Chapter 835: Life is hard

Chapter 835: Hard life

If you pass the government examination, you will be a serious student. If you pass the college examination, you will become a scholar, and you will be a real scholar with merit and fame.

Bai Midou and Bai Yonghe are young, and their future prospects are unlimited. Moreover, this is not just the glory of two people, but the glory of two families, it is the glory of the entire village and the entire Bai clan.

The next generation will make a difference, this is something he hopes to see.

Furthermore, whether it is Baijinbei or Baishitang, given the prestige of the two families in the village, if they say a word to the people they need in the recommendation letter, a lot of people will be willing to do so.

But they didn't. Instead, they came to look for him, who was upright. This shows that these two families respect him and know how to behave and do things.

Bai Kangyuan felt like a mirror in his heart. He recognized Bai Shitang and Bai Jinbei more and more, and he was also very concerned about this matter.

In March, it became warmer and warmer.

There are gradually more things going on in the fields, and business in workshops and shops is becoming more and more prosperous.

In the warm spring days, some people need to tidy up their houses, and some people need to add furniture.

Mr. Gui has been increasingly busy these days.

Some people who built new houses in the spring ordered some furniture from her, such as tables, chairs, benches, boxes and coffee tables.

For the son to get married, it needs to be done more carefully, and the time is also a little tight.

In order not to delay other people's happy events, Mr. Gui was busy almost from morning to night.

Even when it gets dark, he refuses to stop and does whatever work he can by the moonlight or candlelight.

Such a tired person is always a bit unbearable, so when Mrs. Gui was eating in the morning, she fell asleep with her head on the table. When her hand dropped, the steamed bun she was holding rolled to the ground.

The steamed bun finally stopped next to He Mulin's wooden wheelchair, covered with a layer of dust.

He Mulin watched from the side and felt bad in his heart. He struggled to turn the wheel of the wheelchair with his hands and wanted to go into the house to get some clothes to put on Gui, but after thinking about it, he stopped thinking. .

The wooden wheelchair has been used for a long time, and it creaks when it moves, which would wake up Gui.

Although it was a little uncomfortable to sleep on her stomach like this, it was better than refusing to sleep after she woke up.

He Mulin looked at the half of the steamed bun rolling down next to the wheelchair, bent down, and with great effort, picked up the half of the steamed bun and stuffed it into his mouth.

The dusty steamed buns taste a little bitter and astringent.

It’s very unpalatable.

Just like Gui's life.

No wonder Mrs. Gui likes sweets. Whenever she goes to town, even if she doesn't want to tear out cloth to make clothes, she still goes to Wuji to buy a few cakes and comes back. She eats them slowly every time, taking two or three days to finish them. .

Thinking about it, life is too bitter, so I can only eat something sweet. Even if it is not sweet to the heart, it can sweeten the mouth.

And all this is because of him.

Because of his bad luck, his legs were injured and his hands were not as flexible as before. He was unable to do carpentry work, which completely became a drag on Gui's family.

Originally, she thought that beating and scolding Mrs. Gui at every turn, yelling and shouting, would hurt Mrs. Gui's heart, and she would probably be willing to leave this home. However, she never thought that after so many years, Mrs. Gui had no intention of leaving at all.

He Mulin gritted his teeth and remembered what the two women from Baijia Village said that day.

Since I can’t drive them away, I want to open some.

It seems that Mrs. Gui can't be driven away, so does he have to be more open-minded so that Mrs. Gui can live a slightly more comfortable life here? He Mulin thought for a long time, and finally used his strength to take off his short jacket and carefully put it on Gui.

Because he didn't want to wake Mrs. Gui, He Mulin walked lightly. In addition, he was so unlucky that even just putting some clothes on Mrs. Gui made him sweat all over.

After putting it on, she sat quietly, trying not to make any noise, and let Mrs. Gui lie on the table like this, and have a good sleep for a while.

Three poles above the sun.

The warmth of spring gradually spreads from the yard to the house as the sun rises.

Ms. Gui suddenly opened her eyes.

Why did you fall asleep?

You can't sleep anymore, you have to work quickly, otherwise, it will be too late to hand in the tasks promised to others.

Ms. Gui rubbed her eyes and was about to take a bite of food quickly before going to work, but she noticed the coat on her body.

Seeing He Mulin, who was only wearing a middle coat, Gui was stunned for a moment.

Looking at the clothes she was wearing again, Gui finally came to her senses and hurriedly put the clothes on He Mulin, "I accidentally fell asleep..."

Looking very panicked.

"You haven't slept well these past few days, so you will inevitably feel sleepy. This meal is a bit cold, so you'd better warm it up before eating it. It's still a bit cold in the spring, and it's easy to feel sick to your stomach after eating cold rice."

He Mulin put on his short coat and whispered, "Don't worry about the carpenter's work. Although my hands don't use much strength and can't do very delicate work, I can still help you and it won't be delayed." ”

After He Mulin finished speaking, he turned the wheels of his wheelchair and squeaked into the yard to look at the wood and the furniture list and dimensions lying nearby. He only took out the ink cartridge and prepared it. It will be used for stretching the thread later.

Mrs. Gui looked at this scene and stayed there for a long time.

After a long time, two lines of hot tears rolled down from his eyes.

"Hey..." Mrs. Gui responded with tears in her eyes.

At the end of March, students from the county school who were going to take the provincial examination were preparing to leave for the capital city.

Xue Shanchang wanted to go a few days in advance, even if there were two extra days, so that the students could get used to it, and he would also like to take these children to visit the city more later.

Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, both are indispensable.

Moreover, most of the students in the county school come from rural households and do not have the opportunity to go out for a walk on weekdays. If there is this opportunity, it is just a good use.

When a group of students set off, Gu Xiuwen personally came to see them off, encouraging them to pay attention to the exam and telling them not to be too worried or stressed.

Seeing that Gu Xiuwen, as the county magistrate, valued them so much, his words were full of concern, and his attitude was even more approachable. When the students were excited and honored, they also secretly made up their minds to work hard.

When Gu Xiuwen saw this, he was also relieved. Until the carriages heading to Fucheng from the county school had all gone, he still stood at the gate of the county school and looked around.

Until the last carriage could no longer be seen, Gu Xiuwen withdrew his gaze and chatted with Chief Xue Shan about the county school for a while before getting on his carriage.

“Sir, shall we go back to the county office?” asked the boy next to him.

"Go..." Gu Xiuwen paused and said, "Go to the Lu family."

(End of this chapter)