Chapter 384: 89: Yunxu Small World

Chapter 384: 89: Yunxu Small World

Translator: 549690339

Black Wind Mountain.Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

Zhao Huai looked at the several crying and howling little demons lying in front of him, and couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

His visit to Black Wind Mountain this time was not just a simple greeting, but he had already planned to bring this force of Black Wind Mountain into the battlefield.

What he didn’t expect was that today’s Black Wind Mountain was no longer the small force of the past.

During his journey into the mountain, he encountered several patrol squads, among which there were transformed demonic creatures. Each one was tall and strong, with great strength. Some of them even possessed demonic qi that was not weaker than powerful demons who had been cultivating for decades.

The overall realm has improved by several levels!

This made him quite surprised.

When he arrived, he also found that within a thousand miles of the surrounding deep mountains, his Divine Insight revealed that there were no longer many powerful demonic creatures, only some non-threatening little demons.

“Our King invites you.”

The patrol demon who had previously been released by him finally ran back, with a very respectful attitude, completely different from before.

Zhao Huai followed the little demons and soon arrived at a vast training ground.

It was well-organized, with arenas, weapons, and armor on display, all built by the demons themselves.

Zhao Huai’s arrival attracted a lot of attention.

Many curious little demons looked at him, unaware of what kind of human identity was worthy of such a reception from the Boar King.

“Where did this human come from? How dare he run here alone? Doesn’t he fear death?”

“In any case, since he’s here, he won’t be able to leave. Our Black Wind Mountain is not to be underestimated!”

“Master Jiu Jie will definitely deal with him!”

The Demon Race and the Human Race were never on good terms, so the vast majority of demons were hostile.

However, the Boar King and Jiu Jie, who were standing on the high platform, showed excited expressions.

Especially Jiu Jie, with a face full of gratitude and reminiscence.

He clearly remembered that if it weren’t for Master Zhu Ganglie back then, he would not have been able to gain his current strength.

A Demon King’s demonic core was a precious gift that he could never forget.

So, when Jiu Jie saw Zhao Huai, he couldn’t help but step forward, bowing and saying:

“I’ve seen Master Zhu Ganglie!”

The Boar King also excitedly saluted, saying: “Welcome Master Zhu Ganglie back to Black Wind Mountain!”

Such a scene caused an uproar, like a stone being thrown into a lake, causing ripples.

The demons below could hardly believe their ears, and they started to discuss it excitedly.

“Master Zhu Ganglie? Is he really Master Zhu Ganglie?”

“How could it be possible? How could Master Zhu Ganglie be a human? Could it be that Master Zhu Ganglie has completely transformed? I can’t see any flaws!”

“Who is this Zhu Ganglie? Why have I never heard of him?”

“That’s because you don’t know...”

Because his abilities finally had a place to be used, and he wouldn’t be idle here.

Over the years, he has rapidly progressed in strength by absorbing the essence and blood of the bloody pool, a feat that can be described as swift.

Upon entering the realm of the Demon King, he reached the three major stages of flesh body transformation.

He officially entered the second stage of flesh body transformation.

Continuing to improve would be difficult, requiring the absorption of similar demonic creatures’ flesh bodies and the consumption of various universal treasures.

Over the years, he and Boar King had also been cultivating many potential monsters.

After diluting the blood essence from the bloody pool, they gave it to the little demons to use, which greatly enhanced their strength.

There were many more transformed demonic creatures, and they could even mass-produce demons, just like the human race’s army.

Not only did they greatly surpass Blackwind Granny in strength, but they also utilized the power of the bloody pool to its fullest extent.

The bloody pool seemed inexhaustible as if it could never be drained.

The evil heart continued to beat without stopping.

In front of everyone, Zhao Huai summoned the reincarnation treasured mirror, opened a large gate of light, and said, “This is my magical treasure, which contains a small hidden world with vast space. I can take you all with me, and after reaching our destination, I can release you. Of course, if you want to stay inside and cultivate, there’s no problem.”

Boar King and Jiu Jie had never heard of such magical treasures and their eyes widened when they learned about it.

They immediately gathered all the demons and prepared to enter the Yunxu Small World.


With a flash, their vision spun.

Boar King and Jiu Jie arrived at a place surrounded by picturesque mountains and vast land.

As they marveled at Zhao Huai’s skills, the sky darkened and a huge figure blocked the sun.

“Hahaha! Are these guys for me to stuff between my teeth?”

“Wonderful, how did you know I was hungry? I’ll give you credit for that this time!”

A deafening dragon chant rolled and rumbled, causing the demons below to feel a trembling from the depths of their souls.

“What a terrifying demonic qi!”

Zhao Huai looked up at Ao Jiu in the sky and frowned:

“Alright, these will be my arm and wing in the future, and your subordinates too, so watch your mouth.”

“With these?”

Ao Jiu looked disdainful as if he didn’t think much of them.

“Is this what a real powerful demon looks like!”

Jiu Jie looked at Ao Jiu’s imposing manner, and it took him a long time to recover, as he was stunned by his opponent’s strength.

This was a true demon!

This was the true look of a powerful demon!

In fact, this was an incentive for him.

There are also stronger people and demons outside one’s reach!