Chapter 152: Intrusion

Chapter 152: Intrusion


Your Excellency the Chancellor, please allow me to be fraink.

Eleanor, who had only been listening to Sullivan this whole time, spoke in a flat tone.

She had just heard that she was the cause of the chaos that was happening worldwide, but her reaction was unexpectedly dull.

Firstly, I can understand your claim that the trigger of this situation had been triggered by me.

As soon as the word claim came out of her mouth, the edge of the Chancellors mouth twitched.

Eleanor said it in a flat tone, but the meaning of her words were clear; Everything that you said is just your own opinion.

As if to say that such moral condemnation wouldnt really affect her

Then, she uttered her next words in the same tone.

However, what does that have to do with my relationship with Dowd?

For the first time, Sullivans smile disappeared from her face.

Im sure that you arent ignorant of the severity of the situation, Lady Tristan.

The Chancellor continued in a stiff voice.

Those associated with Devils will be treated as enemies of the entire continent. This isnt limited to the Devil Worshippers, but every human whos involved.

I am aware of that.

Eleanor replied, tilting her head slightly.

So what about it?

Nothing has been decided yet, so you can dictate nothing to me regarding this matter. This is something that should be decided between Dowd and myself. Third parties have no right to say on the matter.

Now, she didnt even bother to address her with Your Excellency.

Despite her calm, serene speech, her face was more expressionless than usual, save for the glint in her red eyes. It made it as if she was trying to suppress something.

I wont be so sure about that, Lady Tristan.

Sullivan replied with a voice so cold that it could probably freeze the water just by her talking.

I am confident that your mere existence would bring harm to this man, so I do not think its unreasonable for me to have a say in this.

Even you yourself are aware of this, arent you?

Sullivans golden eyes sunk deeply.

Theres a high chance that this man will get swept up by something bad because of you. Something very, very dangerous.

Hearing her words, Eleanors body turned stiff.

This meant that she couldnt find any words to refute her.

She bit her lip hard enough for it to bleed, but only for a moment before she started speaking again.

If the assumption that you have uttered is true, whether Ill be there or not, that danger would come anyway, no?

Only the foolish whod suffer the consequences first because of their inability to differentiate between truth and lies, Lady Tristan. Well, you are free to think how you like, but

A cold sneer followed Sullivans words.

I have to say that you look quite pathetic.

Eleanors eyebrows twitched.

To think that youd go out of your way to deny the truth that you yourself had verified. Do you not realize how greedy your wish to monopolize this man is?

Sullivans golden eyes, sunken deep, gleamed insidiously.

In the first place, you are not even able to do anything for this man. Even after you watched him sacrificing himself over and over because of you, youre still unable to let go of that greed. Tell me, what could be more pathetic than that? Oh, is this your attempt to advertise the fact that you grew up without as much as love from your father?

The Chancellors intense glare, burning like cold flames, pierced into Eleanor.

In that case, I can understand. After all, your environment makes you who you are. You didnt have anyone to teach you what proper distance is, did you? I truly find you pitiful now.

Even just quietly listening to her sent a shiver down my spine.

Because the Chancellors words werent only enveloped by coldness, but also an intense hostility.

Even so, you should know when and where to act spoiled, shouldnt you? Even if it is someone as obtuse as you.

Though those words werent directed at me, I was breaking out in a cold sweat.


Meanwhile, Eleanor closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

She stood still.

No words were uttered.

Even after hearing all that, the atmosphere around her still seemed serene.

Well, who knows.

The next words that she uttered came out in a calm tone.

I know of one thing though, Your Excellency the Chancellor.

What is?

The fact that you have to be removed. No matter what.

As Eleanor spoke, a twisted smile appeared on her face.

And that sight

Made a chill run through my entire body, as if the blood that ran through my vein had been frozen.

After all, that was the expression Eleanor showed whenever she was about to swing her sword against an enemy.


Grey aura surged from her body.

System Message

[ Target Eleanor is enraged! ]

[ Corruption Value of target Eleanor exceeds 200%. ]

Her calm responses were not due to her not getting angry.

Rather, it was the calm before the storm.

The anger within her had reached a boiling point, at the verge of exploding!

Without time to plan or any of that bullshit, I stood up. All I knew was that I had to stop this somehow, no matter the cost!.

Especially considering what happened the last time Eleanor went berserk!

Indeed, youre an uncouth woman, just as expected.

Then, along with those words

Wait a fucking moment.

What the fuck does that even mean?

Hit? A Devils Fragment?


After a long silence, I barely managed to let out a voice.

But Iliya replied with an unchanging bright smile, as if the thing that she had done was nothing worth mentioning at all.

Well, at one point, I started seeing all sorts of things really clearly these days. I can see that They have someone inside them, also theres that Devils Fragment thingy

Come to think of it, there was a notification about her opening the Eye of Truth or whatever in a system window just before.

And now that I looked at her closely, she was wearing something similar to an eyepatch.

So, since I saw that person inside. I tried hitting her, you know?

Iliya continued with a grin.

And then it worked!

When I did it a few times against Riru, she was beside herself. It seems to be really painful for those who have those Fragment thingy if they get hit directly.

After I gathered my braincells to understand what the fuck she was saying, I finally understood everything.

What she was trying to say was that, even though the one that she hit was the Vessel, the damage was dealt directly to the Devils Fragment inside them.

That was why even those two, people who could withstand a direct hit from a bomb, collapsed with just a single hit to the back of their heads.

But how?

It was incomprehensible.

She was saying it so nonchalantly, but

Even if you comb through the entire worldview, this was an unprecedented power.

Keep in mind that the only beings who could suppress the strength of the Devils were either Devils themselves, a Seraphim or a Hero who wielded the Holy Sword.

That was the law. A rule written into the very code of the games system, okay?

But then

What the fuck was that just now?

If this were a game, people would dismiss it as a bug. That was how absurd it was. But this was reality, the concept of bugs didnt exist.

Seriously though, what the fuck was going on with this kid?

Fist Saint.

What the fuck did you even do that the kid became like this?!

So, what do you think?

Iliya asked while gazing at me.

I practiced this ability really hard for your sake, Teach.


And as soon as our eyes met

I backed away.

While I didnt know why I did so, my instincts were screaming, telling me to run.

Youve worked hard. Thats actually an unbelievable ability.


Iliya replied with a grin.

And then

From now on, Ill protect you.

Along with those words

She grasped my hand tightly.

As if she wouldnt ever let me go out of her sight.

From now on, even if bad women like these try to threaten you, Teach. Ill protect you. Thats what Ive been training so hard for.


However, as she turned to face me, any signs of such an atmosphere had disappeared without a trace.

Iliya smiled brightly once again.

You cant leave my side, okay?

Otherwise, who knows what kind of harassment would you suffer from those violent women.

With those words, she hooked her pinky finger around mine.

Mhm, pinky-promise. To always stick together.

Then, she continued with the same wide smile.

So I can always protect you, Teach. Understood?

Light radiated from her eyes as she said this, but

Like, it was nice and all that she wanted to protect me, but

For some reason, I felt a chill running down my spine.

How should I put it

[This is a premonitory symptom of obsession, isnt it?]

[Did you wake me up just to show me how you managed to corrupt my little sister?]

No. Its not that.

Stop being fucking ridiculous.

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