Chapter 816: Xiaonian

Chapter 816 Little Year

If you suspect that there is something wrong with this, it is reasonable to send a letter and ask the shopkeeper Xue.

At this point, go to the pier and ask...

Even if there are only a few shipping lines, you can go to the dock and ask about the direction of the goods. I'm afraid it won't be easy to find out.

Su Mulan had doubts in her heart, but Bai Shitang was also very rigorous in doing things. He thought he had a purpose in doing so, so he didn't ask any more questions and just nodded.

“It’s not a big deal, I’m just curious and thought about it for a while.”

Bai Shitang was afraid that Su Mulan would worry about his business, so he changed the topic, "I saw that you bought a lot of seasonings this afternoon and ordered some carp. Are you planning to cook some crispy fish?"

“Yes, I think there are only a few days until the Chinese New Year. Let’s cook some crispy fish and give each family a share. The children will be back soon, so let them enjoy the meal.”

Purple fish can be made all year round, but if you want to eat it, you have to wait until winter is the coldest, which is when it is most delicious at the end of the year.

The fish is boiled over a low fire until even the bones are crispy and rotten. It is left to cool naturally in the cold weather. The colloid originally boiled out of the fish solidifies into a transparent fish jelly. Once you take a bite, it is fragrant and not the slightest bit. Don't feel tired.

The children at home like it very much, and they complain that they can’t get enough of it every year.

Su Mulan simply bought some more carp this time, crucian carp, etc., and planned to cook some whole carp crispy fish, and some large carp crispy fish, prepare some of them, and eat them all .

“Looking at the days, it’s time for the children to come back.” Bai Shitang also felt emotional.

Bai Lixia is always at home. Although Bai Zhuye is now learning embroidery from Grandma Qin, she still goes home every day and can be seen every day.

Although Baimi Dou was in the county school, he could go home once every two months. However, because his husband saw that Baimi Dou was studious and smart, he taught him carefully. Baimi Dou also became more diligent here. Since August 15th, After returning home, I stayed in the county school.

Even when Su Mulan and Bai Shitang went to visit the county school, they did not meet each other and only gave some useful things.

There is no need to mention Baishuiliu here. He has not come back since he went to Hongyun Tower in Fucheng. During this period, Su Mulan and Bai Shitang only visited twice, and each time they only exchanged a few words.

Sumulan misses the children.

Shiraishi Tang also thinks about it.

Su Mulan is here to buy all kinds of things that children like, from food to daily necessities, while Baishitang arranges to bring back Baishuiliu and Baimidou.

On the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, siblings Bai Shuiliu and Bai Midou returned home one after another.

Su Mulan hadn't seen each other for a long time. When Su Mulan saw the two children, she was so happy that her eyes became wet, and she asked them to chat.

Why have you grown taller? How are you eating and living outside? Do you have enough food and clothing? What time do you get up and go to bed on weekdays...

You can ask about anything big or small.

Bai Shuiliu and Bai Midou knew that Su Mulan's nagging at the moment was full of concern, and they didn't find these words boring. They only answered patiently and accompanied Su Mulan to tell anecdotes about daily life.

As for Bai Lixia and Bai Zhuye, they hadn't seen their elder sister and younger brother for a long time. They secretly gathered in the house to talk at night when the adults fell asleep. In the middle of the night, when they couldn't keep their eyelids open, they went to sleep separately.

After a few days of reunion and fun, the day of Little New Year soon arrived.

Even though Gu Yunxi was thinking about playing with Bai Shuiliu and Bai Midou who had finally returned, Xiaonian had no reason to spend time in other people's homes, so he had to go home first.

The Xiaonian Festival is also a big day for offering sacrifices to the stove, and every household pays great attention to it.

Eating candies, making dumplings, cooking a table of dishes, and the whole family happily having a New Year's Eve reunion dinner.

Su Mulan and Bai Shitang’s family are especially lively.

Because the children have all come back, the house is very lively. In addition, this year there are two new people, Xie Guangbai and Wan Xinyue, who are both crazy about people and love to joke. The laughter in the house almost broke through the roof. "Your father and your second uncle still didn't make it here for the New Year's Eve dinner." Xie Guangbai took a sip of wine and smacked his lips.

The wine is authentic sorghum wine brewed locally. It has a mellow aroma and strong taste. After Xie Guangbai tasted it, he couldn't put it down. Even though he had already finished his meal, he still wanted to drink two more glasses.

“If you didn’t catch up, you didn’t catch up. If you come later, I can feel at ease for two more days...”

Before Wan Xinyue could finish her words, a dull voice rang out, "Zizai? I've noticed that you only know how to cause trouble outside."

Hearing this voice, Wan Xinyue was excited, put down the chopsticks in his hands, and stood up hurriedly.

The curtain was lifted, and Wan Pengyun entered the main room, followed by Pan Liangjin.

“Eldest brother, second brother.” Bai Shitang stood up.

Having not seen each other for a long time, Bai Shitang couldn't hide his excitement when he saw Wan Pengyun and Pan Liangjin, and asked them to sit down.

“My second son and I knocked on the door, and when there was no movement for a long time, I guessed that you were in the house and didn’t listen, so we went into the yard.”

Wan Pengyun smiled and said, "These are my brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces."

Su Mulan led the children to greet Wan Pengyun and Pan Liangjin, moved the benches, and poured tea.

The New Year's Eve dinner has been finished. Now a few adults are talking here, and the children go to Bai Shuiliu's house to play with the flying flowers.

Children cannot drink alcohol, so they drink tea and cakes instead.

Wan Xinyue took the opportunity to slip away and went to have fun with the children.

Wan Pengyun and Bai Shitang haven't seen each other for many years. Now he also wants to have a few words with Bai Shitang, but he doesn't care about Wan Xinyue and just lets her go.

 Knowing that Wan Pengyun and Pan Liangjin were busy on the way and had not yet finished their meal, Su Mulan went into the kitchen and worked for a while.

Ready-made pork and green onion dumplings, crispy fish and stewed lamb, plus a celery peanut and vinegar cabbage.

There were meat and vegetables, some cold and some hot, and several simple home-cooked dishes were quickly served on the table.

“It’s hard for my brothers and sisters to come here at this time.” Wan Pengyun apologized repeatedly.

“Brother is so polite. Shitang has been talking about eldest brother and second brother before. Now it’s hard to get the two of you here. The food at home is simple, so don’t dislike eldest brother and second brother.”

Su Mulan said with a smile and brought the hot wine over.

Several grown men were drinking and talking here, and Su Mulan was not comfortable here. He only packed up the charcoal stove and boiled water so that they could make tea later.

Then he went to the house with the children and played with the flying flowers.

Bai Shitang and Xie Guangbai accompanied Wan Pengyun and Pan Liangjin in the main room to drink and talk.

There was a lot of excitement on both sides until midnight, before I tidied up a bit and went to bed.

PS: Due to the editor's request and various reasons, each chapter will be 2,000 words (previously it was 1,000 words per chapter), so it will be changed from four chapters to two chapters (the total number of words remains unchanged, still 4,000 words per day)

In response to the editor's request and various reasons, each chapter will now have 2,000 words (previously it was 1,000 words per chapter), so it will be changed from four chapters to two chapters (the total number of words remains unchanged, still 4,000 words per day)

In addition, let’s talk about the price. The website has a unified price of 5 coins/thousand words. Since the number of chapters has been adjusted to 2,000 words, the price has been automatically adjusted from the original 5 coins to 10 coins. Hope you know...

I hope some cuties won’t doubt the author’s price increase. The author does not have this authority, not only the author, but anyone else...

(End of this chapter)