Chapter 155: Reunion

Chapter 155: Reunion



Staring at her best friend, Trisha let out a deep breath through her nose.

She couldnt say that she and Iliya had known each other for a long time, but there was one thing that she was certain of.

The fact that her best friend was extremely shy when it came to romance, almost frustratingly so.

Considering that, her current attitude was

Iliya, what did you just say?

Hm? Ah, I said that I should help Riru out.

Strange Way too strange

It was unbelievable that this was the same girl who was shaking in anxiety, thinking that she had no chance of getting her Teachs attention because there were too many attractive women around him.

Whenever Dowd was brought up, her emotions would surge terrifyingly, but now she was remarkably calm. It was like looking at the surface of a tranquil lake.

Riru? You mean, that violent woman?

Carefully, Trisha started speaking while stroking her chin.

The last time she heard about Riru, she was told that the woman was clearly interested in Dowd.


Out of a sudden, her best friend said that she would help that woman

What the hell happened to her?

Also, what kind of help is she even talking about?

Well, Riru is planning something

Iliya rubbed her eyes behind the eyepatch before letting out a grin.

It seems like shes about to make a very important confession to Teach.

Did she tell you that?

She didnt, but she doesnt need to. I can clearly see that shes nervous, and it seemed like she was hiding something inside.

You cansee?

The way she phrased her words made it sound like she didnt just randomly guess.

And her following words precisely confirmed Trishas suspicion.

Yeah, like you know, emotions and things that are somewhat visible to the eye

Like, I can see somethingstirring

Trishas mouth fell open.

Her eyes that could see emotions was an ability awakened through interaction with Divine Power.

To be more precise, most Priests would gain a special ability after they reached a certain realm. But even among them, her ability was one of the most powerful.

After all, it was pretty much the same thing as being able to read someone elses thoughts.


Iliya acquired that kind of ability? Out of the blue?

Y-You can see e-emotions now, Iliya?

No, I cant actually see all of them, just like If they have Bad things inside their body I can see their emotions if they have some intense ones

Bad things?

I cant say what it is, or else enemies would come from all over the place.

Seeing Trisha cocking her head, Iliya just waved her hand before continuing.

Anyway, how could I possibly see everyones emotions? Besides, having that kind of ability would make it hard to even hang out with people close to me~

I mean, normally, youd hate being around someone who could look into your head, right? Like, take this conversation for example. I wouldnt be able to talk about it with anyone other than you, Trisha.

You got a point

Trisha barely managed to force out a smile, agreeing with her words.

Because in the back of her mind, she was suppressing all the horrible memories that were trying to resurface because of Iliyas words.

This ability was the reason why she was oftenly ostracized and bullied in the past.

At times, she was even treated like a monster.

Not to mention that

Because of it, there were people she could never meet again.

She barely managed to control her expression.

With great difficulty, she changed the subject.

But, is it really okay for you to help her just like that? This matter is related to Mr. Dowd, right?

While those words were the result of her desperate struggle to shift the topic of the conversation, they were also something that she genuinely wanted to ask.

If Iliya were to help Riru, and the latter ended up getting together with Dowd, what would happen afterwards?

That was the question that Trisha actually wanted to ask.

Well, it doesnt matter.

The answer that came out of Iliyas mouth however, was all too carefree.


After watching him for a bit, I concluded that its his fate to attract various women in his life no matter what hes trying to do. Even if the world itself tries to stop it from happening, it wont stop. So, I figured that instead of trying to stop the inevitable, I should just try to make the best out of the situation.

Trisha stared at her with a dumbfounded look, meanwhile, Iliya only let out a bright smile.

Besides, Im an irreplaceable existence to him.

She sounded so certain when she said those words, and she wasnt wrong in the slightest.

Indeed, she was the only person around Dowd who could effectively suppress those insane women who were essentially throwing their bodies at him.

This was something that even Lady Tristan couldnt do. Even if she won the race, the Lady would probably completely crush her rivals or at least leave them in pieces. Knowing Dowd, there was no way that hed welcome that kind of outcome.

That was why

Also, since thats the case, it would be even better for me if more women flocked around him.

To her, the more the women clashed among themselves, the better.

Huh? Why?

Because that would make Teach rely on me even more~

Indeed, the more often such conflicts emerged

The more valuable Iliya became as she was the only person who could control the traffic of those people.

To put it simply, Dowd wouldnt be able to live without her anymore!

So, youre intentionally letting more women gather around Mr. Dowd while youll be watching them fighting among themselves from the sidelines?

