Chapter 374: 81: Miracle Descends, Crow Immortal Arrives

Chapter 374: 81: Miracle Descends, Crow Immortal Arrives

Translator: 549690339

Underneath Cairo Capital.

Zhao Huai concentrated a flame in his palm as he explored the pitch-black underground labyrinth.

Yin Nanyu said this place still had traces of the human race, but it was all underground, so Zhao Huai had no choice but to explore. If there were any surviving cultivators from the Shenluo Empire, they might know what had happened to the empire back then.

On the left and right sides of the underground labyrinth were collapsed ancient buildings, and many special symbols were engraved on the palaces, seeming like the emblem of a certain influence.

Leading in the front, Yin Nanyu recognized them immediately and explained:

“These symbols are the mark of the Sorceress Ancient Sect. The Sorceress is the ancient god worshiped by the Shenluo Empire. The sacrificial texts above are covered in dust and seems like the Shenluo cultivators wanted to summon the Sorceress into their world to save the empire back then, but unfortunately, they failed.”

“So this Sorceress and the Crow Immortal of your Raven Sect are both ancient evil immortals?” Zhao Huai asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Yin Nanyu glanced at him dismissively and said unhappily, “There’s no such thing as good or evil immortals. This is merely history written by the victors. What you think is just your own perception. You all believe in the Three Pure Ancestors, Sword Immortal Ancestors, and various heavenly gods and Buddhas. Which one of them is not revered by countless people and lives off their offerings?”

“Nowadays, the Immortal Cultivation World is in dire straits, and these celestial beings don’t come to save you. On the other hand, Lord Crow Immortal is about to descend and lead the disciples of the Western State towards a new world.”

Hearing this, the corner of Zhao Huai’s mouth twitched.

No matter what the situation, Yin Nanyu always tried to confuse people with his words, talking as if he had everything figured out.

As they went deeper into the labyrinth, sacrificial altars gradually appeared on both sides. Eight giant stone pillars supported the main hall, with complicated symbols engraved on them, and dried blood stained the center.

“Failed to summon the god...”

Zhao Huai saw the scene and thought about what Yin Nanyu had said.

Not all ancient sects could successfully summon gods, most of them failed.

At this time, Yu Qinghan pondered, “Competition for offerings in the Western State is intense. It’s not impossible that some ancient gods have perished already, so their ceremonies are useless.”

When she said this, Yin Nanyu looked surprised, not expecting Empress Xia to also have knowledge of these matters.

She then remembered that Yu Qinghan had also cultivated in the Spiritual Mountains in the past.


As everyone was observing the stone pillars, the ground started to tremble violently, as if something was running out from the depths of the labyrinth.

Zhao Huai’s Divine Insight expanded outward, but he couldn’t detect any signs of life or the evil aura of the undead.

What was moving?

“Is it an inanimate object?” Zhao Huai was puzzled.

Yu Qinghan looked towards the source of the noise, her beautiful eyes narrowing and her expression serious: “It’s a Mark Puppet.”

“A Mark Puppet?”

Zhao Huai leaped up, looking through the dark labyrinth.

He indeed saw four human-shaped stone statues wearing ancient armor made of secret silver material, running towards them with large strides.

Glowing with spiritual qi on their chests, their helmets were tightly closed.

The human-shaped stone statues were five meters tall, round and stubby in appearance, looking heavy and slow. However, the round shields and long spears in their hands could crush any large rocks they encountered along the way, showing off their immense power.

“Could it be the work of a puppet master?”

Zhao Huai couldn’t help but think so.

As far as he knew, the puppet master industry had already declined.

The cost of manufacturing a puppet is very high. It requires universal treasures as the puppet’s core, various parts including armor and weapons, materials, and maintenance costs—it’s an astronomical figure that ordinary people simply can’t afford.

Only a few great sects still have complete protective puppets passed down to them.

She floated up, came to the center of the sacrificial altar, and faced the ancient patterns of the sorceress on the dome while stretching out her jade-like hand.

“These offerings are best used now. It’s unexpected that going to the Cairo Capital would bring such a pleasant surprise.”

The cold magic power made the surrounding temperature drop several levels, and the ancient patterns of the sorceress were shattered by ice, replaced by a giant raven pattern.

“What are you trying to do?!”

Seeing this scene, Luo Ya’s pupils shrank, and she asked.

“She wants to summon Crow Immortal.”

Yu Qinghan crossed her arms, her waist straight, and said indifferently.

Zhao Huai raised his eyebrows and asked, “Madam, aren’t you going to stop her?”

Yu Qinghan shook her head, turned her head, and said, “If Crow Immortal really comes, the pressure on Western State will be greatly reduced. The pressure on the Primitive World is already great. Having a Crow Immortal to share the burden would be wonderful.”


Yin Nanyu stood in the air like a divine angel, and the Yin and Yang Twins on her chest glowed intensely.

The ancient patterns engraved on the ground seemed to come alive, layers flickering like illuminated steps.

“How is this possible!”

Even Luo Ya couldn’t help but exclaim.

The ritual she had prepared had become a wedding dress for others.

“Using the souls of a million lives of the Shenluo Empire as a guide, summon Crow Immortal!”

With the ultimate ritual accompanying Yin Nanyu’s chant, as the prayers ended, the world began to change.

Thousands of clouds dispersed, and the space trembled.


A dazzling divine pillar shot from the direction of the underground altar, pointing straight to the sky, and a towering figure with a raven’s head and a human’s body emerged in the sky.

“Was it successful?”

Zhao Huai uttered a soft sound of astonishment, revealing an incredulous expression.

The Yin and Yang Twins hung in the sky, the light pillar quickly dissipated, and disappeared into the Twins. The beads finally revealed a gap, and a shadow appeared amidst the remaining light, and from inside a very ethereal voice came:

“After a hundred years of planning, I finally stepped into this world first.”

The voice was young but carried an ancient charm, giving a sense of the vicissitudes of time.

Then, a young man walked out of the Yin and Yang Twins.

This young man was exceptionally enchanting and handsome, his facial features adorned with copper ink, leaving traces across his forehead and cheeks. His hands were clasped behind him, and there were black wings on his back. He exuded an air of dominating the world.

“Greetings to Lord Crow Immortal!”

Both the cultivators and soldiers guarding the ground from the Diluo Country and the slowly descending Yin Nanyu all knelt and shouted in unison.

Seeing this, Zhao Huai’s eyes narrowed.

“Has Crow Immortal really come?”

But how could it be? An ancient deity like Crow Immortal, once stepping into this world, would be repelled by the laws of the entire world, not allowing him to enter.

The enchanting young man had long white hair blowing in the wind, and his black wings spread out gracefully as he landed. He stood tall, his skin crystal-clear like jade, and his golden eyes shone brilliantly. There was no trace of cultivation on his body.

However, in his every move, there was an imposing air, as if a god who stood far above. He looked around at everyone present and finally fixed his gaze on Zhao Huai. He chuckled and said:

“I never expected that Yan Zu would have such descendants; it’s really amazing.”