Chapter 453: Ten Seconds

Name:Fate Online: Shadow Author:

Finally snapping out of his anger, Genesis quickly realized the danger he was in and immediately raised both of his arms to guard his sides. Seemingly like he already knew that Fox was coming for his face, and during that moment, Silver Fox, like a ghost, disappeared from her spot.

Her speed was so fast that she had immediately shortened their distance of three meters and appeared before him, and accompanying her was a powerful haymaker coming from the right!

Bam! Bam! Bam!

An onslaught of combos then ensued!

Following the haymaker, was a left hook, followed by another right!

Then a side kick from the left, and using the force behind that, Fox spun her body and followed it with a spinning back kick!

Genesis successfully blocked and dodged them, but what came following next surprised him.

Using the centrifugal force behind that last attack, Genesis watched as Fox slightly dipped her body down, and when he saw that, a move quickly came to his mind!

A sweep kick!

And so the sweep kick came!

At this moment, Genesis would have never thought he would actually do such a noob and bold move!

Even Monk, who had been watching them from the side, screamed inside him when saw what Genesis did next!

His dumbass actually jumped!

He freaking jumped!

It would’ve been fine if it was just another ordinary street fight, but the one he’s facing is one of the deadliest people on the planet!

Genesis saw it, Monk also saw it, that smirk of victory on Fox’s face!


Genesis gritted his teeth as he screamed inside while straightening his left arm down to protect his side, followed by crossing his right hand on the left side of his face, his palm facing outwards.

He did all these while his body was coming back down as he doesn’t know if the attack will be coming towards his head or his body.

‘I’m dead!’

‘He’s dead! That idiot just has to fight her in close quarters!’

Both Genesis and Monk had the same thought, and the former tense every fiber of his being as he prepared to receive the attack, and like a shotgun going off, Fox whipped her legs towards Genesis with so much power that it looked like it had turned into a shadowy whip!

Meia-lua de Compasso!


Genesis gritted his teeth that his lips started bleeding from it, and the moment his feet once again made contact with the ground, it was also the moment when the whipping kick landed on his body!



The sound of flesh making contact and the sound of bones being broken soon followed, and like a tumbleweed, Genesis was sent flying to the side in a helpless rag doll, but you gotta give the man respect as he didn’t scream when he got his arms broken and even flew like a doll.


“Hahaha! Is that…all you can do…b*tch!?”

Silver Fox snorted as she watched Genesis slowly getting up from the ground while holding his broken arm and still wore such an arrogant smirk on his face even though he was covered in cold sweat because of the pain he’s currently suffering.


Silver Fox was about to attack again when Monk finally stepped forward and got in between the two.

“What are you doing!? Let that b*tch come! I’m gonna break her face today!”

“More like I’ll be the one breaking you!”

“I said enough! What are you, kids!? And do you seriously think you can still fight her with that broken arm of yours!?”

“And you, you should have held back. You know that we got an operation, and with his arm broken…” Monk berated Fox angrily, but in the end, he can only sigh as he wasn’t expecting that Fox would not hold back at all!

Well, he was at fault too because he just let it happen and it even slightly enjoyed watching them fight!

What a hot blooded woman!

From the start to the end, the fight didn’t last for ten seconds before it ended.

Genesis made a mistake and seriously underestimated Silver Fox on this one and now got one of his arms broken.

Though it seems more accurate to say that Silver Fox was the better fighter between the two.

“Though it seems like you didn’t miss out on your training even though you’ve already left the field”

“Our world is not so safe that I would neglect my training, unlike a certain someone”

Both Fox and Monk once again entered the Inn and left Genesis standing outside, though it only lasted for a moment when a group of people in white garments came out of the Inn and escorted Genesis inside and treated his broken arm.

This group of people are the medical team of this particular branch office, just as the other branch offices have the same.

In other words, every branch has their own small hospital inside with nurses and doctors legitimately working for them, and they have their own high end equipment that are better or similar to some large hospitals.

While Genesis was brought to the medical ward to get patch up, Silver Fox brought Monk with her somewhere inside the establishment, and along the way, they would stop and talk to some of the guests of the inn, and everyone of those said guests seems to be of high stature just from their aura alone.

Though being accompanied by the Inn’s boss made those guests curious of the identity of the man beside her, and even though they didn’t ask about it upfront, they did send their men to inquire about him from the other staff they are close with.

“You really did not need to be that heavy handed to him. You know that guy is more inclined as a backline kind of a guy” Monk said to Silver Fox while walking, implying that Genesis wasn’t really a guy who’s great at close quarters combat.

“I can’t help it! It just annoys me for whatever reason whenever I see his face” Silver Fox replied with an eye roll, and there’s no ounce of guilt in her at all even after she broke one of Glen’s’ arms.

Monk glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and thought to himself.

‘This must be the reason why Genesis is so afraid of meeting this woman. If only I knew this would happen then I would’ve just chosen the other branch. Now, I gotta wait for Genesis’ arm to heal before we can finish our objective of coming here’