Chapter 1125 Begging

A round table covered with brocade, with various jewelry piled on it.

Gold hairpins and jade hairpins, gold bracelets and jade bracelets, covering the temples and swaying while walking, are even found on the skirt table.

Under the illumination of candlelight, the brilliance flickers.

There was a woman holding a pen and recording carefully, presumably recording everyone's bets.

The woman in red jade and the woman in blue each rolled down their jewelry and placed bets.

Both men bet on each other.

Ling'er curled her lips on the roof. She felt that these two people clearly wanted to bet on her, but they were just embarrassed.

Looking at the room full of warblers and swallows, Ling'er shook her head. None of these vulgar fans were worthy of her brother.

Seeing that the woman below had written almost a full booklet, Ling'er was a little curious.

I don’t know, which woman is the one with the most bets?

Ling'er waited patiently for the others to leave, and asked Hua'er to take out the brochure and look at it.

She read it from beginning to end and paid attention. The one that appeared most frequently was a woman named Xu Jing.

She has seen Xu Jing before. She is the eldest granddaughter of the Imperial Academy Jijiu. She is a dignified and self-possessed person, with both talent and appearance.

The next day, Ling'er sent Hua'er to take turns to observe Xu Jing secretly.

For several days, Ling'er received reports that Miss Xu was really a gentleman. Even when she was alone in a room, she was neatly dressed and behaved accordingly.

Ling'er looked at it and shook her head. If such a boring woman like a puppet married her brother, he would be suffocated by her.

Linger soon lost interest in choosing a concubine.

Even though everyone tried to hide it, the Queen Mother still found out that Chen Baozhu had entered the palace to choose a concubine.

The Queen Mother hurriedly recruited Chen Baozhu to Cining Palace.

She touched Chen Baozhu's hand and asked, "Why didn't you tell your grandmother that you wanted to be a princess?"

Chen Baozhu just smiled and said nothing.

The Queen Mother felt sad.

Since Chen Baozhu's status as princess was removed, she mentioned to Xiao Yu several times that she could give Chen Baozhu the title of princess again, but Xiao Yu refused.

Later, she took a step back and said that she could be granted the title of county lord, but Xiao Yu still refused.

She deeply felt her own powerlessness.

I don’t have any majesty as a mother in front of my son.

After that, she also calmed down and didn't care about everything in the harem, and her life became more leisurely. Xiao Yu often went to Cining Palace to sit.

Seeing that her granddaughter is so sensible now, the Queen Mother felt extremely distressed, and she secretly made up her mind to help her granddaughter achieve her wish this time.

Xiao Yu happened to come over to see her on the second day.

The Queen Mother then mentioned it, "I didn't know until yesterday that Pearl was among the beautiful ladies."

"I feel sad when I look at her. Now she is not the same as she was when she was a child. She is well-educated, gentle and gentle, which is what being a princess means."

"Yu'er, Mom is already so old. You can do whatever you say these years, and Mom has nothing to do."

"It's just that I only have Zhu'er as my granddaughter. Mother, please don't choose this princess. Just choose Zhu'er."

The Queen Mother has learned her lesson now. There is no use trying to control Xiao Yu. She simply shows weakness and plays the emotional card.

  Xiao Yu calls herself mother when she sees her mother, which shows how low-key her attitude is.

He sighed and said, "Mother, it's not that I don't agree with you. The matter of selecting the concubine has been left to the queen a long time ago. It's not appropriate for me to interfere now."

“Besides, the queen told me that she will pick four or five similar candidates, and the crown prince will make the final decision.”

"Don't worry about the queen mother. If Pearl is good, the prince will choose her."

(End of this chapter)