Chapter 28.1

Chapter 28.1

EP - 028.1 - Purifier (2)

◎ Minor Healing Potion x2

[ Item: Consumable ]UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

[ Price: 1,000pt ] x2

[ Can recover from minor injuries. ]

[ Remaining points: 0pt ]

[ !Warning! ]

[ 'Purifier' Boss Battle in progress. Due to the influence of demonic energy, recovery is weakened. ]

For a Minor Healing Potion, it was filthy expensive.

Although potions are rare in Sera, it's still hella expensive. Moreover, its effect is even weakened because of the boss battle.

And despite having spent all my points, the pain from my twisted joints was only slightly alleviated.

However, this was a desperate situation.


Gritting my teeth, I dodged the attack flying towards me.

Each 'Chapter Boss' in the world of Sera has a unique skill.

They basically have an extra sword that you can’t find in normal opponents.

And that’s why Marquis Riverback was called the Purifier rather than 'Grunt A'.


As the demonic energy emitted by Marquis Riverback was about hit Elnore, a shield appeared before her and bounced the attack off with a loud bang.

It was the same shield that had previously protected Elnore in the train accident.

〚Fool, you can't stop me!〛

However, despite being able to fend off a huge boulder with ease, the shield was completely shattered as Marquis Riverback’s attack swung back like a boomerang.

Yes, this was his skill.

He's able to 'dissolve' some of the power of an opponent’s attack or defense.

It was as if he's 'purifying' them.

“...Ah, damn it.”

This was really too much.

A shield of that caliber can't just be broken like glass. Alas, Marquis Riverback's power soared exponentially after the demonic transformation.

[ A moment of danger has been detected. ]

[ Determined the situation as life-threatening. ]

[ Skill: Desperation raised to EX Class. ]

[ !Warning! ]

[ Confirmed existence of opponent's unique skill ‘Purification’. ]

[ Skill: Desperation downgraded to C Class. ]

And to rub salt on wounds, this happened.

The disparity between EX Class and C Class is roughly the same as a person who can K.O. the future hero with one punch and a normal person who works out regularly.

It was a heaven and earth difference!

Gritting through the pain and screaming inwardly, I forcefully rolled to the side, which was no different than torture to a seriously injured body.

Moreover, his rational judgment has become increasingly blurred due to the influence of the demonic energy.

He's also throwing a fit and using crude words, rather than his usual dignified formal language.

This becomes even more evident once you consider his style of faking formality till death.

But what does this all mean?

It means that it is the perfect time to set up a trap.

“...We have to bring him to the academy.”

I whispered to Elnore, who was carrying me like a burden.

Due to the Full Moon Festival and the emergency that occurred in the city, the outskirts of Elfante were most likely deserted right now.

The Deans and the President are probably all focused in the city, so we can't really expect any support from them. However, this also means that we are free to do things without worrying about collateral damage.

This was my aim.

With that thought in mind, I continued to repeat the routine I've done so far.

Get hurt a little, buy time, lure him away.

It’s just a matter of giving him enough to relish and not lose his attention.

Despite severely lacking in many aspects, I was enduring it somehow.

I'm doing the same this time too.

I avoid the attacks he throws at me, and instruct Elnore to launch a counterattack, followed by dodging to minimize the damage caused by his retaliation as much as possible-

〚...By the way.〛

He suddenly said in the middle of the battle.

At this moment, I could feel chills running through my spine. There was something amiss.

For starters, he was speaking in a voice that maintained reason, unlike his rage-filled voice from earlier.

This guy.

Was he just pretending to be 'lured' by us all along?

〚 Do I look like a fool to you? Did you seriously think that I wouldn't notice you trying to lure me away? 〛

As he said that, Marquis Riverback’s chest suddenly trembled and the darkness inside him stirred.

It was as if the demonic energy he's been lashing out at us until now was just the leftovers of the bigger one he's been collecting.

And by the sight of it, a sense of crisis, stronger than anything else in my life, constricted my body.

Just like how I hid my ‘intentions’ from this guy, he also hid something and responded back!

〚 You're the kind of person that'll ruin everything if left alone. 〛

Then from the chest, Marqui Riverback's heart, a murky darkness started to spread out.

Despite it being the evening, it was clearly visible as if it was repelling every wave and particle of light in its path.

[Surely, you're done with that.]


The soaring ‘dark curtain’ descended upon me.

[ Soul Linker Activated. ]

[ Magic Power Received. ]

[ Skill ‘Penance’ has been used. ]

[ Skill ‘Guardian Shield’ has been used. ]

That was the last thing I remember.