Chapter 189: Social Gathering (1)

Chapter 189: Social Gathering (1)




Somehow, I managed to explain everything, but the awkward atmosphere didn’t seem to subside at all.

All of the people sitting around the table kept their mouths shut.

Meanwhile, the Empress, who had elaborated on her plan of using me as her ‘consort’, was smoking with a pipe in her mouth.

...A pipe?

I knew that Saintess Lucia also smoked sometimes, but unlike this person, she didn’t let out such a thick smoke.

Quite bold of her considering that she was someone bearing a rare curse in Sera.

“...Your Imperial Majesty, are you okay?”


It seemed like I wasn’t the only one thinking that. Eleanor asked so with a hint of worry in her voice.

The Empress’ stared at her, as if wondering what she was trying to say, though.

“...Ah, are you talking about this?”

She took the pipe out of her mouth for a moment and smiled.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“...Pardon me?”

“If anything, I’ll die if I don’t smoke.”


She said before putting the pipe back in her mouth. Eleanor just clutched her head at the sight. She didn’t seem to understand what the Empress was trying to say.

Well, gotta say that it was a rare sight. Usually, it was me who’d suffer from a headache because of her, after all.

As expected from the Empire's Supreme.

[...How could you hyping up her dignity in that regard?]

Caliban grumbled, but I wasn’t joking. This scene literally showcased her dignity, that wasn’t an exaggeration.

Like, Eleanor had a ‘nobody’s more precious than me in this whole universe’ kind of mentality, to the point that she even tried to go up against Chancellor Sullivan. But even that Eleanor would give in to the Empress.

Maybe the fact that she had grown up with Cecilia the 11th ever since she was still the ‘Imperial Princess’ played a big part in this.


But, as close as they were to each other...

As I’ve said many times before, Cecilia the 11th’s death had a huge impact on Eleanor.

Enough to cause a cataclysm in the whole scenario.

“...Speaking of, you said that you’re going hunting?”

As I let my thoughts wander, Eleanor asked that question after struggling for a bit.

Unlike Iliya, those two were acquaintances.

That was why, even though she looked doubtful, unsure if the Empress was trying to do the right thing, she at least tried to ask a question. Meanwhile, Iliya couldn’t even try to say anything.

“I am. Is there anything you are curious about?”

“...Are you sure it is safe?”

There were two other questions behind this question of hers.

First, was it okay to do this, considering the current situation of the Empire?

Second, she was trying to ask about ‘my safety’.

I was going to be used as bait, after all. Guess she was worried about it.


As she tried to come up with something to say, the Empress exhaled a thick smoke from her mouth.

Her dreary, brown irises, were soon fixed right on Eleanor.

“Let me be honest here. I’m not sure.”


Hearing that, Eleanor quietly closed her eyes.

“...I am aware that you are not someone who would risk someone else’s life meaninglessly, Your Imperial Majesty.”

She continued in a subdued voice.

“However, that man—”

“First of all, thank you for your appreciation, Eleanor. It really makes me feel that I did not live a useless life.”

The Empress said as she exhaled another dense smoke.

“But that man has already been involved in the matter, even if I do not take him with me.”

“...Pardon me?”

“The moment Chancellor Sullivan showed her interest in him, my interest was also drawn to him. There’s a high possibility that the Upper Nobles Association is also keeping an eye on him.”

She continued her words in a calm tone.

“I don’t know what they are plotting, but I know that it won’t be good for this man. Pulverizing them for good would benefit both of us.”


The Empress said to Eleanor, whose eyes were open wide.

“Moreover, the bastard who leads them... Seems to be very interested in this man personally.”

Is that how it is?

Thinking back, I was always connected to anything ‘Devil-related’ so far, not to mention that recently, I received a great deal of attention at the Hero Selection Ordeal.

Which meant that even if I didn’t become the consort or whatever, I was already standing out. I was pretty much vulnerable to dangers.

“That’s why I think it’ll be in your best interest for him to accept this offer, if possible...”

The Empress glanced at her.

“...But, the fact that you still have that sour look on your face, it means that there’s another reason.”


“It would be better to put away your jealousy.”

Cecilia the 11th said to Eleanor, who stayed silent.

This time, she also looked at Iliya, who had been silently listening to the conversation.

“I have no intention of taking him away from you two. Even a blind person knows how precious this man is to you two.”

After getting into this world, there was one thing that I’ve learned. Every bad thing that was set to happen, would happen, no matter what.

...Since the Civil War is set to happen, then it will happen.

The problem here was...

‘Who’ would start it.

The perpetrators in the original game, the Empress and Sullivan, seemed unlikely to start it. Both of them were Devil’s Vessels, and they were focusing on me.

Which meant...

Since those two were out of picture...

There was one remaining candidate, that bastard...

“Sorry, I talked too much! The reason why I called out to you is because of this!”

He said, still with his chaotic vibe, as a letter, sealed with wax, appeared before my eyes.

“...This is?”

“An invitation! The Upper Nobles Association will be holding a social gathering in the Imperial Palace!”

The punk said while clasping the letter into my hand.

His eyes were sparkling. Receiving such a passionate gaze felt burdensome.

“I'm your number one fan, Dowd Campbell! I really hope that you’ll come! Alright, I’ll be going!”


He was such a chaotic guy.

Judging by how he only said what he wanted to say and stormed out, this felt especially true.


All of his followers were taken aback for a moment before following him. I looked at the letter in my hand.

Considering Marquis Bogut’s position, I couldn’t treat this invitation lightly.

Because nobody knew what kind of butterfly effect would occur after I dealt with this thing.

“...A social gathering, huh?”

I’ve never been to one before.

There was no reason for someone who was once a member of a Baron household and currently a member of a Viscount household to go to such an event exclusive to high-ranking nobles.


...Making a shocking appearance.

As I recalled what I had been told before coming here, I let out a sigh.

-Bogut will probably give you an invitation to the social gathering that will be held in the Imperial Palace. Since it was obvious that he was interested in you.

I still remembered how the Empress puffed up smoke as she said so.

-Then, what if you make a shocking appearance? As shocking as you possibly can.


-I think you might need to.

-...Why is that exactly?

-The Upper Nobles Association is a group of punks, they’re all uncompromising prestigious families. The social gathering isn’t a mere social event for them. Their impression of you will change as long as you stand out. It will also increase the scope of information you can ‘gather’.

I remembered how the Empress answered me while grinning.

It made a lot of sense...yeah...

But how do I do that?

For someone from a Viscount household to attract attention at an event where high-ranking nobles gathered, it obviously wasn’t easy to do that.

[Actually, I have a good idea.]

Suddenly, Caliban said that to me.

[What if you go there together with the three of them, including Her Imperial Majesty?]


[Being an absolute trash is the thing you’re best at. Surely that’ll attract enough attention, right?]

He said while snickering. This guy was completely making fun of me, wasn’t he?

Are you really trying to make me bring the current Hero Candidate, Lady Tristan and the Ruler of the Empire herself with me?

Let alone attracting attention, they would think of me as a crazy bastard.

“...Shut it with you non—”

As I was about to retort to him...

I shut my mouth.




[...Why are you being all quiet?]

I ignored him and quietly thought about it.

For a while there, I was lost in thoughts, wearing a serious expression on my face.







[You’re not thinking what I’m thinking, right?]


About that idea...


[You crazy motherfucker, don’t.]


[I said don’t.]

But, I haven’t even said /genesisforsaken