Nah, of course not. That would be a bit too much, wouldnt it? Theres no need for me to needlessly aggravate the situation, or else itll just put Teach in danger.

Iliya let out a chuckle before continuing.

Im just helping Riru out because shes my friend. Wouldnt it be sad if she couldnt even convey her feelings properly?

Um, Iliya?

Chill ran down Trishas spine, but she still tried her hardest to maintain her smile.

Her friend was saying that she was just helping out a friend of hers

And she found those words a little bit strange

You said that youre helping her because shes a friend

Yeah. Whats up with that?

Surely it wasnt a strange question to ask.

Because until just now, Iliyas attitude was like she was saying, Ill be the number one anyway, it doesnt matter how many women will approach him.

That personumRiruis she really your friend?

That question was difficult for Trisha to bring up.

Of course she is.

Whatever, as long as were not caught by others, it should be fine!

At the very least her Corruption Value wasnt increasing; The biggest risk factor was taken care of.

In the first place, this place was a deserted plain, and it was really late in the night.

When I was about to respond to Caliban and turned around the corner

I bumped into Iliya, who had a smile plastered all over her face.

Maybe I was wrong.

This was probably the biggest risk factor, not the Corruption Value.

When I thought as such while facing Iliya

She approached me with a grin.

I had to say something. Anything.

When I was about to make an excuse, my body broke out in cold sweat

Im not like the Student Council President, Teach.

Iliya spoke up first.


Whatever peculiar and intense tastes Teach has, I can understand and accept all of it.


Anyway, can I walk Miss Yuria instead of you? I believe you have an urgent matter that you have to attend right now!

I was obviously stunned by her words, and it was also the case with Yuria, as she seemed to be momentarily at a loss for words.

What the fuck is she on about?

At that moment

W-Wait, Miss Iliya! T-This is!

Dont worry! This is what friends are for! We help each other out with these kinds of things from time to time!

H-Huh? I-Is that really the case?!

Of course it was not! What the fuck?!

Sure, I understood that you didnt have any friends and all, but how could you just blindly believe her words like that?!

I created this opportunity, so

While she was dragging Yuria away, Iliya mouthed something.

Without a doubt

She was saying it to someone behind me.

Good luck, Riru!



I turned my stiff body around, like a robot that hadnt been oiled for a long time. And I saw the exact person Iliya mentioned, standing there without a word.

Riru Garda.

The Chieftains granddaughter.

There was a large box in her arm.

Just seeing the sheer size of it made me almost feel a sense of dread.

The silence stretched on.

Normally, shed tell me off, asking why was I staring at her for so long. But now, it was as if she had forgotten how to breathe. Her breathing was rough, as if she had went through some kind of hard labor.

Not only that, her face was flushed. A vivid red hue decorated her tanned skin.

Its been a while, Riru. How have you been?

In the end, it was me who broke the silence with a greeting.

You shoulda contacted me when you first arrived in Elfante. I coulda gone to find you so we could have a meal together.

That topic should be uncontroversial enough to lighten the mood, right?

You know

Unlike before, this woman now held a significant position in the Tribal Alliance alongside Kasa. If she were to start a trouble with me, my options to go against her were pretty limited, especially with how the Hero Selection was right around the corner.

Judging from your complexion, you seem to be in a better mode. Thats a relief

Dowd Campbell.

She cut my words, her tone sounded serious.

Guess my efforts were futile.

This woman definitely brought something that could cause me trouble. I could feel it in my skin.

Do you remember the last thing I said before we parted ways?

Uh, yeah.

I told her to bring me a gift whenever she returned to Elfante.

The box she was holding probably related to that, huh?

Now, the question was, what kind of gift was it exactly? Why did she look soserious?

Riru chewed on her lips again.

Despite her tomboy-like appearance, this woman seemed to be unable to bring herself to say something out loud, thus increasing my anxiety.

Fucking hell.

Seriously, what did she want?!


After a long silence

She finally seemed to have made some kind of resolve.

Take this.

With those words, she pushed the box towards me.

The box was decorated with exquisite engravings and jewels.

It was clearly something meant for a grand occasion. Definitely not something that was only worth one or two coins.

Is that a gift for me?

While hoping that it was nothing significant, I tried to keep the mood light as I showed her a casual smile.


What is this exactly? It looks expensive.

A dowry box.

Hearing her words

A part of my brain stopped working.

Excuse me?

With difficulty

With truly great difficulty, I managed to force out a response. But when I did so

Dowd Campbell.


With her entire face and body flushed red

And her gaze ablaze with a fiercely burning determination

Marry me.

Spoke such words

Firmly and decisively.

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