Chapter 206 - 206: 57: Admiral Becomes King,

Chapter 206 - 206: 57: Admiral Becomes King,

Undertakes Mission amid Danger, Heir to the Throne

Receives Prayers and Incense from Thousands of People

Translator: 549690339

Upon the Imperial Court.

Every civil and martial minister, including The Queen Dowager and the young Lord, looked with astonishment on Yu Qinghan’s face.

An elderly minister exclaimed in surprise, “It is absolutely Princess Zhaoyang! I saw her in the Imperial Court three years ago. There is no mistake.”

“It is her. There is no mistake. I saw the Princess in the crowd at the grand military review when the kingdom was founded,” a young military official recalled.

“Three years passed, yet she maintains her heroic spirit and her vigor is even stronger.”

“The Princess has returned, then the young Lord...’ “This is not a matter we should concern ourselves with.”

The moment they set eyes on the Princess.

Many ministers have already guessed the Princess’s return signals trouble.

Far from being a loyal army to the King, they’ve come prepared for battle.

The mother and son on the Dragon Chair are likely...

Of course, these thoughts belong only in their minds. They are family matters of the royal family, in which they have no right to interfere.

While everyone was scrutinizing Yu Qinghan, Yu Qinghan was also observing them.

Especially the little brat on the Dragon Chair.

Yu Qinghan looked at the young Lord, deep in thought.

This little boy must be her own nephew.

It seems her second brother really passed away.

The whole of Xia Country is now ruled by a child of a few years old.

It’s admittedly absurd.

The attitude of the courtiers towards Yu Qinghan remains unclear to her.

The only thing that she’s certain about is that she returned for the throne.

All she wished for was to raise her son, then live a life full of wealth and honor.

She was never an ambitious woman.

She knew her self-worth.

She couldn’t contend with Yu Qinghan.

Before that, she had to secure enough protection to ensure her situation.

After pausing for a while, The Queen Dowager couldn’t help but ask:

“What plans does the Princess have now? Do you have the confidence to deal with the alien tribe in the North? Is our safety assured?”

Not only was it an inquiry about the safety of the capital, but it also indirectly inquired about Yu Qinghan’s attitude towards herself.

She needed to know the other party’s position.

Yu Qinghan also understood this, and answered lightly: “Constructing fortifications, leading a large army, and resisting the offensive enemy. With me here, don’t worry. I will surely protect the capital, and the safety of the Queen Dowager is no problem.”

What she meant was if you hand over the throne and the control of the military, I will guarantee the safety of the mother and son.

After hearing this, The Queen Dowager remained silent for a moment, then asked again:

“What about the wolf cavalry of the alien tribe, Princess? Is there confidence in dealing with them?”

“I’ve heard that many states and counties in the North have been brutally devastated, with the wolf cavalry coming and going freely. They are as unpredictable as lightning strikes, feared to be difficult to deal with.”

She was also curious about Yu Qinghan’s opinion and confidence in this war.

Apart from the Queen Dowager, all ministers and the innocent young Lord also looked towards Yu Qinghan, evidently placing their hopes on her.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Yu Qinghan was not in the least bit nervous, standing tall, her face was calm and composed.

“If the enemy advances, I also advance,” she said.

“This battle, if fought, will surely be won.”

The two phrases, revealing her heroic spirit, showcased her confidence and determination.

The confidence that emanated from her touched even the surrounding ministers.

The young officials were moved by her gaze, their hearts full of admiration.

The scholar-like handsome young man who had initially proposed a critique looked at Yu Qinghan with admiration in his eyes..