more than expected.After this time, many people have a point in their minds. If you want to increase the possibility of the princess and prince coming to the banquet, be sure to put Mrs. Liu on the first invitation list.

Because of this, Fu Yuzheng suddenly became hot in the circle of ladies. This is a later comment, at this time she was unaware of this change.

Someone who is proud is naturally disappointed.

For Yuan Yunqiao, today's banquet is actually a failure.

She did not achieve the result she wanted, but she was hit repeatedly.

Obviously it should be clear that it should be put down, but the obsession in the heart is not that it can be let go.

"Great-grandfather." After the banquet, Yuan Yunqiao sat alone in the pavilion until the sunset, and finally got up and walked into the flower hall.

The old man was still lying on the recliner, his eyes closed slightly, as if he were asleep.

"The banquet is gone?"

"It's gone." Yuan Yunqiao sat down next to the old man and bit his lip for a long time. "Great-grandfather, Yun'er, who learned qin chess, calligraphy and painting since childhood, is also a leader in Beijing, but why he can't look at me? I can't compare to Fu Yuzheng?"

"Every flower has its own eyes, it's not that you are outstanding, others must like it." The old man's words are slow, like dreams, "I have long warned you not to think about Xiao Xiao, don't listen to the old man's words, and suffer in front of you. Did you touch the nail? Put it down, Liu Zhixia will not like you. His temperament will not change if he is correct. He will only take a scoop for three thousand in weak water. You don’t have that blessing."

"...Great-grandfather, I don't want to give up."

"The nails I touched are not enough? I knew I wouldn't make it, and I hurried to hit the south wall. My Yuan's brother's style was all gone on you."

The old man was obviously guilty of temperament. He spoke a little bit faster and became blunt.

Yuan Yunqiao knew that at this time, he should stop at his own pace so as not to make the old man angry.

But the kind of unwillingness and reluctance that haunted my heart was too much torment.

She couldn't stop.

Even if it will hit the head and break the blood flow, it will wait until the head breaks the blood flow and then die.

She didn't want to do her best to cause regret for the rest of her life.

"Man has been married with three wives and four concubines since ancient times. How many people can really be alone with one person? And, I don't want to squeeze down Fu Yuzheng, my great-grandfather. If he wants, Yuner would like to sit down with Fu Yuzheng and treat her as an elder sister. "Get up, slowly kneel in front of the old man, Yuan Yunqiao lowered his head, "Great-grandfather, you help Yun'er this time. If not, Yun'er will die!"

Old Lao Yuan finally opened his eyes, fixed his knees in front of him, and finally scolded, "It's ridiculous! My old granddaughter Yuan Lao is humble enough to be a flat wife? Do you have to practice yourself? This level? Do you remember what your last name? Where did you put my Yuan Fu face?!"

"Great-grandfather!" Yuan Yunqiao burst into tears, "Yun'er knows that you have lived up to your old expectations and cultivation, but Yun'er really likes Liu Zhixia. I don't care what his family background is. I only like him. Please great grandfather ! Yun'er doesn't force, only ask for a chance!"

After all, Yuan Yun kowtowed.

The forehead thumped loudly on the ground, and the people's hearts were shaken.

Yuan Lao reddened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with anger, "Okay, okay, I thought I would retreat from the difficulties, I never thought you were still obsessed, and also hit my mind on an old man who is almost yellow muddy! You are really my great great grandson! Go out, get out! Go!"

The old man was furious, and immediately a maid came out and pulled the woman who was still prostrate, lest she make the old man angry.

This night, the old man did not return to his room to rest, and sat in the flower hall all night, sleepless.

Time elapsed, and August passed.

According to the latest letter from the northwest, the Nanling Army has begun to receive the cities sent by Xiliang step by step, and the soldiers are also handing over the cities.The people in Xiliang were very shaken, but it was not a big problem for Nanling.

The sense of belonging cannot be forced. After becoming a Nanling, if you dare to do something that is not good for Nanling, you will be exiled directly.

The place of exile is not far from the next door, it is very convenient to throw it away.

At this time, Liu Yusheng and Fu Yuzheng had already made arrangements to return to Xinghua Village.

Mid-September is the wedding banquet of the Empress Dowager and General Qin. They must not miss it.