Chapter 182 - 182: 49: The magnificent General Hu Yunjiao, Zhao Huai enters Nanyu Prefecture, Yan

Chapter 182 - 182: 49: The magnificent General Hu Yunjiao, Zhao Huai enters Nanyu Prefecture, Yan

Country’s Dragon Riders welcome the Crown Prince.

Translator: 549690339

At the gate of Nanyu Prefecture City.

On the official road, there were carriages and horses, people coming and going.

Passing by, people stretched their necks out, curiously watching the scene above the city gate.

A handsome man in a white robe was surrounded by a group of soldiers. It was Zhao Huai, who had been teleported here by a talisman.

“This is an important place at the city gate, retreat!”

The gatekeeper in a green armor sternly addressed him, his expression serious.

As if Zhao Huai had done something terrible.

But in fact, Zhao Huai indeed committed a big taboo.

Because Nanyu Prefecture is a top-rated city in Jiangnan, the importance of maintaining security is the first priority, so entering and leaving the city requires proof of identity.

This is similar to the ID card in the later generations, which is equivalent to a proof of residence in Nanyu Prefecture.

If you don’t have proof of identity in Nanyu Prefecture, outsiders who want to enter have to be searched and interrogated.

It’s only after being searched that one can enter, and it’s the same as the Imperial City of Xia Country.

The first reason is to prevent demons from entering the city, and the second is to guard against criminals wanted by the Imperial Court and the sects.

Zhao Huai’s sudden appearance above the city gate made his identity suspicious, and he looked very much like those unregistered citizens who don’t have an ID and want to sneak in without going through the main entrance. Facing the questioning blockade, Zhao Huai felt wronged and said helplessly:

“It’s all misunderstanding.”

Could he really say that he was being chased by the Devil, and then teleported here? In ordinary people’s view, it’s a little too absurd.

“Misunderstanding? I’d like to know, what kind of misunderstanding?” The gatekeeper in green armor held his chest and raised his thick eyebrows.

He seemed to be rational, but he was actually preparing to arrest and dispose of Zhao Huai.

After a long while.

The commanding officer came to his senses, fixed his eyes, and found that the figure in front of him had disappeared, and immediately shouted:

“No good, it’s a cultivator!”

“Quick, report to the executive officer and the sect guest minister that a cultivator has invaded!”

Local sects would set up a guest minister in nearby major cities to prevent situations like this from happening.- + – + -+- ++-

The streets of Nanyu Prefecture were much wider than those of Jinzhou, and they could accommodate three carriages, with the leftover spiritual fragments from the purified spiritual mines manning the roads, making them smooth and level.

Inside a blacksmith’s shop on the side of the road.

There sat a sturdy man, with sharp eyes, a bear’s body and a tiger’s back, full of steel beard and strong shoulders full of twisting muscles.

Across from him sat a young scholar, with an ink-colored scholar’s robe, and a kerchief on his head, smiling.

Between the two, there was a set of teacups, emitting steaming steam.

“Grandfather asked me to deliver this letter, saying that the general should reorganize the troops in order to cope with the upcoming changes, and this is also the order of the Royal Crown Prince.” “General, now is the time to tell them the news of the Royal Crown Prince.” The scholar wearing the ink-colored robe said so.

The brawny man held the white paper in his hand, his face serious as he read the words on it, nodding as he read:

“Right now, there are enemies everywhere, and the news of the border wars in Xia Country has led to the beheading of a group of leading ministers, causing panic among the people, I wonder how long Xia Country can hold on.” He lifted his head, with a sharp light in his tiger eyes.

“Within half a year, Xia Country will inevitably fall apart, with the fire set by the Northern Alien Races, even if I don’t want to see the people suffer, it has to be admitted that it will indeed be a good opportunity for the restoration of Yan Country.”

“In order not to expose the news, I haven’t told my brothers about the Royal Crown Prince. ”

The brawny man sighed.

“If only the Royal Crown Prince were here, it would be perfect, if the Royal

Crown Prince could personally come and inspire the morale of our brothers.”

With a slight smile, the scholar in the ink-colored robe reassured, “General Hu, don’t worry, my grandfather said that the Royal Crown Prince has always been here, but because of cultivation reasons, he can’t show up for the time being. Give it some time, when Yan Country is revived, he will definitely stand in front of us.”

The scholar was named Song Zhishu, the grandson of the former prime minister of Yan Country, Song Heqing..