Chapter 204: Crimson Night (4)

Chapter 204: Crimson Night (4)

“...What an unpleasant night.”

Talion Armand muttered as such while narrowing his eyes.

This was supposed to be the time to celebrate the birth of a new Hero and he should’ve toasted to his heart's content with Iliya, considering that he had come here to cheer for her.

But, since last night, they had been idling away without announcing the winner of the Ordeals. Of course, Talion didn’t know what happened exactly.

And now...

Somehow, everyone had turned mad and started attacking each other.

Retrieving his spear, he took a deep breath.

Around him were rows of people he had knocked down prior to this.

All of them were ordinary people who weren't trained in Magic, Divine Power—anything at all.

They seemed to have lost control of themselves and began to display extreme violence, as if they had been brainwashed.

As for the reason, he guessed that it was because of that.

He turned his gaze to see a column of fire soaring magnificently towards the sky. Its heat wave had even reached the place where he was at, even though it was quite the distance away.T/his chapter is updat/ed by nov(ê(l)biin.c/o/m

A sight that all of the Imperial Citizens couldn’t help but recognize.

The Crimson Night Incident.

The worst disaster that turned several cities into ashes in a single night.

The exact same incident as back then was happening right now.

...So many people just straight up lost their mind just by looking at it. Crazy.

“...You’ve got some amazing skills, huh?”

Suddenly, someone called out from behind him. He turned his head while resting the spear on his shoulder.

Warrior Luca, Mage Falco, Archer Grid, and Priest Trisha.

They were familiar faces. Iliya’s friends, the ones who were called the ‘Hero Party’ back in the town.

“Did you overpower this many people by yourself?”

“...You admitted it so coolly.”

Falco raised his glasses before looking around dumbfoundedly.

There were at least dozens of people scattered around here.

Even though they were ordinary people who hadn’t trained in any kind of special abilities, they were still in a state of madness due to the thick Demonic Aura in the air.

Their physical abilities should’ve been amplified several times than normal, but he was still able to overpower so many of them?

“...Well, I’ve gone through more absurd things than this. Too many of them at this point.”

Talion replied with a bitter smile.

In hindsight, he really had gone through all sorts of things while hanging around that man. From Demonic Humans to Ancient Gods.

That was why, even though the Crimson Night Incident happened for the second time, it felt natural for him to think of how to deal with it rather than panicking.

“Anyway, we’ve found a way to deal with this thanks to you. We’d like to express our gratitude.”

“You found a way? What did you mean?”

Hearing what Warrior Luca said, Talion tilted his head.

“The way to resist the Demonic Aura. You know, the thing that you’re wrapping around you right now.”


Yes, Dowd did tell him that ‘there would be a day to use it someday’.

Still, for them to copy it and utilize it the moment they see it?

“...You guys aren’t ordinary monsters either, huh?”

Now he knew why Dowd and Iliya had their eyes on these guys.

Though they didn’t possess amazing power or anything, their potential was absurd enough for even Dowd to watch them carefully.

But, still...

“Uh, I don’t know about being called that...”

Falco’s gaze turned to the thing that was far away from them.

To be exact, towards the place where the ‘Dimension Gates’ were opened thanks to the Demonic Aura.

Even from this distance, it was clear that it was the place with the thickest Demonic Aura and they could see those ominous life forms—they didn’t know what those guys’ identities were—kept pouring out of the Gates.

“...That term suited them more than us, don’t you think?”


They could see a few people leisurely blocking such beings, which numbers were comparable to an army.

Actually, calling it blocking wasn’t entirely accurate. Talion wasn’t sure if it was even the right way to put it.

In fact, he almost pitied those beings when he saw them get crushed into powders as soon as they came out of those Gates.

“What the hell are those guys? Are they really students like us?”

“...Yes and no, I guess.”


“Like, they’re definitely students, but whether they could be considered humans or not, I don’t know...”



That was a little harsh of an evaluation, but seeing the unfolding scene, anyone should be able to understand.

...There are only people like that around Senior Brother.

Also, once again he realized that he wouldn’t last a single month if he was in Dowd’s position.

All those people clung to him alone. When considering that, how many people could bear such a burden?

“Still, things had calmed down to some extent thanks to them at least, no?”

It was Grid, who always wore sleepy eyes, who said those words.

“...Grid. Please stop saying such ominous words, I beg you.”

Seeing how she was blushing up to her ears and her eyes were filled with tears due to the shame as they wandered around, it was clear that she couldn’t deny those words.

“Also, just be honest. You didn’t say all those things because you’re feeling overwhelmed, rather, it’s because you want to be in the lead.”


“Were you thinking that you are carrying some sort of secret weapon? Incredible.”


“Also, in the first place...”

Eleanor continued with a sigh.

“This is not really a battlefield for us.”


“That Ghost had told me something before. Using this...’Authority’ too many times around here would be dangerous, and that man wouldn’t be happy if we were to do so.”

Hearing that, Seras, who was listening quietly, sighed while sweeping her hair.

“...Even if our lives would be in danger if we don’t use it?”

“Of course.”


Seras bit her tongue, looking sick of it upon hearing the answer that Eleanor gave her without any hesitation.

Her blind ‘possession’ of this man was so great it was terrifying.

To the point that she sometimes thought it didn’t make any sense.

...Well, not that I can say anything since I also went out of my way to come here.

The feeling she harbored towards that man wasn't exactly a positive one.

But, at the very least, she’d feel uncomfortable if another woman were to take the ‘First Night Ticket’ or something else away from him—

“Speaking of, you’re also wearing quite the impressive underwear.”


“Frills, laces, and hmm... It’s too embarrassing to put the details of the design into words.”


“In any case, you are not in the position to berate the Tribal Chieftain’s daughter. What kind of cunning thought did you possess to wear such underwear out here on the battlefield?”

With that, Seras also went silent.

Her face instantly turned red.


I got caught.

She thought so while stammering her words out.

“A-Aren’t you the same as us?! T-There’s no way you came here purely to help Dowd...!”

“Yes, that’s right.”


“I did my makeup perfectly and wore lingerie. I move as simply as possible when I deal with the enemies so it does not ruin all my effort into dressing up.”


“If I may speak honestly, I came here with the intention to suck out his everything from the start.”


What a crazy bitch.

No, wouldn’t calling her crazy pervert suit her better instead?

Seras and Riru looked at Eleanor dumbfoundedly at the same time.

Meanwhile, however...

Please finish it as quickly as possible, Dowd.

Eleanor muttered as she adjusted her grip on the sword.

We won’t be able to hold on for that long.

Though they seem to be able to talk leisurely now...

The number of Dimension Gates opening around them was unusual. It definitely felt like more powerful creatures would be summoned in a large number in the near future.

If Dowd and Iliya were dragging it out for too long...


‘This thing’ inside her body.

She would have to think of using it.

Even if she would have to pay the price for it.

As she thought so.



Not too far from where they were, a ‘bright light’ soared up.

It was not too far from the column of fire that had turned the sky red.



Amidst the exclamations of surprise and wonder, Eleanor narrowed her eyes and whispered to herself.

“The Holy Sword?”


Had been chosen as the Holy Sword’s master.

It was definitely the phenomenon that proved /genesisforsaken