Chapter 851: birthday

Chapter 851 Birthday

"Mom asked so many questions at once, I don't know which one to answer." Bai Shuiliu laughed and helped Su Mulan sit down, "Everything is fine with me and I'm not a child anymore, so there's no need for me to answer." Worry about me."

“When I get to my mother’s side, she looks pretty good. How are you doing these days? Are your brothers and sisters behaved in your mother’s belly?”

"It's okay." Su Mulan smiled and replied, "I'm not very happy to begin with, and I don't feel uncomfortable all day long. I just eat and sleep with peace of mind. Nothing wrong."

"These two little guys are also very peaceful. They usually don't like to move. I guess they are both born to be lazy."

Since the onset of fetal movement at four months, Sumolan could detect less frequent fetal movement in her belly.

I originally thought that if there were twins, the two of them would feel uncomfortable anywhere in the belly, and they would like to squeeze around and move around, but I didn't expect that they would always be calm.

 They occasionally move for a little while during the day, and they will move for a while before going to bed at night. After Su Mulan fell asleep, the two little guys seemed to have fallen asleep, and they were extremely quiet.

Su Mulan once thought there was something wrong with the fetus in her belly. Fortunately, Xie Guang kept an eye on the fetus day and night and said that there was no problem and everything was very safe, so she felt relieved.

Since there is no problem with the fetal image, but there are so few fetal movements, it can only mean that the two children in the belly are relatively lazy.

When Bai Shuiliu heard what Su Mulan said, she pursed her lips and smiled, "You can't say it's lazy. It's obvious that the younger brother and sister are filial and don't let mother suffer. They will definitely be well-behaved and sensible in the future."

“Then I’m looking forward to it.”

After all, no one can refuse a well-behaved and sensible human cub.

The mother and daughter were talking here, and Bai Shitang helped greet Shopkeeper Liao and others.

Shopkeeper Liao met Su Mulan and saluted, "I've been busy in Fucheng. I'm afraid I won't be able to come for a cup of full moon wine by then, so I'll apologize to my wife first."

"This is my meeting gift for the young master and young lady. I hope madam will not dislike it."

Shopkeeper Liao handed over the brocade box.

Su Mulan took it and opened it to take a look.

They are two pairs of silver bracelets engraved with the words "Peace and Joy", and two exquisitely crafted safety locks, each of which is extremely heavy and seems to be solid.

“It’s a waste of time for Shopkeeper Liao.” Su Mulan thanked him.

“Everywhere, everything should be done.”

Shopkeeper Liao talked to Su Mulan for a few more words, and then told Bai Shitang about some things that happened in Linglong Pavilion during this period.

"This is..." Su Mulan's eyes fell on a young man next to Shopkeeper Liao who was sixteen or seventeen years old, tall and upright in appearance.

Just now, when this young man came in with Shopkeeper Liao, Su Mulan only thought that he was a clerk from Linglong Pavilion and came with him. Now it seems that he has no communication with Shopkeeper Liao, obviously not.

"Hello, Aunt Su. My name is Shao Anping. Like Shuiliu, I work as an apprentice in Hongyun Tower." Shao Anping answered respectfully, "Chef Luo learned that tomorrow is Shuiliu's hairpin ceremony, and he wanted to come to watch the ceremony, but the affairs of Hongyun Tower Chef Luo was busy and couldn’t get away, so he asked me to come on his behalf.”

“This is what several chefs gave to Shuiliu, and these are some of the thoughts of those of us who are also apprentices.”

Shao Anping brought up several brocade boxes.

“It turns out we are from Hongyun Tower, please sit down quickly.” Su Mulan asked Shao Anping to sit down, “Shui Liu is learning cooking in Hongyun Tower, thank you for taking care of her.”

"Aunt Su, you're welcome..." Shao Anping was a little embarrassed, "Shui Liu is a superb cook. It's not us who take care of Shui Liu on weekdays, but Shui Liu takes care of us."

"It can be regarded as taking care of each other." Bai Shuiliu pursed his lips and smiled, "Although your cooking skills are still lacking, it is because you have only a short time to learn cooking. As time goes by, you will naturally get better. "Now that you have a good sense of taste, you can taste the shortcomings of many dishes at once, and you can accurately taste which seasonings are too much and which are too little. This has helped us a lot."

Shao Anping felt even more embarrassed after being praised and recognized by Bai Shuiliu, and he laughed.

Everyone was chatting, and when they saw that it was getting late, they started making dinner.

Baishui Liu volunteered to show off her cooking skills in the evening.

Bai Shitang and Su Mulan saw that she was in great interest, so they let her go.

Shao Anping rolled up his sleeves and reached out to help.

"The visitor is a guest. There is absolutely no reason for a guest to help cook." Bai Shitang and Su Mulan hurriedly stopped him.

"I was used to doing it at Hongyun Tower, but now I'm not allowed to do it. I'm really not used to it." Shao Anping said, "And I can't do anything. I can only choose vegetables, wash them, and cut them. It just so happens that I can take this opportunity to learn two tricks from Shuiliu. This is a blessing that no one else can ask for in Hongyun Tower. "

There are many apprentices in Hongyun Tower. Where there are many people, there will naturally be disputes.

Shao Anping had just said that he was not good at cooking, and now he eagerly followed Bai Shuiliu to learn cooking skills. He thought that he either couldn't learn from the chef at ordinary times, or he was excluded by others and could not learn cooking skills well.

 Bai Shitang and Su Mulan naturally understood Shao Anping's difficulties, so they didn't stop him too much and just let him go.

Shao Anping is obviously very skilled in the starting work at Hongyun Tower. He washes vegetables, peels them, cuts them, and prepares ingredients. His hands and feet are very nimble.

There was no need to tell Bai Shuiliu what he needed. With just one glance, Shao Anping knew what to prepare and handed it over.

The two of them work together very well.

When Bai Shitang and Su Mulan saw this, they looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

These are Baishuiliu's specialty dishes. The dinner was very sumptuous. Everyone had a feast and praised Baishuiliu repeatedly.

After dinner, Baishitang arranged for Shopkeeper Liao and Shao Anping to rest in their guest rooms.

Baishui Liu hasn't been back for a long time, and tomorrow is her birthday. Bai Lixia and Gu Yunxi were very excited. They pulled Baishui Liu into the house to talk at night, and even sent her birthday gifts in advance.

The three sisters whispered until late at night, and Bai Shitang urged them to go back to their houses to sleep.

After Bai Lixia and Gu Yunxi left, Bai Shuiliu began to sort out all the things he received today and put them away.

The little rabbit carved from wood was given by Bai Lixia, the purse was given by Gu Yunxi, this handy kitchen knife was given by Shopkeeper Liao, and this iron spoon...

Looking at the texture and feel, it seems to be the one Chef Luo uses on daily basis, and it was probably a gift from Chef Luo.

It’s this bracelet…

It is made of rosewood, polished very smooth, glowing with dark red light, each piece is the size of a soybean, in a long string, wrapped around the hand, exactly three times.

The beads are of suitable size and the color makes the white water willow skin look whiter.

(End of this chapter)