Chapter 843: Wedding

Chapter 843 The Wedding

Because of the wedding of Lu Jingyan and Wan Xinyue.

The lanterns are decorated with colorful lights, and the scenery is red.

Firecrackers were placed from the entrance of the county town to the entrance of the Lu family's house, and wedding money was scattered along the way, causing almost everyone in the county to come to join in the fun and watch the happy event.

The second room of the Lu family has been silent for many years. This is the first happy event. It is very grand. Not only is a banquet held in the Lu family to entertain guests, but a wedding tent is also set up at the door. Everyone who comes to congratulate is Distribute wedding cakes and money.

Even Qilixiang, hot pot shop, and the newly opened Shunyi Zhai all offer nine-day discounts. Guests who come to eat or buy food can get a 20% discount.

As soon as this move came out, not only people from Zeng Yin County, but also people from some nearby villages, towns and counties came to watch the excitement and see how grand this unprecedented grand wedding could be.

The main road in the county town is almost packed to the brim.

In order to prevent any trouble on this day, Gu Xiuwen asked all the county government officials to patrol the streets to ensure the stability of the county.

As for those government officials, who usually look majestic on the street, and would automatically give up a "safe zone" when others see them, now they are completely ignored by those watching the excitement, and they are almost squeezed into meat patties. .

"Oh my God, there are so many people today." A government official who had just been squeezed out of the crowd held the hat on his head and straightened his clothes before taking a deep breath. .

“The lantern festival on the 15th Lantern Festival was not as crowded as today.”

“Can the Lantern Festival be compared with today? It’s far behind! I’ve been working in the county government for so many years, but this is the first time I’ve seen so many people in the county town.”

"Isn't that because the Lu family is now well-known in the county? I heard that it snowed heavily two days ago. The Lu family waived Zhuangzi's rent for the first half of the year, opened a porridge shed, and gave away cotton-padded clothes and quilts. Those people have received the favor, and naturally I have to come and congratulate you."

"No, this happy event is all about excitement. The more people there are, the more joy there will be, and the more blessings will be in the future. How many people are eager to do it!"

“Hey, tell me, when our county magistrate and Miss Lu get married next year, will it be even more lively than today?”

"That's for sure! Who is our county magistrate? He loves the people like his own son. How many people have thought of erecting monuments for our county magistrate and sending umbrellas to all people, but our county magistrate has refused and said he won't do these superficial things. This big guy I’m really excited, I’m going to be there for the fun when the time comes.”

“God, won’t we be squeezed again next year?”

"It's okay to be squeezed once. I'm looking forward to being squeezed one more time! Let's not talk about it for the sake of the county magistrate. We should also take today's matter as an example. Miss Lu is thinking about us today. Thank you very much for your hard work. Each of us gave us some money and packed a lot of Shunyizhai cakes and put them in the yamen to give us something to eat while we were on duty."

"This is a real benefit. If I can get so many benefits from being squeezed once, then I would rather be squeezed every day..."

"Well, you have fallen into the money eye. Can you only see money? Hurry up and do your job well. There will be more good things in the future!"

Several government officials joked and laughed for a while, then dispersed and stared at everyone.

The excitement in the county town gradually dissipated from morning until night.

At the end of the night, the Lu family residence saw off the last wave of guests.

Wan Xinyue was in the room at the moment, staring boredly at the red hijab in front of him.

It has been a whole day, from morning till now, I have been wearing this thing on my head. If it had been normal, she would have pulled off such a troublesome thing and thrown it far away before she felt comfortable. But today is the wedding day of her and Lu Jingyan, and it is only in line with the rules for the groom to take off the red hijab. .

It’s just that it’s so lively outside. I guess there are not a few people here to celebrate and drink. Lu Jingyan’s drinking capacity is already light, but he is so happy today, he will definitely get drunk...

Wan Xinyue was thinking wildly, only to feel that the light that originally passed through the red hijab in front of her eyes was obviously dimmed.

Then a weighing beam stretched out from the side to her eyes, gently lifting her hijab.

Having been covered for a whole day, her eyes had already adapted to the dimness in front of her. Suddenly, her head was uncovered, and the light of red candles filling the room made Wan Xinyue feel very dazzling, so she subconsciously closed her eyes.

Lu Jingyan hurriedly took the red hijab in his hand and placed it in front of Wan Xinyue to block the candlelight. After Wan Xinyue's eyes got used to it, he took it away.

Wan Xinyue rubbed her eyes again, then reached out and hugged Lu Jingyan, "Brother Lu, you are here, but you don't know that this whole day has made me bored."

"I know you're bored and hungry, so I asked someone to prepare some side dishes. You should eat some first." Lu Jingyan patted the back of Wan Xinyue's hand lovingly and handed the chopsticks to Wan Xinyue.

The wedding dress on her body was complicated. Wan Xinyue took the chopsticks and felt that her arms were not flexible enough, so she simply put the chopsticks aside and reached out to untie her clothes.

But the wedding dress was layered one after another, and she had a very heavy beaded crown on her head, which was very difficult to take off.

Upon seeing this, Lu Jingyan hurriedly came over to help.

It was just that he had just gotten married and had to take off his clothes before he drank the wine. It didn't feel right, so Lu Jingyan had to help Wan Xinyue take off the complicated headdress.

The two of them were busy working together, and it took them a long time to sort out those things.

Wan Xinyue felt relaxed all over. She took her chopsticks and happily went to eat.

Several exquisite and delicious side dishes, plus scallion pancakes and sour bamboo shoots and old duck soup, are all Wan Xinyue's favorite foods on weekdays. Now she has been hungry for almost the whole day, and seeing these things makes her feel more and more like a pounding in her stomach. Like a drum, he didn't care about anything and just started to enjoy the food.

“Eat slowly.” Seeing Wan Xinyue’s hunger, Lu Jingyan felt extremely distressed and just helped put vegetables into her bowl.

Wan Xinyue had food in his mouth and his words were a little unclear, "Brother Lu, you eat too."

“Yeah, I’ll eat it too.” Lu Jingyan put a piece of celery in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

Wan Xinyue saw that Lu Jingyan's eyes were bright and his behavior was no different from usual. He just leaned over and had a good smell. Finally, he simply held Lu Jingyan's face and went up to take a peck.

“It’s strange that you smell like alcohol, but you haven’t drunk any alcohol?” Wan Xinyue asked.

Lu Jingyan's lips were still filled with the sweet fragrance of Wan Xinyue's lipstick. He licked his lips and then smiled, "I pushed away all the wine on the grounds that I was still taking medicine and couldn't drink."

Today is his wedding night, and he doesn't want to get drunk and disturb his and Wan Xinyue's wedding night.

(End of this chapter)