Chapter 121 - 26: Heavenly Dragon Country’s

Chapter 121: Chapter 26: Heavenly Dragon Country’s

National Fortune Revealed, All Parties Shocked, Immortal Sect Astonished and Doubtful

Translator: 549690339

“It really is Yan Country’s Heavenly Mandate...”

The eyes of the Raven Sect’s Holy Maiden Yin Nanyu looked up at the sky, her lips muttering unbelievably.

Her heart was full of confusion.

Hadn’t Yan Country already fallen?

As far as she knew, three years ago, the world fell into chaos, war broke out everywhere, and the War at the Du River exhausted Yan Country’s qi.

King Xia claimed to have a million-strong army, with unparalleled strength, led by an unrivaled female commander who razed Yan City, besieged the entire Imperial Palace, and exterminated all the royal family members.

With the fall of Yan City, the surrounding cities surrendered one after another. The Xia’s Army suppressed all the resisting forces afterward.

Within one year, the chaos subsided.

In other words, Yan Country’s Heavenly Mandate had been lost.

However, this silver-scaled heavenly dragon in front of her was indeed Yan Country’s national fortune’s symbol.

Legend had it that more than 800 years ago, the ascension to the immortal world was cut off, causing a huge catastrophe. The human race’s qi weakened, and many Immortal Sects perished, leading to demons causing chaos in the world. The people could barely survive, and countless lives suffered. This was the human race’s great catastrophe.

During that time, a merciless man was born, rumored to be the reincarnation of a human immortal, born to eradicate the catastrophe. He wiped out the evil demons, pacified the world, dominated the four seas, annexed the eight desolated lands and established Yan Country, earning him the title of First Emperor.

The First Emperor of Yan led the Immortal Sects to restore peace and order in the world, allowing the Immortal Sects to regain their qi.

The First Emperor laid down the rule that the Immortal Sects would rule the Spiritual Mountains and Yan Country would govern the Mortal World. As long as there were no accidents, they would not interfere with each other. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

So it has been for over a hundred years.

Since that time, Yan Country’s national fortune symbol has been the silver-scaled heavenly dragon.

As for the Ninth Stage, the Taoist priest with the goat beard didn’t even dare to imagine it.

If he reached the Ninth Stage, perhaps he could step into the realm that no one had reached in the past 800 years.

Hearing the elder’s descriptions, the burly man’s eyes seemed a little dazed.

Although the celestial phenomena in front of him were still evolving, his mindset had changed.

He was Chu Longxiang, known as the most gifted among the younger generation in the Immortal Yearning Sect.

Born with a heavenly spiritual root that was rare in a century, he was the center of attention for all the great sects, causing much scrutiny and eventually entered the Immortal Yearning Sect, a Great Sect.

He did not disappoint expectations, and in just a few decades, he reached the peak of the Mortal World.

Moreover, the Sect Master personally bestowed him with a personal magical weapon, saying that once he broke through the Golden Core Realm, it would be easy for him to reach the Rebirth Metamorphosing Realm, which was full of hope.

However, he never thought that he would encounter an even more monstrous character today and witness an unprecedented phenomenon in a hundred years.

It was absurd!

How could this be possible?

Chu Longxiang stood in the void, unable to believe that the scene before him was real.

Although the heavenly dragon was an illusion, its power was unparalleled, and it even affected the heavenly phenomenons!

Zhao Huai’s celestial phenomena were just the catalysts, but these catalysts unexpectedly awakened Yan Country’s national fortune, which had been sleeping in the Central State Continent, and slowly opened its eyes, stirring up an imperceptible movement that gradually spread throughout Xia’s Mortal World.

“The national fortune... is revived!”

Looking at the illusory heavenly dragon, the elder in the elegant robe even had tears in his old eyes.

He had been waiting for three years, and during these three years, it seemed as if Heaven was playing a joke on him. However, now the hope in his heart ignited once again.

Even Zhao Huai himself never expected that when he stepped into the mysterious Dan Transformation Realm, his increasingly vast qi would inadvertently awaken the sleeping national fortune of Yan in the Central State Continent.

The moment when the Heavenly Dragon national fortune of Central State was awakened, everyone in Xia, from the rich merchants, officials, and scholars to the farmers, foot soldiers, and sergeants, paused for an instant..