Chapter 38 - 38: Misfortune comes after great fortune, and fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Misfortune comes after great fortune, and fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

Translator: 549690339

[Hexagram Three: In a greatly misfortunate mansion, demons appear, and the multi-faced demon gazes with divine pupils. In this journey, the guidance you receive is “Luck”.]

Chasing the clue: A fox demon emerges, bringing trouble in its wake.

Seeing the finally changed result to “Luck” in front of him, Zhao Huai let out a slight sigh of relief.

“It seems that I will encounter that fox demon on this journey. I have to be extra careful.”

Just as Zhao Huai thought of this, the hexagram result in front of him changed once again!

[Hexagram Three: In a greatly misfortunate mansion, demons appear, and the multi-faced demon gazes with divine pupils. In this journey, the guidance you receive is “Misfortune”.]

“What does this mean? Why did it turn back into misfortune again?” Zhao Huai was puzzled in his heart, and his face showed confusion.

Didn’t he change the results of misfortune and luck?

Could it be that it was of no use?

No, Zhao Huai felt that there must be a problem somewhere, so he slowly began to think.

He carefully recalled the previous time he escaped the army’s disaster.

After getting “Luck”, he went to the matchmaking agency, and everything went smoothly.

The key was meeting a savior, which turned misfortune into a blessing.


Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Zhao Huai’s mind. Examine the origin of this data, deeply intertwined with n0v[lbin★

Could the so-called savior be the key factor in the divination results?

By this analogy, each divination result has a decisive factor of misfortune and luck.

The more Zhao Huai thought about it, the more it made sense.

“I think I understand. Whether the result of the copper coin divination is misfortune or luck depends on my actions.”

“Changing the result of misfortune and luck only provides a correct path. If the thoughts in my mind are put into action but are detrimental to me, even if the path is correct, if I take a wrong step or make a wrong move, the result will still turn into misfortune.”

“For example, during the matchmaking agency incident, by sheer coincidence, I found Qing Han’s room and resolved the crisis. If I had found another woman, it would have probably turned into a misfortune. So the key factor was her.”

“And now I’m going to the governor’s mansion. The path is correct, but perhaps my thoughts are wrong. That’s why it turned into misfortune. Obviously, I haven’t found the key factor yet.”

Zhao Huai continued to ponder.

Naturally, the key factor must be found in the hexagram, and each hexagram is different, with varying degrees of difficulty.

Misfortune and luck depend on each other. Indeed, even if the result is luck, one wrong step or wrong move can turn it into misfortune.

What does “demons have many faces, looking at divine pupils” in this hexagram mean?

He must have taken a wrong direction earlier.

Instead, the carriage that he and Yan Jing were riding in had already stopped.

The servant in the front hurriedly called out:

Li Chong was instantly stunned, murmuring:

“Demonic qi, where did it come from?”

“Doctor Yan, are you saying that my son was harmed by demons?”

Li Chong seemed to only just regain his senses.

“Yes, and the demonic qi has penetrated very deeply, entering his meridians, even his limbs and body.”

“Is there a way to save him?”

Li Chong’s eyes were filled with hope.

Yan Jing shook his head, solemnly saying, “It’s very difficult. It would have been easier if it had just entered his body, as we could have used True Qi to seal it, then gradually removed it. Now that it has penetrated too deeply, the best method is to eliminate the source of the demonic qi.”

“Governor Li, you’d better report this to your sect first. I’m sorry, but I am powerless to help.”

Yan Jing sighed.

How could the matter of demons be resolved so easily?

Upon hearing this reply, Li Chong’s face instantly turned ashen, and his heart chilled by half.

Even if he reported this to the sect, it would take ages for them to send someone.

By that time, his son would have been long gone!

At this moment, the seemingly elegant and strong middle-aged man had tears shimmering in his eyes.

“How did the talisman on the young master’s neck fall off?”

At this moment, Zhao Huai’s voice rang out.

“The talisman? Are you talking about this?”

Li Chong raised his head slightly and took a crumpled piece of yellow paper from his sleeve.

“No wonder.”

Seeing the state of the talisman, Zhao Huai suddenly understood.

He had initially thought that there was a problem with the talisman, but now he saw that there was no problem with the talisman. It had simply been ripped off.

Yan Jing picked up the crumpled talisman, studied it for a moment, then explained to Li Chong, “This is a demon-suppressing talisman. It has a strong

True Qi on it and should be used to suppress demonic qi.”

As he said this, he even glanced at Zhao Huai with an inexplicable look.

With things explained so clearly, how could Li Chong not understand what had happened?

It was obvious that he had torn off his son’s lifesaving talisman while they were quarreling.

He had directly caused his son’s death!

‘My son! It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have hit you, I shouldn’t have scolded you...”

Li Chong could no longer hold back, wiping away tears as he was overcome with grief.

He believed it was his own actions that had killed Li Yanqing.