Chapter 90 - 1: The Great Power Changes, One After Another (Seeking Initial Subscriptions!)

Chapter 90: Chapter 1: The Great Power Changes, One After Another (Seeking Initial Subscriptions!)

Translator: 549690339

On a street in an ancient city near the capital region.

There were no ordinary people in sight, only hundreds of men dressed in black robes with raven patterns, standing in rows on the street.

They were looking up at a cold woman in a black cloak.

The woman was stunningly beautiful, with thin, delicate lips and a graceful figure, her hair was incredibly a pale and ethereal white.

She wore a white veil, revealing only a pair of extraordinarily beautiful indifferent eyes.

There was a mysterious radiance in her eyes, captivating anyone who saw them.

She glanced at the crowd and opened her lips slightly, using her qi to transmit her voice:

“On the seventh day of the seventh month, a day of great fortune. Following the orders of the Crow Master, I have learned of Crow Immortal’s death notice. The Xia dynasty has come to power illegitimately, exploiting the common people, resulting in heaven’s wrath and unstable national fortune. It’s time for our strategical operation, ‘Raven’, to act on behalf of heaven.”

“It takes a thousand days to train soldiers, but just one moment to use them. Now, I gather you all for today. Tonight, the sect members in the capital city will rise secretly, and you will lead the sect members from different regions to expand our forces, seizing the opportunity to act. Be sure to follow the orders and do not make any mistakes!”

Among the crowd, several bureau masters at the forefront solemnly vowed, “We shall obey the orders of the Saintess!”

Yin Nanyu looked at the fanatic eyes of the crowd and nodded in satisfaction, raising her arm and shouting, “Raven operation, act on behalf of Heaven!”

The sect members underneath echoed.

“Raven operation, act on behalf of Heaven!”

“Raven operation, act on behalf of Heaven!”

A horse galloped across the road, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Yu Qinghan stood, holding the reins, as the horse whinnied beneath her.

The distant capital city appeared in her sight.

It still looked like the city she remembered, without any change. But who knew what was going on inside?

Yu Qinghan did not hesitate, riding her horse forward to the entrance of the capital city.

“Halt!” Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Two lines of heavily armed Imperial Guards stood, long spears blocking the road, only their eyes visible to her.

Nowadays, the whole city was under curfew, entry and exit were extremely strict.

Yu Qinghan’s expression was indifferent as she took out a black jade token from her waist.

The two leading Imperial Guards saw the characters on the token, glanced at each other, and saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

Both stepped back half a step, saluting with their spears and shouting:

“But don’t you think it’s too late?” Yu Shihuang sneered.

Yu Qinghan’s face did not change, asking, “Where’s father?”

Upon mentioning his father, Yu Shihuang’s mouth curled, his face showing leisure:

“Father? I told you, you’re too late. He was already buried in a coffin last night.” Yu Qinghan frowned, her fists clenched unconsciously.

Seeing her like this, Yu Shihuang’s laughter grew even stronger, and he could not help feeling a sense of satisfaction.

Since childhood, his sister had always been ahead of him, whether in the military, cultivation, or overall vision. It had almost caused him to lose his father’s trust, but he managed to make up for it in time, thanks to his position.

Yu Qinghan still felt something was wrong. The capital city was too quiet along the way, and everything was silent.

Even if Yu Shihuang was the firstborn son, would her second brother willingly give up the throne?

“Where is Yunping?”

King Yan Yu Yunping, the second prince of Xia Country.

Hearing this name, Yu Shihuang couldn’t help but laugh:

“Hahaha, are you talking about my silly little brother?”

“He’s been out of the capital for a long time. What could he get from me? I’m afraid he’s still eating dust in Western Edge by now!”

“Controlling the narrative in the Imperial Court, then disbanding the Five Armies of the Senior General, and expelling King Yan from the capital, you’ve calculated every step cleverly.” Yu Qinghan said coldly.

“Thank you for your praise. It’s not easy to win your approval,” Yu Shihuang said, laughing smugly.

“But you’re not that clever. Who’s helping you?”

In Yu Qinghan’s opinion, her eldest brother had always been a hotheaded brute since childhood. He was never good at calculations or strategies. There must be someone behind him supporting him.

“Your Highness, the numerous Netherworld Armored Soldiers in the city are ready to be deployed! ”

This matter, a tall, thin strategist in black cloth came to Yu Shihuang’s side and bowed slightly.

Yu Shihuang nodded with satisfaction and sneered, “My dear sister, you’re still so smart. You guessed it right. Allow me to introduce you to my chief military counselor, Mr. Wang.”

“Thanks to him, I could rush to the capital city one step ahead of time.”

The strategist in black cloth stroked his goatee, shook his feather fan lightly, and laughed, “Your Highness is too kind.”

Yu Qinghan glanced at the strategist in black cloth and narrowed her eyes,

Judging from every step of King Qin’s usurpation, the strategist was far from being a good man.

“Father’s dead, who can stop me now? You want to cause discord between us?

You’re not worthy!”

Yu Shihuang scoffed disdainfully and waved his hand:

“Guards, take her down!”